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November 12-15
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Friday, November 15

11:00am MST

Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy CI with Zero Test Flakes - Antonio Ojea, Michelle Shepardson & Benjamin Elder, Google
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In the fast-paced world of software development, a reliable and efficient Continuous Integration pipeline is essential. However, flaky tests can cause delays, frustration, and decreased confidence in the codebase. This session will go deep into the strategies, best practices, and tools that the Kubernetes projects use to eliminate flaky tests and achieve a robust CI pipeline that delivers high-quality software consistently.
avatar for Benjamin Elder

Benjamin Elder

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Benjamin Elder is a Senior Software Engineer at Google working on Kubernetes. Ben is a long time contributor to the project since writing kube-proxy's iptables mode for GSoC 2015 and is an elected member of the Kubernetes Steering Committee.
avatar for Michelle Shepardson

Michelle Shepardson

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Michelle is a Senior Software Engineer at Google, with over 10 years of experience in developing tooling and helping engineer productivity. As a member and chair of SIG Testing, they primarily focus on developing TestGrid, a tool for visualizing test results in a grid to track patterns... Read More →
avatar for Antonio Ojea

Antonio Ojea

Software Engineer, Google
Antonio Ojea is a Software Engineer at Google, where he works on Kubernetes. He is one of the top contributors of the Kubernetes project, with a stronger presence on the areas of networking and reliability. He has a vast experience in Open Source, networking and distributed systems... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

11:00am MST

Bloomberg's Journey to Manage Multi-Cluster Training Application with Karmada - Leon Zhou & Yao Weng, Bloomberg
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Bloomberg provides an on-premises Data Science Platform using cloud-native software to support internal AI model training. It runs on Kubernetes spanning multiple data centers and featuring a diverse range of GPU types. However, managing such a large-scale and heterogeneous GPU environment poses many challenges, such as improving resource utilization, reducing operational costs, and scheduling workloads across different GPU types. In collaboration with the Karmada community, Bloomberg's Data Science Platform team has aimed to tackle these challenges by addressing multi-cluster batch job management problems. This talk will delve into the approaches the team has adopted, including: - Intelligently scheduling GPU workloads across multiple clusters - Using Karmada's resource interpreter to support Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) on top of a multi-cluster architecture - Building a highly available Karmada control plane - Establishing a consistent training job submission interface
avatar for Yao Weng

Yao Weng

Senior Software Engineer, Bloomberg
Yao Weng is a Senior Software Engineer on Bloomberg’s Data Science Platform engineering team. She has contributed extensively to optimizing the company’s Kubernetes environment for high performance compute, model inference, and workflow orchestration. Yao Weng obtained her Ph.D... Read More →
avatar for Leon Zhou

Leon Zhou

Software Engineer, Bloomberg
Leon Zhou is a software engineer on the Data Science Platform engineering team at Bloomberg. With prior NLP experience, he is now building ML platforms to facilitate machine learning development. He is interested in ML infrastructure to enable large-scale training and complex pipelines... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:00am MST

CRI-O Features for Fun and Profit - Peter Hunt & Sohan Kunkerkar, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Are you a cluster admin looking to be on the cutting edge of Kubernetes features? How about an end-user looking to take full advantage of the capabilities of your cluster? This is the talk for you! Join Sohan Kunkerkar and Peter Hunt as they explore recent features in CRI-O and Kubernetes. They'll cover topics such as native sigstore signature support, running Podman in a Kubernetes pod, using OCI artifacts as a volume, and more. In each, they will highlight potential use cases, pitfalls and common patterns, as well as show how to use each in your cluster. If you're interested in the newest at the intersection of Kubernetes and container runtimes, step right up and learn away!
avatar for Peter Hunt

Peter Hunt

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Peter Hunt is a Senior Software Engineer working at Red Hat. Passionate about free software, Peter focuses on maintaining CRI-O, attending SIG node, and ~writing~ squashing bugs. Outside of the virtual world, Peter likes collecting floral-printed pants, gardening, and dancing.
avatar for Sohan Kunkerkar

Sohan Kunkerkar

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat Inc
Sohan Kunkerkar is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, bringing expertise in distributed systems, backend engineering, and containers. His active contributions extend to CRI-O, a container runtime engine, and various sub-projects within the Kubernetes Sig-Node community. Sohan... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

