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November 12-15
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Wednesday, November 13

11:15am MST

SIG Network Intro and Updates - Daman Arora, VMware by Broadcom & Shaun Crampton, Tigera
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
SIG Network is responsible for networking for Kubernetes clusters, and there's never a shortage of interesting problems to solve in this space. In this session we'll provide some updates about SIG Network as a whole, including: * status and progress of core networking components * status and progress of sub-projects * considerations for the future If you're interested in hearing about what's going on in the networking space, or maybe even interested in joining the SIG and finding a place to contribute, please join us!
avatar for Shaun Crampton

Shaun Crampton

Distinguished Engineer, Tigera
Shaun is a Distinguished Software Engineer at Tigera, looking after Project Calico's iptables and eBPF dataplanes. Before joining the Tigera team, Shaun worked on a number of Software Defined Networking products and cloud scale applications. He holds an MA in Computer Science from... Read More →
avatar for Daman Arora

Daman Arora

Software Engineer, VMware by Broadcom
Trying to maintain kube-proxy.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

11:15am MST

The Spice Must Flow Green: CNCF's Environmental Sustainability TAG - Marlow Warnicke (Weston), SchedMD & Saiyam Pathak, Loft Labs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
The carbon must be counted. In the Environmental Sustainability TAG, we focus on current and emerging technologies regarding carbon measurement and minimization. As our digital landscape grows, so does its impact on the environment—a factor often overlooked in the pursuit of technological advancement, such as AI. Traditionally, companies focused primarily on financial metrics. However, with increasing awareness of climate issues, stricter regulations, and rising energy costs, environmental impact is now a crucial consideration. We highlight the Green Reviews Working Group and our project to measure impact. We're developing a pipeline that works with current tooling, such as Kepler, to measure the power consumption of CNCF Projects. We explore how to measure energy consumption and emissions of software projects. We also give the status of other projects, such as the sustainability landscape, initiatives such as our sustainability week, and collaborative organisations.
avatar for Saiyam Pathak

Saiyam Pathak

Principal Developer Advocate, Loft Labs
Saiyam is working as Principal Developer Advocate at Loft Labs. He is the founder of Kubesimplify, focusing on simplifying cloud-native and Kubernetes technologies. Previously at Civo, Walmart Labs, Oracle, and HP, Saiyam has worked on many facets of Kubernetes, including machine... Read More →
avatar for Marlow Weston

Marlow Weston

Principal Cloud Engineer, SchedMD
Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, high performance compute system tools... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:15am MST

The State of Cloud Native Business Value in 2024 - Danielle Cook, appCD; Simon Forster, Stackegy; Catherine Paganini, Buoyant; Colin Griffin, Krumware; Robbie Glenn, Accenture
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
In 2024, what is the state of cloud native business value? We hear that it is marked by unprecedented growth and innovation, but is that what we are seeing? In this panel discussion hosted by the Cartografos Working Group, we provide an update on how organizations of all sizes are leveraging cloud native technologies to enhance agility, scalability, and cost efficiency. Key advancements go beyond technology alone. Panelists will discuss how cloud native is streamlining operations, accelerating time-to-market, realizing ROI through more efficient resource utilization and reduced operational overhead. Attendees will hear how cloud native can drive business goals including how cloud native platforms drive intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making. Attendees will hear how security and compliance frameworks have matured and how cloud native strategies are proving essential for competitive advantage and digital transformation across industries.

Robbie Glenn

Tech Architecture Manager, Accenture
avatar for Colin Griffin

Colin Griffin

CEO, Krumware
Colin Griffin is CEO at Krumware, and a Co-Chair of the CNCF Platforms Working Group. Colin Griffin is a software engineer by trade, specializing in cloud-native application and infrastructure development; with an emphasis on developer enablement and platform engineering. He founded... Read More →
avatar for Catherine Paganini

Catherine Paganini

Head of Marketing, Buoyant
Catherine Paganini is TAG Contributor Strategy Co-chair, CNCF Deaf & Hard of Hearing WG facilitator, CNCF Cloud Native Glossary founder, and Head of Marketing at Buoyant, the creator of Linkerd. A marketing leader passionate about open source, Catherine started her contributor journey... Read More →
avatar for Simon Forster

Simon Forster

Technical Architect and CNCF Ambassador, Independent
Simon Forster is a CNCF Ambassador and cloud native technology architect and engineer based in London. Simon has extensive experience working in heavily regulated financial institutions on the design, delivery and security of critical cloud native applications. He has a specific focus... Read More →
avatar for Danielle Cook

Danielle Cook

VP, appCD
Danielle Cook has worked in the cloud native industry since 2016 helping organizations adopt the technologies that make cloud native enterprise ready. She co-authored and launched the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity Model in 2021, is a co-chair of the CNCF Cartografos Working Group and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

11:15am MST

TUF: Secure Distribution Beyond Software - Marina Moore, Independent
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
As organizations improve their software supply chain, they may encounter an influx of metadata: attestations, SBOMs, VEX statements, and more. Have you ever wondered how to securely distribute all of this information to end users? Enter TUF! The Update Framework (TUF), has paved the way for secure software updates throughout the cloud native ecosystem and beyond, and is being expanded to securely distribute signing keys, attestations, and more. TUF allows organizations to ensure that all of this data is up-to-date and resilient to tampering. The TUF project is constantly improving and this talk will highlight some of these improvements, from recent integrations by groups such as Docker and Github to an effort to provide conformance testing across various TUF implementations. The TUF project has an active team of maintainers and contributors that make all of these improvements possible, and we will discuss how you can get involved to keep making the project better.
avatar for Marina Moore

Marina Moore

Marina Moore has a PhD from at NYU where she performed research into software supply chain security. This research focused on real-world application through open source contribution. She is an open source maintainer and active in open source communities through the CNCF and OpenSSF... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:15am MST

Using Notary Project to Ensure Authenticity and Integrity of Artifacts Within the Enterprise - Toddy Mladenov, Microsoft & Tjark Rasche, Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
In this session, we will go over the steps and considerations the enterprise goes through to select a reliable and future-proof signing technology and improve the integrity and authenticity of their software artifacts. We will share the questions and constraints in the enterprise and how those were addressed by Notary Project. We will also provide an update on the latest features and the roadmap for Notary Project.
avatar for Toddy  Mladenov

