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November 12-15
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Wednesday, November 13

11:15am MST

Unlocking Cost Savings & New Possibilities: Your Guide to Prometheus Remote Write 2.0 - Callum Styan, Grafana Labs & Bartłomiej Płotka, Google
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Prometheus Remote Write is the protocol used to send Prometheus metrics from Prometheus or any other metric source to compatible remote storage endpoints such as Thanos and Cortex. Remote Write is generally used for metric long term storage, centralization, and cloud services. It also enables users to run Prometheus in an agent mode, reducing local storage requirements. Welcome to Remote Write 2.0! In this talk, Bartek and Callum, Prometheus maintainers and RW2.0 spec. co-authors, will introduce you to the next iteration of the popular protocol which adds more functionality while cutting your egress costs up to 60%, and keeps the previous versions easy-to-implement stateless design! The audience will learn what's changed in the second version of Remote Write, what it unlocks, and how easy it is to update or adopt. Finally, the speakers will share the latest benchmarks and differences with the common alternatives.
avatar for Bartłomiej Płotka

Bartłomiej Płotka

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Bartek Płotka is a Senior Software Engineer at Google. SWE by heart, with an SRE background, currently working on Cloud Observability. Previously Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. Author of "Efficient Go" book with O'Reilly. As the co-founder of the CNCF Thanos project and... Read More →
avatar for Callum Styan

Callum Styan

Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Labs
Callum is a software engineer from Vancouver, Prometheus Team Member/Maintainer, and currently works on Loki at Grafana Labs.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ

12:10pm MST

Towards Zero Change Incidents: Intuit's Strategy for Implementing AI-Driven Progressive Delivery - Avik Basu & Saravanan Balasubramanian, Intuit
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
At Intuit, rapid development is essential for swift feature updates and fixes. Yet, 33% of last year's incidents were due to new deployments, highlighting the need for a progressive delivery system with automated rollback capabilities. However, traditional static thresholds fall short for Intuit's ~2500 services, each with unique patterns across multiple key performance metrics. To tackle this, Intuit has implemented an ML-based progressive delivery system that utilizes Prometheus to monitor multivariate metrics, offering a comprehensive view of application health and performance during deployments. The talk will present a case study application, identify its critical metrics, and showcase how Intuit leverages Numaproj and its out-of-the-box ML models to generate anomaly scores during deployments using Argo Rollouts. This strategy enables Intuit to quickly identify and address issues using AIOps techniques, ensuring a smooth and dependable customer experience.
avatar for Saravanan Balasubramanian

Saravanan Balasubramanian

Staff Software Engineer, Intuit
Bala is the lead engineer and maintainer in Argo workflow project , Intuit- leading Argo workflow project for open source community and Intuit.
avatar for Avik Basu

Avik Basu

Staff Machine Learning Engineer, Intuit
Avik is a data scientist and machine learning engineer with expertise across multiple ML domains such as computer vision, natural language understanding, reinforcement learning, and time series. Currently, he leads the machine learning initiatives for open-source AIOps at Intuit... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ

2:30pm MST

Unifying Observability: Correlating Metrics, Traces, and Logs with Exemplars and OpenTelemetry - Anusha Reddy Narapureddy & Charlie Le, Apple
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
In modern distributed systems, observability is key to understanding application performance and behavior. While metrics, traces, and logs each provide valuable insights, their true power is realized when they are correlated. This talk will dive into the practical benefits and implementation of correlating these signals with exemplars using the OpenTelemetry SDK and Collector, and showcase the results in Grafana. Attendees will learn how to leverage OpenTelemetry to create exemplars which will allow them to navigate from either logs or metrics to their traces.
avatar for Anusha Reddy Narapureddy

Anusha Reddy Narapureddy

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
Anusha is an enthusiastic software engineer who is passionate about observability, distributed systems, and cloud-native technologies. She has extensive experience in designing and building highly available, scalable, and fault-tolerant systems in the cloud.
avatar for Charlie Le

Charlie Le

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
Charlie is a software engineer at Apple, specializing in building and scaling cloud native observability solutions and infrastructure. Deeply inspired by the collaborative spirit of open source, he actively contributes to projects like Cortex and OpenTelemetry, shaping the future... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ

3:25pm MST

Using OpenTelemetry for Deep Observability Within Messaging Queues - Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, SigNoz & Ekansh Gupta, Zeta
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
The recent changes in OpenTelemetry have made new semantic conventions and changes in agents to better monitor messaging queues such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, and Amazon SQS, etc. In this session, we'll discuss how those semantic conventions are standardizing the telemetry collected from producers, consumers, and the messaging queues, and how in-depth observability can be achieved by correlating producer-to-consumer spans with the metrics collected from Kafka. Additionally, We will demonstrate how the Kafka Java client side instrumentation enabled and JMX metrics collected from Kafka how OpenTelemetry instrumentation can help for metrics to trace and trace to metrics correlation and spot reasons for anomalies like increased consumer lag, partition failures, time taken by messaging queues. This will also help in giving the corresponding traces in time that can help end users to better delve into their infrastructures and optimize their asynchronous applications.
avatar for Ekansh Gupta

Ekansh Gupta

SDE, Zeta
Ekansh is a Software Development Engineer with Zeta Suite, with active involvement in various open-source and cloud native communities for upwards two years now. He was previously an SDE Intern at SteamLabs. He is also a speaker for a couple of talks at PyCon, KubeCon and MozFests... Read More →
avatar for Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Founding Engineer, SigNoz
Shivanshu is a Founding Engineer at SigNoz, working on building an OTeL native observability product. He has a keen interest in deep tech and OSS. He is a CNCF ambassador and a member of CNCF projects like OTeL, k8s, and Istio. He has got the opportunity to mentor contributors in... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ

4:30pm MST

Watching the Watchers: How We Do Continuous Reliability at Grafana Labs - Nicole van der Hoeven, Grafana Labs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Nothing is foolproof. Everything fails eventually. Observability tools help predict and lessen the impact of those failures, as the watchers of your software systems. But who watches the watchers? At Grafana Labs, we're not immune to production incidents. Just like any company, we still sometimes move too quickly. We run complex, microservices-based systems ourselves, so we have to eat our own dogfood on a daily basis. In this talk, I reveal: - how we solved a years-long mystery that cost us $100,000+ - how we got our internal Mimir clusters to reliably hold 1.3 billion time series for metrics - what we've had to do to scale our Loki clusters to handle 324 TB of logs a day - what our Grafana dashboards to monitor Grafana Cloud look like Sometimes, it's easier to learn from failures in observability than from successes. This talk is a confession of some of our worst sins as well as a realistic look under the hood at how we're improving the continuous reliability of our stack.
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Nicole van der Hoeven

Senior Developer Advocate, Grafana Labs
Nicole is a Senior Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs and a performance engineer with over a decade of experience in breaking software and learning to build it back up again. She has lived in the Philippines, the US, Australia, the Netherlands, and Portugal, helping teams all over... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ
  • Content Experience Level Any

5:25pm MST

The OTTL Cookbook: A Collection of Solutions to Common Problems - Tyler Helmuth, Honeycomb & Evan Bradley, Dynatrace
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Is your telemetry missing key attributes? Maybe there are details in your log bodies you’d rather have as attributes. It is common to find yourself in situations where your data doesn't look how you expect: it's too large, the wrong shape, or doesn't have everything you want. The OpenTelemetry Collector uses the OpenTelemetry Transformation Language (OTTL) to solve these problems. OTTL enables telemetry transformations based on any field of the payload, utilizing functions to execute the changes. In this session, Tyler and Evan will go over a brief intro to OTTL and then cover example after example of situations where you can use OTTL to solve processing problems in the Collector, like setting attributes, or defining an entire OTLP log record from a kubernetes event. Get ready with situations of your own, as we’ll save time at the end to try writing OTTL statements live on stage for your transformation or filtering issues so we can demonstrate how flexible OTTL truly is.
avatar for Tyler Helmuth

Tyler Helmuth

Sr. Software Engineer, Honeycomb
Tyler is a Sr. Software Engineer at Honeycomb with a passion for observability and helping users start their observability journey. He is a maintainer for the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTel Helm Charts, and an active contributor to other OTel repositories. While not its originator... Read More →
avatar for Evan Bradley

Evan Bradley

Senior Software Engineer, Dynatrace
Evan helps maintain the OpenTelemetry Collector, where he is also a primary contributor to the OpenTelemetry Transformation Language (OTTL) and the OpenTelemetry Agent Management Protocol (OpAMP) Collector components. Evan has a background in developing DevOps tooling and observability... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 1 | Grand Ballroom HJ
  • Content Experience Level Any

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