11:00am MST

Discover CNCF TAG Runtime: From AI, WASM, OS, Edge to Workloads in the Heart of Salt Lake City - Stephen Rust, Akamai; Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Danielle Tal, Microsoft; Ricardo Aravena, TruEra
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In this session, we will cover the following: 1) Overview of CNCF open source projects that enable running cloud native workloads. 2) The latest on the many TAG-Runtime working groups, including topics like: a. The Cloud Native AI working group including how AI can help Cloud Native and Cloud Native enables AI. b. Progress in the WASM, Edge, Batch, CDI, and Special Purpose OS working group. 4) Future trends in cloud-native technologies within the TAG scope. 7) How to get involved, grow in the contributor ladder, and have a say in the runtime related projects that get inducted in the CNCF landscape. Come join us and be a part of the many exciting projects under the TAG-Runtime umbrella! By the end of the session, you'll master the runtime related CNCF landscape, discover the latest developments in the TAG-Runtime working groups, learn how to join the communities of your interest, and dive into open-source project contributions. Be a part of this vital and vibrant CNCF community!
avatar for Ricardo Aravena

Ricardo Aravena

Cloud Native Lead, Truera
Ricardo currently works at TruEra as a Cloud Infrastructure Lead helping automate everything with cloud native technologies. He's an open source enthusiast and co-chair of the CNCF TAG-Runtime. He has been working in tech for more than 20 years and comes from a diverse professional... Read More →
avatar for Rajas Kakodkar

Rajas Kakodkar

Senior Member of Technical Staff | Tech Lead TAG Runtime CNCF, Broadcom
Rajas is a senior member of technical staff at Broadcom and a tech lead of the CNCF Technical Advisory Group, Runtime. He is actively involved in the AI working group in the CNCF. He is a Kubernetes contributor and has been a maintainer of the Kube Proxy Next Gen Project. He has also... Read More →
avatar for Danielle Tal

Danielle Tal

PM, Microsoft
Danielle Tal is a Program Manager at Microsoft and an integral part of the team responsible for maintaining Flatcar Container Linux. The team is contributes to Linux OS distributions and Linux Security within Azure and other upstream projects. With a background in supporting diverse... Read More →
avatar for Stephen Rust

Stephen Rust

Principal Architect, Akamai
Stephen Rust is a Principal Architect at Akamai, where he leads Cloud Native architecture within the Akamai Linode Cloud. Stephen has over 20 years of experience in operating systems, storage, and working in open source with containers, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native systems. At Akamai... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:00am MST

Thanos: Intro and Updates - Ben Ye, Amazon Web Services
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Thanos is a popular open-source, highly available Prometheus setup with long-term storage capabilities. Users trust Thanos with deployments that manage billions of series and years of retention in globe-spanning clusters. In this talk, Thanos maintainer will do a introduction and provide updates for the project.
avatar for Ben Ye

Ben Ye

Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Ben Ye is a software development engineer at AWS. He is a maintainer of Thanos and Cortex, and contributor to many CNCF and Prometheus ecosystem projects, such as Prometheus itself, Prometheus operator, Kubernetes, etc. His interests include observability, distributed systems, storage... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework - Jared Watts, Upbound
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The maintainers of Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, will lead this session that will introduce the project to new attendees, as well as dive deeper into details of Crossplane’s latest features and releases. There is always something new to show off at Kubecon! We will start with the basics on how Crossplane enables you to compose cloud infrastructure and services into custom platform APIs, and accelerate the journey of folks new to Crossplane to build a control plane of their own. Then we will take a detailed tour through the key features from the latest releases and how to adopt them into your platforms, including high level metrics, change logs, claim errors/status, and more! Finally, there will be an interactive opportunity to engage with the maintainers, ask questions, and influence the future of the project direction.
avatar for Jared Watts

Jared Watts

Founding Engineer, Upbound
Jared Watts is a Founding Engineer at Upbound, where he is working on advancing cloud-native computing by enabling anyone to build their own cloud platform. He is also a co-creator of the open source Crossplane (https://crossplane.io) and Rook (https://rook.io) projects. Prior to... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:55am MST

WG Serving: Accelerating AI/ML Inference Workloads on Kubernetes - Eduardo Arango Gutierrez, NVIDIA & Yuan Tang, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The emergence of Generative AI (GenAI) has introduced new challenges and demands in AI/ML inference, necessitating advanced solutions for efficient serving infrastructures. The recently created Kubernetes Working Group Serving (WG Serving) is dedicated to enhancing serving workload on K8s, especially for hardware-accelerated AI/ML inference. This group prioritizes compute-intensive inference scenarios using specialized accelerators, benefiting various serving workloads such as web services and stateful databases. This session will dive into WG Serving's initiatives and workstreams. We will spotlight discussions and advancements in each workstream. We are also actively looking for feedback and partnership with model server authors and other practitioners who want to utilize powers of K8s for their serving workloads. Join us to gain insight into our work and learn how to contribute to advancing AI/ML inference on K8s.
avatar for Yuan Tang

Yuan Tang

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Yuan is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, working on OpenShift AI. Previously, he has led AI infrastructure and platform teams at various companies. He holds leadership positions in open source projects, including Argo, Kubeflow, and Kubernetes. He's also a maintainer and... Read More →
avatar for Eduardo Arango Gutierez DE