Toddy Mladenov

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft
Toddy has over 25 years of experience in software engineering and design, consulting, and product management for companies like Microsoft, T-Mobile, and SAP. He started his cloud journey 14 years ago as part of the Azure team. Since then, Toddy worked on large-scale cloud implementations... Read More →
avatar for Tjark Rasche

Tjark Rasche

Senior Software Engineer, Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH
Tjark works as a Cloud Software Engineer at Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH. He focuses on automating the cluster lifecycle, cluster security and integrating custom cluster addons with Kubernetes. He is also highly involved with the local Kubernetes community, founder of the Kubernetes... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

12:10pm MST

AI for Policy and Policy for AI! - Poonam Lamba, Google; Boris Kurktchiev, Nirmata; Andy Suderman, Fairwinds; Ronald Petty, RX-M; Jimmy Ray, Boeing Digital
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
As Kubernetes becomes the go-to for deploying AI, the need for strong governance and policies is critical. This panel will dive into how policies and AI intersect within Kubernetes. We'll explore challenges, best practices, and new standards for managing AI workloads to guarantee security, fairness, and transparency. We'll examine existing and new policy frameworks for governing AI workloads on Kubernetes, including industry standards and best practices. We'll also address security risks like data privacy and model integrity, and establish clear lines of accountability for AI workloads. This panel is ideal for engineers, operators, compliance officers, and anyone involved in deploying and managing AI workloads on Kubernetes.
avatar for Ronald Petty

Ronald Petty

Consultant, RX-M
Ronald Petty is a consultant at RX-M, a global Cloud Native an AI advisory and training firm. Ronald works as a consultant/advisor/board-member for both for-profit and non-profit organizations focusing on technology and related policy issues. Additionally, he authors and edits technical... Read More →
avatar for Poonam Lamba

Poonam Lamba

Product Manager, Google
Poonam is a Product Manager at Google, where she leads Policy, Governance, and Compliance for GKE. An active contributor to the Kubernetes Policy Working Group and Gatekeeper project, she is passionate about open-source solutions. Outside of work, Poonam enjoys hiking, paddle boarding... Read More →
avatar for Andy Suderman

Andy Suderman

CTO, Fairwinds
Andy Suderman is CTO at Fairwinds, a managed Kubernetes-as-a-Service provider. Andy has worked with cloud native technologies for the last eight years helping organizations adopt and manage Kubernetes. Andy is the creator and primary developer of Goldilocks—an open source tool that... Read More →
avatar for Boris Kurktchiev

Boris Kurktchiev

Chief Plumber, Nirmata
In the world of tools, it's not 'one size fits all.' I'm the expert who always knows when to grab the hammer and when to reach for the screwdriver.
avatar for Jimmy Ray

Jimmy Ray

ISO, Boeing Digital
Underpinned by 30 years of technology, writing, and speaking experience, Jimmy Ray is recognized as a subject matter expert in Policy as Code, cloud-native computing, and software supply chain security.Jimmy is the author of Policy as Code - Improving Cloud Native Security, July 2024... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

12:10pm MST

Best Friends Keep No Secrets: Going Secretless with Cert-Manager - Ashley Davis & Tim Ramlot, Venafi
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
In today's complex Kubernetes environments, managing secrets securely is a challenge. Traditional methods often involve complex configurations with secret vaults, secret syncing and secret backups. Regardless of which fancy technology is used, secrets always come with a risk of being leaked. Most of the secrets used in traditional applications can be replaced by short-lived certificates. Applications can prove to be the owner of a certificate without sharing any secrets. In Kubernetes, cert-manager can be used to provision these certificates to all applications without sharing any secret information. Table of contents: - Do we actually need secrets? Comparing authentication methods: static secrets vs short-lived secrets and proof of ownership - How to issue certificates using cert-manager without using [S|s]ecrets - Compatibility and other challenges
avatar for Ashley Davis

Ashley Davis

Staff Software Engineer, Venafi
As a teenager, Ash taught himself to program after wondering how exactly video games were made. That led to adventures trawling through open source codebases, sparking an interest in computers spanning from bare-metal machine code right up to scalable distributed platforms like Kubernetes... Read More →
avatar for Tim Ramlot

Tim Ramlot

Senior Software Engineer - cert-manager maintainer, Venafi
Tim started working at Venafi as a software engineer after his graduation as computer science engineer at Ghent University. He learned about cert-manager and Venafi through a Google Summer of Code internship. His mission at Venafi is to advance his problem solving skills, whilst contributing... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

12:10pm MST

Dapr's Road Ahead: GenAI APIs, Distributed Scheduling at Scale and What It Means for Your Platform - Yaron Schneider, Diagrid
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
In this maintainer track we will cover the latest developments and updates of the Dapr project looking into 2025, focusing on how Dapr is adding APIs to abstract the complexities of interacting with LLM models at scale, a new distributed scheduling API and workflow engine that can serve millions of activities per second and how Dapr can be used by platform teams to provide golden paths for interacting with the underlying infrastructure
avatar for Yaron Schneider

Yaron Schneider

CTO / Co-Founder at Diagrid, Dapr Co-Creator, Diagrid
Yaron co-created the CNCF projects Dapr and KEDA while at Microsoft and led the engineering architecture for serverless container platforms that run at scale using open source technologies. Yaron is an avid lover of open source tech and distributed systems, and is a co-founder and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

12:10pm MST

Emissary-Ingress: Version 4 and the Road Ahead - Flynn, Buoyant
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Emissary-ingress 4.0 is shipping! This marks the first new major version in some years for Emissary, one of the first Kubernetes-native, self-service API gateways and ingress controllers, and it comes on the heels of some big changes in the project. In this session, we'll start with a quick overview of the need for ingress controllers in general, the benefits of self-service developer workflows, and how Emissary-ingress can help with these issues. We'll also talk about recent changes in the project, what Emissary 4 brings to the table, and how to get involved as a contributor, how to best offer feedback, and what's in store for the project in the future. Emissary's maintainer sessions are always great opportunities to talk directly with Emissary-ingress maintainers and make sure your voice is heard when it comes to the project's future -- looking forward to seeing you there!
avatar for Flynn -

Flynn -

Tech Evangelist, Buoyant
Flynn is a tech evangelist at Buoyant, educating developers about Linkerd, Kubernetes, and cloud-native development in general. He has spent 40 years in software engineering (from the kernel up through distributed applications, with a common thread of communications and security throughout... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

12:10pm MST

SIG Scheduling Intro & Updates - Aldo Culquicondor, Google & Kensei Nakada, Tetrate.io
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
SIG Scheduling is responsible for the components that make Pod scheduling decisions in a Kubernetes cluster, such as kube-scheduler for pod to node assignment, kueue for job queueing, Kwok for scheduling load testing, among other projects. In this session, you will learn the basics of these projects and how they can be extended. You will also learn about our recent advancements and ongoing work, such as higher scheduling throughput in kube-scheduler, fair sharing and hierarchical cohorts in Kueue and evaluating performance and scalability efficiently using Kwok.
avatar for Aldo Culquicondor

Aldo Culquicondor

Sr. Software Engineer, Google
Aldo is a Senior Software Engineer at Google. He works on Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine, where he contributes to kube-scheduler, the Job API and other features to support batch, AI/ML and HPC workloads. He is currently a TL at SIG Scheduling and an active member of WG Batch... Read More →
avatar for Kensei Nakada

Kensei Nakada

Software Engineer, Tetrate.io
Kensei Nakada is a platform engineer at Tetrate. In the community, he is a sig-scheduling approver, and a core maintainer of the project kube-scheduler-simulator and kube-scheduler-wasm-extension.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:30pm MST

Guiding Kubernetes: The Steering Committee's Role in Project Evolution - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
The Kubernetes Steering Committee plays a crucial role in overseeing the non-technical aspects of the Kubernetes project and making important project-wide decisions. The committee has a wide scope of working and responsibilities. The committee has evolved over the years. In this session, let’s take a look at how the committee came to be created, the bootstrap era, how it works now and what’s in store for the future. We will have excerpts from our emeritus members who served to shape the goals and vision of the steering committee. We will explore how you can leverage our learnings to enhance the governance of your own cloud native projects. If you are eager to gain insights or have queries about the governance journey of the Kubernetes project, we encourage you to drop by and engage in an insightful discussion.
avatar for Maciej Szulik

Maciej Szulik

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Maciej is a passionate developer with almost 2 decades of experience in many languages. Currently he's working on OpenShift and Kubernetes for Red Hat. Whereas at night he is hacking on side projects with python. In his spare time he enjoys reading a good book or taking photos.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:30pm MST

Harbor Project - The Maintainers Session What We Have Accomplished! - Orlin Vasilev, SUSE; Vadim Bauer, 8gears Container Registry; Miner Yang, Daniel Jiang & Yan Wang, Broadcom
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
In Harbor v2.11, we've successfully integrated SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) within the platform, enhancing our security and compliance capabilities. We're also exploring innovative trends in AI, such as an AI-assisted registry (not to be confused with an AI-integrated bot). Join Vadim and Orlin as they guide you through the latest developments in the Harbor project, along with some exciting side projects within our community that you may find intriguing. This session is a perfect opportunity for software engineers and DevOps professionals to dive into Harbor's advancements and explore new possibilities together. We invite you to join us for firsthand information about what's coming next in Harbor and learn how you can actively contribute to the project. Together, let's make Harbor even better!
avatar for Miner Yang

Miner Yang

CNCF Project Harbor Contributor, Member of VMware Kubernetes techinal staff, Broadcom
Join Cloud Native and Harbor team 2 years ago, Developer of Harbor, Harbor-helm and Harbor Carvel Package.

Yan Wang

avatar for Orlin Vasilev

Orlin Vasilev

Principal Open Source Technology Advocate, SUSE
Orlin Vasilev is Principal Open Source Technology Advocate and Community Manager for Project Harbor as part of the Cloud Native team at SUSE. Second term CNCF Ambassador and driving the CNCF Meetup Group(~1.7 K members) in Bulgaria. KubeCon CfP review board member. Previously SysAdmin/Dev/SRE/System... Read More →
avatar for Vadim Bauer

Vadim Bauer

Harbor Maintainer, 8gears Container Registry
Vadim Bauer is a Container Silverback with over a decade of experience in running containers in production. As a maintainer of the CNCF project Harbor, he focuses on extending the boundaries of OCI artifact management, adoption, and developer experience. At 8gears, Vadim helps cloud... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:30pm MST

Kubernetes Data Protection WG Deep Dive - Dave Smith-Uchida, Veeam
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Data Protection WG is dedicated to promoting data protection support in Kubernetes. The Working Group is working on identifying missing functionalities and collaborating across multiple SIGs to design features to enable data protection in Kubernetes. In this session, we will discuss what is the current state of data protection in Kubernetes and where it is heading in the future. We will also talk about how interested parties (including storage and backup vendors, cloud providers, application developers, and end users, etc.) can join this WG and contribute to this effort. Details of the WG can be found here: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/wg-data-protection.
avatar for Dave Smith-Uchida

Dave Smith-Uchida

Technical Leader, Veeam
Dave has been a leader in data protection for Kubernetes for the last several years. In addition to his work at Veeam on K10, he is a founding member of the Kubernetes Data Protection Working Group and was formerly the architect for the Velero Open Source Kubernetes backup project... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:30pm MST

Kubernetes WG Device Management - Advancing K8s Support for GPUs - John Belamaric, Google; Patrick Ohly, Intel; Kevin Klues, NVIDIA
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
The goal of the recently formed WG Device Management is to enable simple and efficient configuration, sharing, and allocation of accelerators (such as GPUs and TPUs) and other specialized devices. This working group focuses on the APIs, abstractions, and feature designs needed to configure, target, and share the necessary hardware for both batch and serving (inference) workloads. The current focus of the working group is the Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) feature. Come to this talk to learn what we have delivered in Kubernetes 1.31, what is coming in 1.32 and beyond, and how you can influence the roadmap for Kubernetes support of accelerated workloads.
avatar for Patrick Ohly

Patrick Ohly

Principal Engineer, Intel
Patrick Ohly is a software engineer at Intel GmbH, Germany. In the past he has worked on performance analysis software for HPC clusters ("Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector") and cluster technology in general (PTP and hardware time stamping). Since January 2009 he has worked for Intel... Read More →
avatar for Kevin Klues

Kevin Klues

Distinguished Engineer, NVIDIA
Kevin Klues is a distinguished engineer on the NVIDIA Cloud Native team. Kevin has been involved in the design and implementation of a number of Kubernetes technologies, including the Topology Manager, the Kubernetes stack for Multi-Instance GPUs, and Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA... Read More →
avatar for John Belamaric