Eduardo Arango Gutierez DE

Senior systems software engineer, NVIDIA
Eduardo is a Senior Systems Software Engineer at NVIDIA, working on the Cloud Native Technologies team. Eduardo has focused on enabling users to build and deploy containers on distributed environments.
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:55am MST

What's New in Operator Framework?! - Bryce Palmer, Rashmi Gottipati & Lalatendu Mohanty, Red Hat; Attila Meszaros, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Operator Framework has gone through a lot of change in the last year! Interested in the current state of Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)? Join us as we highlight the OLM v1.0.0 roadmap, current progress, plans beyond v1.0.0 (helm support?!), and the core tenets behind the OLM v1 design. Want to know what’s new with the Java Operator SDK? Stop by to learn what’s coming up in Java Operator SDK v5. Curious about what is happening with the Operator-SDK? Swing in for an update on the current state of the Operator-SDK and future plans.
avatar for Attila Meszaros

Attila Meszaros

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
For more than ten years I was designing and implementing software solutions, architectures and services and related tooling. Then I spent a few years focusing more on building platforms on top of Kubernetes in some excellent platform teams. I'm one of the creators and currently full... Read More →
avatar for Lalatendu Mohanty

Lalatendu Mohanty

Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Red Hat
I am a free software enthusiast and advocate. I have been contributing to open source or free software for more than 12 years now.
avatar for Bryce Palmer

Bryce Palmer

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Software engineer passionate about building developer tooling in the cloud native space.
avatar for Rashmi Gottipati

Rashmi Gottipati

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Rashmi joined Red Hat in 2020 as a Senior Software Engineer. Since then she has been a part of Operator SDK, and has been an active maintainer of the Operator-Framework project. Currently, her focus lies in the next major iteration of Operator Lifecycle Manager, which provides APIs... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

Working Together to Improve Security Visibility in Kubernetes - Rita Zhang & Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Ensuring the security of Kubernetes is a team sport. When a CVE is reported to the SRC for Kubernetes, a process is kicked off that involves a lot of coordination between SRC, contributors from different SIGs, and SIG Release, ultimately resulting in new Kubernetes Releases. Once released, an automatic CVE feed provides a programmatic way to understand the security of the releases. For other security issues, like dependency vulnerabilities and false positives, it isn’t quite as easy to get a full picture. SIG Security, SIG Release, and SRC are working to make this better and in this session we will share more about how things work today and what we plan to do in the future to improve the security visibility of the releases and artifacts produced by the project!
avatar for Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jeremy Rickard is a principal software engineer at Microsoft where he works on the Azure Container Upstream team. He is currently a co-chair for SIG Release and serves on both the CNCF and the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committees. He was also the Kubernetes 1.20 Release Lead.
avatar for Rita Zhang

Rita Zhang

Principal software engineer, Kubernetes SIG Auth co-chair, Security Response Committee, Microsoft
Rita Zhang is a Principal software engineer at Microsoft, based in San Francisco bay area. She leads the Azure Container Upstream team of maintainers and contributors building features for Kubernetes upstream, CNCF projects, and for Azure Kubernetes Service. She is a Kubernetes sig-auth... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:00pm MST

Are Your Microservices Truly Scaling? A Framework for Unlocking the Stateful Backend - Sam Dillard, PingCAP
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Kubernetes has forged the way to microservice applications. Most of the reasons we disaggregate applications lead back to how each component scales. The backend components of these scaling applications are a sticking point for R&D organizations and a major reason applications aren't as agile as they otherwise could be. When applications scale, data systems undergo a lot of change proportionally. For example, table and index scans travel further, index creation re-organizes more data, backups and restores get slower, data integrity loosens, changefeeds get thicker, and staff spreads thinner. The system that scales best is the one in which these dimensions are impacted the least.
avatar for Sam Dillard

Sam Dillard

Principle Engineer, PingCAP
Principal Engineer at PingCAP, TiKV maintainer and committer, RocksDB contributor, the author of "MariaDB Principles and Implementation". Mainly engaged in the design and development of cloud-native large-scale distributed storage systems, data platforms, 10+ years of experience in... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:00pm MST