John Belamaric

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
John is a Sr Staff SWE, co-chair of K8s SIG Architecture and of K8s WG Device Management, helping lead efforts to improve how GPUs, TPUs, NICs and other devices are selected, shared, and configured in Kubernetes. He is also co-founder of Nephio, an LF project for K8s-based automation... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:30pm MST

SIG-Multicluster Intro and Deep Dive - Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson & Laura Lorenz, Google; Ryan Zhang, Microsoft; Stephen Kitt, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters, and applications deployed across many clusters, or even across cloud providers. In this session, we'll give attendees an overview of the current status of the multi-cluster problem space in Kubernetes and of the SIG. We’ll discuss current thinking around best practices for multi-cluster deployments and what it means to be part of a ClusterSet. Then we’ll highlight current SIG projects, focused use cases, and ideas for what’s next. Most importantly, we’ll provide information on how you can get involved either as a contributor or as a user who wants to provide feedback about the SIG's current efforts and future direction. Bring your questions, problems, and ideas - help us expand the multi-cluster Kubernetes landscape!
avatar for Stephen Kitt

Stephen Kitt

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Stephen is one of the maintainers of the Submariner project, providing connectivity and service discovery across multiple Kubernetes clusters. He is a long-time open source contributor, and has been at Red Hat since 2015, working on OpenDaylight and Submariner.
avatar for Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson

Principal Engineer, Google
Jeremy is a software engineer who works on Google Kubernetes Engine. His main focus is on simplifying the Kubernetes experience, and making it as easy as possible to deploy applications both within a cluster with things like GKE Autopilot, and across clusters with multi-cluster solutions... Read More →
avatar for Laura Lorenz

Laura Lorenz

SWE, Google
Laura Lorenz is a software engineer at Google. She is an active member of Kubernetes’ upstream focused on SIG-Multicluster, SIG-Node, and releases.
avatar for Ryan Zhang

Ryan Zhang

Principal Software Engineering Manager, Microsoft
Dr. Ryan Zhang is a Principal Software Engineering Manager at Microsoft, working on Azure Kubernetes Service Team. Ryan has been working on Cloud Native open source projects for the past few years including CloudEvents, Open Application Model (OAM) and multi-cluster related initi... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

3:25pm MST

How to Get Started Contributing in the CNCF - Destiny O'Connor, Women Blessing Women & Riaan Kleinhans, Linux Foundation
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
The CNCF fosters a dynamic and inclusive ecosystem where individuals of all skill sets and regardless of experience can contribute to cloud-native technologies. Let us delve beyond the traditional "how-to contribute" approach and empower you to unlock your potential as a contributor. We’ll get into the core principles of open source, drawing from real-world examples from my experience. Highlighting its collaboration and the inclusive environment it offers. We'll share valuable resources and practical steps to teach you how to get started in the open-source community. Learn how to: - Find projects that align with your skills & interests. - Navigate the open-source collaborative environment. - Contribute with guidelines for beginners. - Leverage your unique perspective. - Use resources to find your contribution niche. This presentation equips you to confidently enter the rewarding world of open-source cloud-native development.
avatar for Destiny O'Connor

Destiny O'Connor

Co-Chair CNCF Deaf and Hard of Hearing WG, Web Developer, Women Blessing Women
As Co-Chair of the CNCF Deaf and Hard of Hearing Working Group, where I channel my passion for creating a more inclusive tech world for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. My mission is to educate the tech community about the unique challenges and experiences of being deaf in this... Read More →
avatar for Riaan Kleinhans

Riaan Kleinhans

Mr., Linux Foundation
Riaan Kleinhans is a seasoned project manager with extensive experience in customer-facing roles, open-source projects, and community management. Currently, he serves as a Program Manager at the Linux Foundation, collaborating with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the Confidential... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

3:25pm MST

Life of a Packet: Ambient Edition - John Howard, Solo.io & Keith Mattix, Microsoft
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Istio's new "ambient mode" promises to (and delivers!) dramatically simplify and reduce the cost of running a service mesh. This doesn't come easily, however; Istio employs some advanced and innovative techniques to deliver on this promise. In this talk, Keith and John - two leads on the ambient project - will give an in-depth look under the hood to show how ambient mode operates, walking through how a packet gets from point A to point B securely and efficiently.
avatar for Keith Mattix

Keith Mattix

Senior Software Engineering Lead, Microsoft
Keith Mattix is an Engineering Lead at Microsoft focused on Istio, Gateway API, and other networking projects.
avatar for John Howard

John Howard

John Howard, Solo.io
John Howard is a Senior Architect at Solo.io and Istio Technical Oversight Committee member.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

3:25pm MST

Mastering ApplicationSet: Advanced Argo CD Automation - Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Argo CD has become an essential deployment tool that engineers use to automate various infrastructure management use cases across hundreds of clusters. This presents a new challenge of managing Argo CD applications at scale. The Argo CD team has explored multiple approaches to solving this, resulting in the creation of ApplicationSet. Over time, ApplicationSet has gained many features, becoming sophisticated and quite complex to use. In this session, we will dive into advanced ApplicationSet features: orchestrating complex rollouts of ingress controllers across multiple clusters and accommodating snowflake clusters. We will enable the audience to answer these and many other questions about using ApplicationSet. Finally, we will demonstrate an effective way to debug ApplicationSet specifications without digging through logs and altering production Argo CD settings.
avatar for Alexander Matyushentsev

Alexander Matyushentsev

Co-founder and Chief Architect, Akuity
Argo Co-Creator, Argo CD Lead, and maintainer. Energetic and passionate software engineer with over a decade of software development experience. I'm an enthusiast of continuous integration, agile environments, and a huge open-source believer. Core contributor and maintainer of http://argoproj.io... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

3:25pm MST

OpenTelemetry Project Update - Alolita Sharma, Apple; Juraci Paixão Kröhling, Grafana Labs; Ted Young, ServiceNow; Morgan Mclean, Splunk; Daniel Dyla, Dynatrace
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
This is the official OpenTelemetry session at Kubecon. OpenTelemetry started with distributed traces and metrics, but the project's vision has always been to provide whatever signals are needed from infrastructure, services, and more. This session will focus on what's coming next, including new signals and sources. Join to learn about OpenTelemetry's new logging functionality, including its two logging paths, the benefits of each, and real-world production examples. We'll show the power of the next wave of OpenTelemetry enhancements, including profiling and the insights that this unlocks in combination with distributed traces, and how we're extending your observability to client applications. We'll wrap up with a Q&A of 10+ project maintainers, who can speak to these topics and more.
avatar for Morgan Mclean