Contributing to Kubernetes in Its Second Decade - SIG ContribEx Style! - Kaslin Fields, Google; Priyanka Saggu, SUSE; Madhav Jivrajani, UIUC; Nabarun Pal, Independent
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
The success and sustainability of the Kubernetes project hinges on its diverse contributor base. In this session, we will explore how the Kubernetes Special Interest Group Contributor Experience (SIG ContribEx) empowers contributors, optimizes workflows, & fosters sustained project growth. We will address the challenges of managing an expanding contributor base, the tradeoffs between attracting new contributors and growing existing ones, all while upholding high standards of code quality, stability, and the right balance between feature development, bug fixes & security enhancements. We will highlight the importance of clear communication channels, our mentorship programs, and knowledge sharing initiatives. We will also share valuable insights into the recent updates about Kubernetes community org membership, the advancements made in the automated assessment tool for membership statistics & more. So, join us in this session to gain insights about ContribEx's many diverse programs.
avatar for Nabarun Pal

Nabarun Pal

Staff Engineer at VMware, Kubernetes Steering Committee and Maintainer, Broadcom
Nabarun is a Staff Software Engineer at VMware by Broadcom, a maintainer of the Kubernetes project, an elected Kubernetes Steering Committee member and a chair of Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. He is a Release Manager for Kubernetes and has been the Kubernetes 1.21 Release... Read More →
avatar for Priyanka Saggu

Priyanka Saggu

Kubernetes GitHub Admin, SIG Contribex Technical Lead, 1.31 Emeritus Advisor, 1.29 Release Lead, SUSE
Priyanka Saggu is a Kubernetes Engineer at SUSE, and has made significant contributions to Kubernetes project via Release, ContribEx, Testing and CLI SIGs. She's the Emeritus Advisor for Kubernetes 1.31 release cycle, Release Lead for Kubernetes 1.29, Kubernetes GitHub Admin, and... Read More →
avatar for Madhav Jivrajani

Madhav Jivrajani

Independent, UIUC
Madhav is currently working at VMware on upstream Kubernetes. He has been a part of the Kubernetes community for about a year and mainly helps out with SIG-{Contribex, Node, Architecture, API-Machinery}. He was also involved with the structured logging efforts in the Kubernetes project... Read More →
avatar for Kaslin Fields

Kaslin Fields

OSS K8s & GKE Developer Advocate, Google
Kaslin Fields is a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, a Container enthusiast and creator of tech comics. She uses her knowledge of DevOps technologies and methodologies to help others as they enter the Cloud Native world. By creating comics about DevOps tech, she hopes to make learning... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:00pm MST

Exploring KubeEdge: Architecture, Use Cases, and Project Graduation Updates - Yin Ding, Google & Hongbing Zhang, Daocloud
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
In this session, KubeEdge project maintainers will provide an overview of KubeEdge's architecture and its industry-specific use cases. The session will begin with a brief introduction to edge computing and its growing importance in IoT and distributed systems. The maintainers will then delve into the core components and architecture of KubeEdge, demonstrating how it extends Kubernetes' capabilities to manage edge computing workloads efficiently. They will share success stories and insights from organizations that have deployed KubeEdge in various edge environments, such as smart cities, industrial IoT, edge AI, robotics, and retail, highlighting the tangible benefits and transformational possibilities. Additionally, the session will introduce the certified KubeEdge conformance test, discuss advancements in technology and community governance within the KubeEdge project, and share the latest updates on the project's graduation status.
avatar for Hongbing Zhang

Hongbing Zhang

Chief Operating Officer, Daocloud
Hongbing Zhang is Chief Operating Officer of DaoCloud. He is a veteran in open source areas, he founded IBM China Linux team in 2011 and organized team to make significant contributions in Linux Kernel/openstack/hadoop projects. Now he is focusing on cloud native domain and leading... Read More →
avatar for Yin Ding

Yin Ding

Engineering Manager, google
Yin Ding, an Engineering Manager at Google, lead the Kubernetes Hardening team and brings over 15 years of expertise in large-scale and distributed computing. As a co-founder of the CNCF KubeEdge open-source project and the TSC Chair of LF Edge Akraino, Yin Ding has made significant... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:00pm MST

KubeVirt: Enhancements and the Road Ahead - Vladik Romanovsky & David Vossel, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
It's been a big year for KubeVirt. Join us for a detailed update on major advancements introduced over the past year and our plans, including CNCF Graduation. We'll cover some of our recent features: "VM rollout strategy," which changes the update management for running virtual machines; "VM Volume migration," which provides a declarative API to move data between volumes; and we introduce the "Application Aware Quota" operator, a solution that addresses the limitations of Kubernetes' native resource quota system and provides an alternative implementation of resource counting. Looking forward, we will also discuss our desire to improve the control over migration convergence, support for (DRA) Dynamic Resource Allocation to optimize resources handling and allocation, and introduce SWAP support for virtual machines, enabling performance improvements and flexibility. This session is designed to provide valuable insights for current users and those who are new to KubeVirt.
avatar for Vladik Romanovsky

Vladik Romanovsky

Senior Principle Software Engineer, Red Hat
Developer and a maintainer of the KubeVirt Project. Interested in Kubernetes and Virtualization.
avatar for David Vossel

David Vossel

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
David Vossel is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is currently the lead developer working on the Hosted Control Planes for OpenShift Virtualization platform and is a core contributor to the open source KubeVirt project.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:00pm MST

Vitess: Introduction, New Features and Running in Production - Deepthi Sigireddi, PlanetScale; Derek Perkins, Nozzle; Sudhi Vijayakumar, Backblaze
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Welcome to the Vitess maintainer track session! Today, you will learn what Vitess is, hear about its high level architecture and the feature set it offers. After that, you will hear real-world stories about Vitess adoption and production usage at Backblaze, Nozzle and PlanetScale. You will finally hear about what is new in recent Vitess releases and get a preview of planned features.
avatar for Derek Perkins

Derek Perkins

CEO, Nozzle
Derek is the Founder and CEO of Nozzle. He has been building database driven software since 1999, is a maintainer of Vitess.io, and has been a top BigQuery user for over a decade.
avatar for Deepthi Sigireddi

Deepthi Sigireddi

Software Engineer, PlanetScale
Deepthi is the Technical lead for Vitess, a CNCF graduated open source project. She also leads the Vitess engineering team at PlanetScale which offers a database service built on Vitess. She brings over 20 years of experience building scalable systems to this role. She enjoys speaking... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:55pm MST

Building a More Resilient Future with Advanced Cloud Provider Testing - Michael McCune, Red Hat & Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
When you put your trust in a new Kubernetes version, you know that the community behind the release ensures high levels of quality. The Kubernetes community achieves release-gating confidence with continuous testing and integration. With the recent migration of built-in cloud providers to external components , the community has made changes to the testing of infrastructure-specific behaviors and patterns. We have removed some tests and changed others, and now we plan to build a more robust testing framework that all cloud providers can utilize. Join us for a discussion of the future of cloud provider testing, with a look at the changes that have occurred during the external migration and the challenges that are ahead for building a cohesive infrastructure testing framework. You can expect to leave this session with a clear understanding of how cloud provider testing works, why it is important to test on as many cloud providers as possible, and where you can help shape the path forward.
avatar for Michael McCune

Michael McCune

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Michael McCune is a software developer creating open source infrastructure and applications for cloud platforms. He has a passion for problem solving and team building, and a lifelong love of music, food, and culture.
avatar for Bridget Kromhout

Bridget Kromhout

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft
Bridget Kromhout is a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Azure, focusing on the open source cloud native ecosystem.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:55pm MST

CoreDNS Plugins: A Deep Dive - John Belamaric, Google & Yong Tang, Ivanti
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
As a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery, CoreDNS has been widely used in different cloud-native systems. The extensibility of CoreDNS mostly comes from its plugin-based architecture that allows easy addition of new features. In this session, we will take a deep dive and discuss the rich plugin ecosystems of CoreDNS. We will learn the integrations of CoreDNS with cloud-vendors and how this fits hybrid-cloud strategy of different companies. We will also walk through a simple yet complete golang implementation of a CoreDNS plugin for demo purposes. At the end are the project update and road map for CoreDNS community.
avatar for John Belamaric

John Belamaric

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
John is a Sr Staff SWE, co-chair of K8s SIG Architecture and of K8s WG Device Management, helping lead efforts to improve how GPUs, TPUs, NICs and other devices are selected, shared, and configured in Kubernetes. He is also co-founder of Nephio, an LF project for K8s-based automation... Read More →
avatar for Yong Tang

Yong Tang

Senior Director of Engineering, Ivanti
Yong Tang is Senior Director of Engineering at Ivanti. He is a core maintainer of CoreDNS and contributes to many container, cloud-native, and machine learning projects for the open source community. In addition to CoreDNS, he is a maintainer of Docker/Moby. He is also a maintainer... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:55pm MST

Nothing but NATS - Going Beyond Cloud Native - Byron Ruth & Kevin Hoffman, Synadia
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
These days building so-called cloud-native apps involves assembling a custom stack of tools 10x bigger than the app we're building. Additionally, applications increasingly need to expand out to the edge and cloud-native stacks simply don't work in those environments. Fortunately with NATS, we don't need a stack. In this session you'll see how we can leverage compute, storage, and connectivity to build cloud-to-edge native apps more powerful than ever, with less code, effort, and frustration.
avatar for Byron


Byron Ruth, Synadia
Byron is the VP of Product and Engineering at Synadia, the company behind the NATS.io project. Prior to joining Synadia, he spent 14 years building software and systems in support of pediatric biomedical research. Outside of work, Byron enjoys running, cooking, yard work, and spending... Read More →
avatar for Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Engineering Director, Cloud Platform, Synadia
Kevin is addicted to building and designing distributed systems. He has been using NATS for years and is now building out platforms that run on it.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:55pm MST