Morgan Mclean

Director of Product Management, Splunk
Morgan is one of the co-founders of OpenTelemetry, and he sits on the project's governance committee and runs multiple initiatives within the project. He is a Senior Director of Product Management at Splunk, where he is responsible for the core platform behind Splunk Observability... Read More →
avatar for Juraci Paixão Kröhling

Juraci Paixão Kröhling

Software Engineer, Grafana Labs
Juraci Paixão Kröhling is a software engineer at Grafana Labs, a maintainer of the OpenTelemetry project, a member of the project's governing board and CNCF Ambassador. He has presented about distributed tracing, OpenTelemetry, and other related topics at conferences like KubeCon... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Dyla

Daniel Dyla

Senior Open Source Architect / OpenTelemetry GC, JS, Maintainer, Dynatrace
Daniel joined Dynatrace in 2015 working on the Davis Assistant natural language interface to the Dynatrace AI. He is an Open Source Architect, member of the W3C Distributed Tracing Working Group, OpenTelemetry specification contributor, maintainer of the OpenTelemetry JS client, and... Read More →
avatar for Ted Young

Ted Young

Director of Developer Education, ServiceNow
OpenTelemetry co-founder
avatar for Alolita Sharma

Alolita Sharma

Observability Engineering, Apple
Alolita Sharma is a member of OpenTelemetry GC, Observability TAG co-chair, CNCF End-User TAB Chair and Governing Board member. She leads Apple’s AIML observability teams. She contributes to open source, open standards at OpenTelemetry, Unicode, W3C. She has served on the boards... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

3:25pm MST

SIG-Node: Intro and Deep Dive - Sergey Kanzhelev & Dawn Chen, Google; Mrunal Patel, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Kubernetes SIG Node maintainers track session will cover the latest updates in the Kubernetes Node subsystem. The emergence of Generative AI has introduced new challenges and workload behaviors. And SIG Node is up for the challenge. SIG Node owns components and interactions between pods and host resources, including the Kubelet, Container Runtime Interface, and Node API. SIG Node is responsible for the Pod’s lifecycle from allocation to teardown, to liveness checks and shared resource management. We work with various container runtimes, kernels, networking, storage, and more; anything a pod touches is SIG Node’s responsibility! The session will be led by Kubernetes SIG Node leads and will be interesting for seasoned contributors as well as people seeking to get involved in the project. Attendees will leave the session with a better understanding of the latest developments in the Kubernetes Node subsystem. The session is open to all Kubernetes users, regardless of experience level.
avatar for Dawn Chen

Dawn Chen

Principal Software Engineer, Google
Dawn Chen is a principal software engineer at Google. Dawn has worked on Kubernetes and Google Container Engine (GKE) before the project was founded. She has been one of tech leads in both Kubernetes and GKE. Prior to Kubernetes, she was the one of the tech leads for Google internal... Read More →
avatar for Mrunal Patel

Mrunal Patel

Distinguished Engineer, Red Hat
Mrunal Patel is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat working on containers for Openshift. He is a maintainer of runc/libcontainer and the OCI runtime specification. He started the CRI-O runtime. He is a SIG-Node chair and tech lead.
avatar for Sergey Kanzhelev

Sergey Kanzhelev

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Sergey Kanzhelev is a seasoned open source and cloud native maintainer working actively on Kubernetes. Sergey is serving as co-chair of SIG node. He is also one of the founders of OpenTelemetry. He is working on engineering aspect of software and its practical application. He is contributing... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:30pm MST

CNI Updates and Direction! - Michael Zappa, Microsoft
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
The CNI or Container Networking Interface is one of the most important projects of Kubernetes and the surrounding ecosystem. Without it, nodes aren’t ready, and pods aren’t scheduled. This session will provide a brief overview of what the CNI is, where it intersects with Kubernetes, the latest updates, how you can get involved and the future of the CNI. We have talked a lot about CNI 2.0 and now it is becoming a reality. This will be the biggest change to the CNI however let's not get carried away, we will make this seamless for you! Attendees will leave with an understanding of what the CNI is and how it fits into the larger picture of Kubernetes networking so that you can contribute to the CNI community!
avatar for Michael Zappa

Michael Zappa

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Hello, I am Zappa. I have been a technologist for over 20 years with a background in networking, systems, software and Devops engineering. I am a self-caught coder and started in the 6th grade. I am passionate about the ecosystem and container networking. My areas in the open-source... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

4:30pm MST

How to Expand Your IDP: The New Building Blocks of Backstage - Ben Lambert & Patrik Oldsberg, Spotify
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Learn new ways to get the most out of your internal developer portal (IDP) and improve developer experience and productivity together with the Backstage community. The project maintainers will walk through brand new framework features and resources designed to help you build plugins and integrations. By expanding what a Backstage portal can do, you add value to your own IDP while strengthening the Backstage open source ecosystem. You’ll also hear the latest updates from the different Project Areas and a roadmap for what’s coming next. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so here’s your chance to ask any burning questions!
avatar for Patrik Oldsberg

Patrik Oldsberg

Senior Engineer, Spotify
Patrik is a Senior Software Engineer at Spotify and a core maintainer of Backstage. In 2019 he joined the team in Spotify’s platform organization that owned the Backstage platform, and worked together with the rest of the team to bring it out in the open. Before joining Spotify... Read More →
avatar for Ben Lambert

Ben Lambert

Core Maintainer of Backstage, Senior Engineer at Spotify, Spotify
Ben is an Engineer at Spotify and a Maintainer of Backstage.io
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

4:30pm MST

Linkerd Update: Ingress, Egress, IPv6, Enhanced Multicluster, Rust, and More - William Morgan, Buoyant
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
The pace of feature delivery in Linkerd has never been higher. In this whirlwind project update by Linkerd maintainers and directors, you'll learn about the latest developments and upcoming features. We'll discuss new support for egress traffic control and visibility, ingress traffic handling, UX improvements to multicluster, new support for IPv6, and more. Come prepared to learn about the world's fastest, lightest service mesh!
avatar for William Morgan