Strimzi: Data Streaming on Kubernetes with Apache Kafka - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat & Lixin Yao, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Strimzi is a CNCF incubating project focusing on running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. Apache Kafka is a leading date-streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines. It provides support for high-throughput/low-latency messaging, as well as sophisticated data ingress, egress, and processing capabilities. However, running it on Kubernetes can be complex and tedious. Strimzi makes it simple by providing a set of operators and other tools to make data streaming as simple and Kubernetes-native as possible. This talk will briefly introduce Strimzi, explaining how it works and what it offers. And then it will focus on the current and planned features and their release plans. It will cover the exciting features being worked on - such as ZooKeeper removal, tiered storage, auto-rebalancing, or new certificate management - and deep dive into the most important ones.
avatar for Jakub Scholz

Jakub Scholz

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Jakub works at Red Hat as Senior Principal Software Engineer. He has long-term experience with messaging and currently focuses mainly on Apache Kafka and its integration with Kubernetes. He is one of the maintainers of the Strimzi project which provides tooling for running Apache... Read More →
avatar for Lixin Yao

Lixin Yao

Staff Software Engineer, Apple
Lixin is a staff software engineer currently working at Apple. His main focus is around data ingestion pipeline and large scale Kafka cluster management. Prior to Apple he worked at Google Cloud on large scale API gateway infrastructure. In his free time, he plays recreational tennis... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:55pm MST

What’s Going on in the Containerd Neighborhood? - Phil Estes, AWS; Samuel Karp, Google; Akihiro Suda, NTT; Michael Brown, IBM; Kirtana Ashok, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Our recent maintainer sessions have covered the soon-to-launch containerd v2.0. During this session led by maintainers we will give a brief update on 2.0, but will spend more time looking at the ecosystem around us. Why does containerd exist? What value does it bring to the overall cloud native world? How are other projects using it to build and extend containerd in useful ways? We’ll spend some time on containerd’s largest subproject, nerdctl, which also has an upcoming 2.0 release, and additionally catch the community up on activity in our Rust subproject ecosystem, the runwasi containerd shim, and lazy loading snapshotters. Since this is KubeCon, we’ll also provide an update on CRI changes and KEP-driven additions around NRI, DRA, and checkpoint/restore. Attendees will leave with a broad view of the larger containerd ecosystem of projects as well as key information on how to get involved if you are interested to help and contribute in any way to the “containerd neighborhood!”
avatar for Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Software Engineer/Architect, IBM
OSS Engineer; @containerd maintainer; working @oci, @cncf, @pytorch, and @kubernetes projects

Kirtana Ashok

avatar for Samuel Karp

Samuel Karp

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Samuel Karp is a containerd maintainer and a Staff Software Engineer at Google, focused on the container runtime for Google Kubernetes Engine. Sam has been involved in the container ecosystem since 2014 and serves as the Chair of the Open Container Initiative's Technical Oversight... Read More →
avatar for Akihiro Suda

Akihiro Suda

Software Engineer, NTT
Akihiro Suda is a software engineer at NTT Corporation. He has been a maintainer of Moby (dockerd), BuildKit, containerd, runc, etc. He is also a founder of nerdctl and Lima (CNCF project).
avatar for Phil Estes

Phil Estes

Principal Engineer, Containers, AWS
Phil is a Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services (AWS), focused on core container technologies that power AWS container offerings like Fargate, EKS, and ECS. Phil is an active contributor and maintainer for the CNCF containerd runtime project, and participates in the Open Container... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:00pm MST

Meet the CNCF Code of Conduct Committee - Bill Mulligan & Carla Gaggini, Isovalent at Cisco; Josh Berkus, Red Hat; Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft; Tim Pepper, CISA
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
You've seen those Code of Conduct signs all over the conference. What happens when you report an incident? How is it handled? Who evaluates it? Can I remain anonymous? And why does it take so long? Come meet the CNCF's first elected Code of Conduct Committee, who will have answers to these questions and more. They'll go over the values and goals of the CoCC, the process for investigating and evaluating incident reports, as well as what the CoCC has jurisdiction over (and what it doesn't). They'll share how they work with CNCF projects and project-level committees to support and educate them, as well as with the Events Team to achieve resolutions. Bring your own questions about CoC enforcement and how the committee works to the session, and the CoCC will answer as many of them as they can.
avatar for Tim Pepper

Tim Pepper

Senior Technical Advisor, Open Source Software Security, CISA
Tim Pepper is a Senior Technical Advisor on Open Source Software Security in the US Government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Tim has over 25 years in open source, working as an open source developer advocate and contributor to Kubernetes (emeritus Steering... Read More →
avatar for Josh Berkus

Josh Berkus

Kubernetes CM, Red Hat
Josh Berkus is the Kubernetes Community Manager, working in Red Hat's Open Source Program Office. He's currently involved with Kubernetes, Etcd, Elekto, Podman, and uBlue, but has spent more than 20 years contributing to many projects, including Linux, OpenOffice, PostgreSQL, and... Read More →
avatar for Bill Mulligan

Bill Mulligan

Community Pollinator, Isovalent at Cisco
Bill Mulligan is a cloud native pollinator and community builder. He has given talks, written articles, and appeared on podcasts on a wide range of topics around cloud native. While at CNCF he restarted the Kubernetes Community Day program. He is currently at Isovalent growing the... Read More →
avatar for Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jeremy Rickard is a principal software engineer at Microsoft where he works on the Azure Container Upstream team. He is currently a co-chair for SIG Release and serves on both the CNCF and the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committees. He was also the Kubernetes 1.20 Release Lead.
avatar for Carla Gaggini

Carla Gaggini

Head of Global Community Events, Isovalent at Cisco
Carla has been managing events and communities since 2011. She started with experimental music festivals and eventually ended up in Tech, where she fell in love with its ecosystem. During her career she has produced and run many conferences (yes, also the virtual ones!), meetups... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:00pm MST

Pushing Authorization Further: CEL, Selectors and Maybe RBAC++ - Mo Khan & Rita Zhang, Microsoft; Jordan Liggitt, Google
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Significant changes have been made to authorization in recent versions of Kubernetes. For example, common expression language (CEL) in validating admission policy (VAP) can access the authorizer to perform runtime checks during admission. Authorization has also been made aware of label and field selectors, which are available as extra info to be used by webhooks and CEL expressions in VAP. Looking forward, Kubernetes RBAC could be enhanced to take advantage of this new info. RBAC++ is a proof of concept design to combine CEL with RBAC to allow for conditional bindings at runtime. Thinking about even more experimental changes: what if authorization (and RBAC++) could directly assert conditions at admission time?
avatar for Rita Zhang

Rita Zhang

Principal software engineer, Kubernetes SIG Auth co-chair, Security Response Committee, Microsoft
Rita Zhang is a Principal software engineer at Microsoft, based in San Francisco bay area. She leads the Azure Container Upstream team of maintainers and contributors building features for Kubernetes upstream, CNCF projects, and for Azure Kubernetes Service. She is a Kubernetes sig-auth... Read More →
avatar for Mo Khan

Mo Khan

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Mo Khan is a software engineer who is passionate about open source and security. He started working on Kubernetes in 2016, and currently serves as a chair, technical lead and subproject owner for Kubernetes SIG Auth, a member of the Kubernetes Security Response Committee and a contributor... Read More →
avatar for Jordan Liggitt

Jordan Liggitt

Software Engineer, Google
Jordan Liggitt is a software engineer at Google, and helps lead Kubernetes authentication, authorization, and API server efforts.
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:55pm MST

Navigating the Future: Exploring the Latest in Kubernetes Dashboard Development - Marcin Maciaszczyk & Sebastian Florek, Plural
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Join us for an insightful presentation on the latest updates from the Kubernetes SIG-UI, focusing on the evolution of the Kubernetes Dashboard project. Dive into a comprehensive overview of key changes, enhancements, and advancements, including a detailed exploration of the project's new architecture. Gain valuable insights into how these developments shape the future of Kubernetes management and user experience. Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes user or new to the ecosystem, this presentation promises to provide valuable perspectives on the cutting-edge developments in Kubernetes Dashboard.
avatar for Sebastian Florek

Sebastian Florek

Fullstack engineer, Plural
Fullstack Engineer at Plural. Working on the Kubernetes Dashboard project since the beginning. One of the key contributors and a SIG-UI co-leader.
avatar for Marcin Maciaszczyk

Marcin Maciaszczyk

Fullstack Engineer, Plural
Marcin is a Fullstack Engineer at Plural. He is working on the Kubernetes Dashboard project since the beginning where he became one of the key contributors and a SIG-UI co-leader.
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:55pm MST

Rook: Intro and Deep Dive with Ceph Storage - Travis Nielsen, Annette Clewett, Blaine Gardner & Subham Rai, IBM
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
The Rook project will be introduced to attendees of all levels and experience. Rook is an open source cloud-native storage operator for Kubernetes, providing the platform, framework, and support for Ceph to natively integrate with Kubernetes. The panel will discuss various scenarios to show how Rook configures Ceph to provide stable block, shared file system, and object storage for your production data. Rook was accepted as a graduated project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in October 2020.
avatar for Travis Nielsen