William Morgan

Linkerd Director, Buoyant CEO, Buoyant
William is a director on the Linkerd project and the co-founder and CEO of Buoyant, the creators of Linkerd. Prior to Buoyant, he was an infrastructure engineer at Twitter, a software engineer at Powerset, Microsoft, and Adap.tv, a research scientist at MITRE. He holds an MS in computer... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:30pm MST

SIG Instrumentation Introduction and Deep Dive - Han Kang, David Ashpole & Richa Banker, Google; Damien Grisonnet, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Kubernetes SIG Instrumentation is responsible for ensuring high quality and consistent instrumentation across the Kubernetes project. We will begin with an introductory overview of the efforts the SIG Instrumentation has worked on in the past and is currently working on. This deep dive session will go into detail about currently ongoing efforts happening within SIG Instrumentation to share with the audience concrete pieces of work to encourage future collaboration. Software engineering and operations are both disciplines practiced in SIG Instrumentation, and any experience will help the special interest group's mission. Join this session to learn how to get involved in SIG Instrumentation to make instrumentation even better!
avatar for Richa Banker

Richa Banker

Richa Banker, Google
Currently a software engineer at Google. Exploring and contributing to OSS Kubernetes on the side.
avatar for Han Kang

Han Kang

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
Han Kang is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google. Han co-chairs SIG instrumentation while also participating in SIG API Machinery, focusing on operational aspects of managing Kubernetes clusters.
avatar for David Ashpole

David Ashpole

David Ashpole, Google
avatar for Damien Grisonnet

Damien Grisonnet

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Damien Grisonnet is a Software Engineer at Red Hat, he is very active in the monitoring ecosystem of Kubernetes for which he serves as a technical lead for Kubernetes SIG Instrumentation as well as a maintainer for projects such as kube-state-metrics, metrics-server, and prometheus-adapter... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:30pm MST

Understanding How OpenTelemetry Network Uses eBPF for Network Observability - Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, SigNoz & Jonathan Perry, State-fu
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
The recent advancements in eBPF tooling, including the enhanced eBPF runtime embedded in the Linux kernel, the BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) for efficient kernel tracing, and the LLVM Compiler for converting C code to eBPF programs, have made it easier to provide always-on network visibility. OpenTelemetry Network leverages these foundational tools to provide out-of-the-box network observability for modern infrastructures. In this talk, we'll explore the architecture of the OTel Network, focusing on its key components: the kernel collector, kubernetes collector, cloud collector, and reducer which together enable collecting, ingesting, aggregating, enriching, and exporting telemetry data collected from various sources. We'll show an end-to-end setup to demonstrate the use of these agents and reducer component to send data to the OTel collector. This session aims to equip end-users and contributors with the necessary infomation to get started with the OpenTelemetry Network project.
avatar for Jonathan Perry

Jonathan Perry

Founder, State-fu
Jonathan Perry is a maintainer of the OpenTelemetry eBPF network collector. His PhD research at MIT CSAIL focused on performance isolation in datacenter and cloud networks, aiming to enhance network efficiency and reduce latency. Jonathan founded Flowmill, where he developed eBPF-based... Read More →
avatar for Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Founding Engineer, SigNoz
Shivanshu is a Founding Engineer at SigNoz, working on building an OTeL native observability product. He has a keen interest in deep tech and OSS. He is a CNCF ambassador and a member of CNCF projects like OTeL, k8s, and Istio. He has got the opportunity to mentor contributors in... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

5:25pm MST

Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks - Jesse Brown, Heroku & Aidan Delaney, Bloomberg
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Buildpacks transform source applications into images that run on any cloud. Each output image contains a full Software Bill of Materials which allows platform developers to know precisely what software is deployed. This makes them an excellent solution where a container runtime is provided to untrusted or semi-trusted development teams. There are wider use-cases where many application development teams share a common runtime, like Kuberenetes. In this talk we look at using Buildpacks to deploy web applications at scale, we consider batch processing in large workflows - particularly AI/machine learning workflows - and we look at an example Functions as a Service platform that uses Buildpacks.
avatar for Jesse Brown

Jesse Brown

Software Engineer, Heroku
Jesse is a software engineer at Heroku, currently based in Memphis, TN. With a focus on the Heroku Builds suite of services, Jesse has been contributing to buildpacks.io since 2019 and earned maintainer status in 2021. Passionate about Kubernetes and large-scale systems, Jesse dedicates... Read More →
avatar for Aidan Delaney

Aidan Delaney

Aidan is a Buildpacks.io maintainer and currently works in Bloomberg's Data Management Services team.  He has worked on Buildpacks (and other infrastructure) for AI and large scale data processing.  He likes to build well-tested platforms that have clean interfaces.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

5:25pm MST

Distributed Tracing with Jaeger and OpenTelemetry - Jonah Kowall, Independent & Pavol Loffay, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
In this session, we will introduce the Jaeger project, explain distributed tracing concepts, and the value it brings compared to other telemetry signals like metrics and logs. The session will continue with a live Jaeger demo, after which the audience will understand the platform features. We will switch gears to focus on the exciting release of Jaeger v2, which is due to be released very soon. This new version will further incorporate OpenTelemetry into Jaeger natively. Then we’ll delve into service performance monitoring and the changes which have happened to this critical feature. We will finish by talking about the roadmap and how to get involved with the project, including our expanding LFX and Google Summer of Code mentorship programs.
avatar for Pavol Loffay

Pavol Loffay

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Pavol Loffay is a principal software engineer at Red Hat working on open-source observability technology for modern cloud-native applications. Pavol contributes and maintains Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects OpenTelemetry and Jaeger. In his free time, Pavol likes... Read More →
avatar for Jonah Kowall

Jonah Kowall

CTO, TBD (between roles)
Jonah Kowall, computer scientist and open-source contributor to OpenSearch, Jaeger, OpenTelemetry. A technical leader across startups to large enterprises specialized in operations, security, and performance. Led Gartner research on monitoring. Product leadership at AppDynamics, Cisco... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

5:25pm MST

Observability TAG Round-up and What’s New for AI Observability - Alolita Sharma, Apple & Chris Larsen, Netflix
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
The Observability TAG has been busy in 2024. We've been hard at work on exciting initiatives designed to address the challenges of large-scale observability. This session will provide an update on our activities, workgroups, and achievements. The cloud is undergoing a supernova event! Massive deployments of GPUs and NPUs running AI workloads are fueling a revolution, but implementing observability for this new ecosystem can easily devour your budget. As CNCF’s Observability TAG, we'll dive into the latest trends in observability that address the cost challenges of the AI Cloud. See what’s new to help manage observability data more effectively, optimize operational efficiency, and keep costs under control.
avatar for Chris Larsen

Chris Larsen

Senior Software Engineer, Netflix, Netflix
Observability engineer focusing on cross telemetry correlation and maintainer of OpenTSDB.
avatar for Alolita Sharma

Alolita Sharma

Observability Engineering, Apple
Alolita Sharma is a member of OpenTelemetry GC, Observability TAG co-chair, CNCF End-User TAB Chair and Governing Board member. She leads Apple’s AIML observability teams. She contributes to open source, open standards at OpenTelemetry, Unicode, W3C. She has served on the boards... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

5:25pm MST

Squashing Trampoline Pods: The Future of Securely Enabling Hardware Extensions - Joe Betz, Google & David Eads, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Prevent a single node compromise from leaping to other nodes.  If you deploy or develop per-node agents, learn how to combine recent and developing features (validating admission policy, service account token node claims, CRD field selectors, and field selector authorization) to build secure hardware extensions.
avatar for Joe Betz

Joe Betz

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Joe Betz is a tech lead of the Kubernetes api-machinery SIG. Joe has contributed to extensibility features including custom resources, admission webhooks, and CEL. Joe has also contributed to etcd as a project maintainer.
avatar for David Eads

David Eads

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
David Eads is a senior principal software engineer at Red Hat and co-lead for Kubernetes sig-apimachinery and TL for sig-auth.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

5:25pm MST

XRegistry - Looking Beyond CloudEvents - Calum Murray, University of Toronto
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
CloudEvents helps in the delivery of events by standardizing where common event metadata can be found in the messages carrying those events without the need to understand the schema of each event. But discovering which endpoints support those events, how to communicate with them, and finding the schema of the messages carrying those events can be challenging. This is where xRegistry can be used. xRegisty defines a core set of interoperable APIs for a generic "registry" that can be used to persist and query its contents to help discover resources and their metadata. On top of this extensible base registry model we are developing 3 domain specific registries: Endpoint, Message and Schema registries - specifically aimed at enabling the automation, tooling and code generation often needed in distributed systems development. In this session you will learn about CloudEvents, xRegistry and how we're trying to help users be more productive in an event-driven world.
avatar for Calum Murray

Calum Murray

Engineering Science Student, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
I'm a software engineer, and I love building cool things in open source. I like to seek out the most interesting and challenging problems which I think will have a large impact, and build creative solutions to them. I also like to share my passion for open source with others, and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Thursday, November 14

11:00am MST

Artifact Hub: Discover, Analyze, and Share Cloud Native Artifacts - Matt Farina, SUSE
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Finding cloud native artifacts, from Helm charts to security policies, can be difficult with general search engines. Analyzing what you find can be a very manual process and you're going to miss out on some useful projects. Artifact Hub was created to ease the pain of cloud native artifact discovery and now provides for discovery and analysis of over 20 different types of cloud native artifacts. In this session you'll learn: • How Artifact Hub came into existence • How you can discover and analyze artifacts, right on Artifact Hub • Making your artifacts discoverable • Running your own instance of Artifact Hub • How you can contribute to the project
avatar for Matt Farina

Matt Farina

Distinguished Engineer, SUSE
Matt works as a Distinguished Engineer at SUSE, where he works as the Chief Architect of the SUSE Rancher Team. He is a maintainer of multiple open source projects including Helm and Artifact Hub. Matt is an author, speaker, and regular contributor to open source.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:00am MST

GitOps at Production Scale with Flux - Leigh Capili, Flox & Priyanka Ravi, G-Research
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In this session, Leigh and Pinky will cover best practices when running Flux at scale in production. We'll start with an overview of the scaling capabilities of Flux controllers: - Vertical Scaling - Horizontal Scaling - Sharding We'll dive deeply into each method and explain when and how to use them considering multi-tenancy, cluster fleet size, and workload complexity. We'll also introduce the Mean Time To Production benchmarking tool the Flux team has developed using CUE lang and Timoni. The benchmark measures the time it takes for Flux to deploy thousands of Helm charts and Kustomize overlays on Kubernetes clusters. We'll explain the benchmark results and share lessons from running it on different Kubernetes distributions and providers. The session will conclude with the Flux roadmap and our API promises now that Flux is GA.
avatar for Leigh Capili

Leigh Capili

Senior DevRel Engineer, Flox
Leigh is an empathetic speaker and dev with niches in cloud-native systems and security. He has a background in building software to manage infra. Leigh is working in k8s SIG-Auth. He authored kubeadm’s etcd mTLS implementation and Flux 2’s multi-tenant security model. Leigh works... Read More →
avatar for Priyanka Ravi

Priyanka Ravi

Platform Tech Advocate, G-Research
Priyanka “Pinky” Ravi is a Platform Technical Advocate at G-Research. She is a Flux project member and an advocate for GitOps. She has worked on a multitude of topics including front end development, UI automation for testing and API development. Previously she was a developer... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

11:00am MST

SIG-Apps: Powering Applications with High-Volume Data and APIs - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat & Janet Kuo, Google
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Over the last decade, Kubernetes expanded support for various workloads from stateless to stateful, from simple jobs to complicated batch workloads. All the APIs have become mature, consistent, and full-featured. We've been busy in SIG Apps, and there's more to come. In this session the SIG Apps leads will provide an overview of what has been accomplished since its inception. They will highlight major milestones, sub-projects and share various stories surrounding major events. They will also discuss how the work has been shared between SIG Apps, Work Groups and sub-projects. The session will conclude with an open discussion and Q&A. Attendees will learn about contributing to SIG Apps themselves.
avatar for Janet Kuo

Janet Kuo

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Janet Kuo is a Staff Software Engineer at Google. She's joined the Kubernetes project since before the 1.0 launch in 2015. She is Kubernetes project maintainer, SIG Apps chair, and KubeCon co-chair emeritus. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and taking photos.
avatar for Maciej Szulik