Travis Nielsen

Rook Lead Maintainer, IBM
Travis Nielsen is a Senior Technical Staff Member for IBM where he is a maintainer on Rook and member of the ODF and Ceph engineering team. Prior to IBM and Red Hat, Travis worked in storage at Quantum and Symform, a P2P storage startup, and was an engineering lead for the Windows... Read More →
avatar for Annette Clewett

Annette Clewett

Software Architect, IBM
Storage Architect with broad knowledge across a spectrum of technologies – network, storage, virtual, and platform. Have successfully delivered countless studies that improved end-user experience and created a more efficient and available infrastructure. Current projects include... Read More →
avatar for Blaine Gardner

Blaine Gardner

Rook Maintainer, IBM
Blaine is a Senior Advisory Software Engineer at IBM Storage on the Ceph OpenShift/Fusion Data Foundation (ODF) team. He is a maintainer of the CNCF-graduated Rook project making sure Ceph and Kubernetes live together in harmony. Their current focus topics are the Container Object... Read More →
avatar for Subham Rai

Subham Rai

Software Engineer, IBM
I'm Subham Rai from India. I have more than 3 years of experience in software or more specifically in the storage industry working mainly in rook-ceph. I hold a B.tech degree and I'm also RHCSA certified. I have spoken at FOSDEM 2022, Cephalocon 2023(Amsterdam).  I'm in the top 4... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

4:55pm MST

Running a Highly Available Identity and Access Management with Keycloak - Ryan Emerson & Kameswararao Akella, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
A single sign on solution for your customers and employees should be designed for high availability without a single point of failure. Keycloak is no exception to this. A clustered Keycloak deployment in a single site provides sufficient availability for many. An increasing number of organizations need to utilize multiple sites for improved resiliency or to meet legal requirements. Keycloak overhauled its capabilities and now provides deployment blueprints to the community. This talk presents how we approached the problem, and the challenges we faced. Expect to dive into concepts like load shedding, cache stampedes, and automated failover. See tools like Gatling, Helm, OpenTelemetry, Kubernetes Operators and cloud infrastructure in action. We will also provide an outlook for the next steps in our journey. These insights will help you to improve your Keycloak deployments as well as design and test your own applications so they can withstand high load and site failures.
avatar for Kamesh Akella

Kamesh Akella

Principal Software Quality Engineer, Red Hat
Hailing from the coastal state of India, Andhra Pradesh, I share a profound interest in everything open-source and computers from my childhood, which led me to my current position at Red Hat and contributing back to the wonderful open-source community.
avatar for Ryan Emerson

Ryan Emerson

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Ryan Emerson is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is a member of the Infinispan and Keycloak open-source product teams, where he leads the development of the Infinispan Kubernetes Operator, in addition to contributing to the development of the Infinispan core/server. During... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:55pm MST

Ten Years of gRPC: Looking Back and Looking Forward - Kevin Nilson, Google & Israel Shapiro, Broadcom
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Over the past ten years, gRPC has become indispensable to a breathtaking array of engineering organizations. Join the maintainers look back at how gRPC got to where it is today, the way the software has grown, and the community along with it. Then, see what's in store for the future of gRPC in the decades to come.

Israel Shapiro

Cloud Native solutions architect, Broadcom
Israel works at Broadcom’s Enterprise Security Group as a Software Architect for the next generation Cloud Native Datapath of the Web Security Service.
avatar for Kevin Nilson

Kevin Nilson

Engineering Manager, Google
Kevin works at Google as a Software Engineer Manager on the gRPC team. At Google Kevin has worked on projects such as Chromecast, Google Home, Stadia and now gRPC. Kevin is a Java Champion and four time JavaOne Rock Star. Kevin has spoken at conferences such as Google I/O, JavaOne... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

4:55pm MST

WG Batch Updates: What’s New and What Is Next - Marcin Wielgus, Google & Kevin Hannon, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
I will present improvements that the WG Batch has promoted in Kubernetes, and the opportunities under discussion to better support batch workloads such as HPC, AI/ML, data-analytics, etc. I will discuss enhancements and improvements to the Job and JobSet APIs as well as new release and roadmap for Kueue, a Kubernetes subproject that offers job queueing and scheduling, to build a multitenant, multicluster batch system. The WG Batch was created in 2022 to serve the demand from the ecosystem to better support batch applications in Kubernetes. The WG is composed of SIGs’ experts and developers from various communities, with the objective to set roadmaps and collaborate in designs and implementations.

Kevin Hannon

Kubernetes Developer, Red Hat
avatar for Marcin Wielgus

Marcin Wielgus

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Marcin Wielgus is a Staff Software Engineer at Google. Marcin joined the company in 2010 and since then he has been working on various projects, ranging from Android applications to recommendation engines. He started contributing to Kubernetes before the 1.0 release and currently... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

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