Maciej Szulik

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Maciej is a passionate developer with almost 2 decades of experience in many languages. Currently he's working on OpenShift and Kubernetes for Red Hat. Whereas at night he is hacking on side projects with python. In his spare time he enjoys reading a good book or taking photos.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

11:00am MST

SPIRE: Intro & In-Depth Exploration of the Upcoming Forced Rotation and Revocation Feature - Agustín Martínez Fayó & Marcos Yacob, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Join us for an insightful session on the SPIRE project, where we’ll provide a comprehensive introduction covering the foundational aspects of SPIRE, detailing its architecture, capabilities, and the problems it solves. Additionally, we’ll delve into the exciting upcoming updates for the project, with a special focus on the highly anticipated forced rotation and revocation feature that will provide a rapid, reliable, and automated mechanism for recovering from key compromise. Whether you’re new to SPIRE or an experienced user, this talk will equip you with the knowledge of current developments and prepare you for the future enhancements that will further strengthen your infrastructure to provide secure identities for workloads.
avatar for Marcos Yacob

Marcos Yacob

Principal Software Engineer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
I'm principal Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Maintainer of different SPIFFE projects.
avatar for Agustín Martínez Fayó

Agustín Martínez Fayó

Principal Software Engineer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Agustín is a Principal Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Maintainer of the SPIRE project. Agustín has always been dedicated to building software that helps to improve the security of systems that operate at scale.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:00am MST

What's New with Kubectl and Kustomize … and How You Can Help! - Eddie Zaneski, Defense Unicorns & Arda Guclu, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Have you ever wondered how kubectl and kustomize enhancements are designed and built? Curious why your favorite feature request wasn't accepted? Join the folks from Kubernetes SIG CLI to find out! In this session, the SIG CLI maintainers will provide an introduction to the tooling they are working on and an overview of how to get started contributing. They will share the work done over the past year and the roadmap for what is next. Join us to help shape your favorite tools!
avatar for Eddie Zaneski

Eddie Zaneski

Staff OSS Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Eddie lives in Denver, CO with his wife and dog. He loves open source and works on the Kubernetes project. When not hacking on random things you'll most likely find him climbing rocks somewhere.
avatar for Arda Guclu

Arda Guclu

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Senior software engineer at Red Hat, regular contributor to Kubernetes and one of the maintainers of kubectl.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

0.1 to 1.16: How Has Knative Fulfilled Its Vision? - Dave Protasowski, Broadcom & Evan Anderson, Stacklok
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Knative 0.1 launched approximately 6 years ago. 0.1 promised a number of features, including supporting a developer workflow equivalent to AWS Lambda and other FaaS platforms, but with an “a la carte” design where each component could operate independently. How does that vision look 6 years and 40 releases later? Through the lens of a demo, where does Knative exceed the original vision, and where have things been dropped?
avatar for Dave Protasowski

Dave Protasowski

Staff Engineer, VMware/Broadcom
Dave Protasowski is part of Knative Technical Committee and a Serving Working Group Lead. During the night he works at VMware/Broadcom. Prior he worked on Cloud Foundry things at Pivotal.
avatar for Evan Anderson

Evan Anderson

Software Engineer, Stacklok
Co-founder and maintainer on Knative project. Member of sigstore-oncall. Previously worked on Google Compute Engine and Serverless (App Engine, Functions) and in SRE. Principal engineer at Stacklok. Ex-Google, ex-VMware. Author of Building Serverless Applications on Knative by O'Reilly... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:55am MST

Cilium: Connecting, Observing, and Securing Kubernetes and Beyond with eBPF - Ahmed Bebars, The New York Times & Liz Rice, Isovalent @ Cisco
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Welcome to Cilium's maintainer track session where you'll get an update on how Cilium is expanding the frontiers of cloud native networking, observability, and security. Cilium is CNCF's most widely adopted CNI, being the default choice for all major cloud providers. This talk dives into the bytecode behind all of the buzz around the project. We'll start with a brief overview of each part of the project before diving into how Cilium is expanding beyond Kubernetes with load balancing and multi-cloud networking and into runtime enforcement with Tetragon. In this session, you'll hear from Cilium contributors and users Isovalent and The New York Times.
avatar for Liz Rice

Liz Rice

Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent, now a part of Cisco
Liz Rice is Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, the creators of the Cilium project, and now part of Cisco. Currently on the boards of the CNCF and OpenUK, she was chair of the CNCF's Technical Oversight Committee 2019-2022, and Co-Chair of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in 2018. She... Read More →
avatar for Ahmed Bebars

Ahmed Bebars

Principal Engineer, The New York Times
As a seasoned Principal Engineer on the Delivery Engineering team at The New York Times, I specialize in developing robust and scalable Kubernetes-based solutions. My primary focus is on crafting a secure and flexible runtime environment that is pivotal in empowering service teams... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

11:55am MST

Cluster API Deep Dive - Roadmap to API Graduation - Fabrizio Pandini, Broadcom & Vince Prignano, Apple, Inc.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Cluster API is the de-facto project to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters at scale using simple declarative APIs. In 2021 the project reached production readiness, and today the community is working towards the next major milestone: graduating the APIs to v1 General Availability. Join us to get an overview how Cluster API is today used in production and discover what's planned for our APIs exciting new features like Karpenter, in-place upgrades, and more.
avatar for Fabrizio Pandini

Fabrizio Pandini

Staff Engineer 1, Broadcom
A Kubernetes contributor obsessed with making Kubernetes lifecycle simple and consistent across all types of infrastructures, so everyone can build amazing applications on top of it. When I’m not busy as a SIG Cluster Lifecycle tech lead or as a project maintainer in Cluster API... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

CNCF TAG Network: Intro & Deep Dive - Lee Calcote, Layer5
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
“It’s the network!” is the cry of every engineer. With the increased prevalence of microservices and distributed systems, it’s true - networking as a discipline has never been more critical in the well-architected design and efficient operation of modern infrastructure. Join this talk for an intro to the TAG, its charter and a deeper discussion of current cloud native networking topics being advanced in this TAG.
avatar for Lee Calcote

Lee Calcote

Founder, Layer5
Lee Calcote is an innovative product and technology leader, passionate about empowering engineers and enabling organizations. As Founder of Layer5, he is at the forefront of the cloud native movement. Open source, advanced and emerging technologies have been a consistent focus through... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:55am MST

SIG Autoscaling Projects Update - Jack Francis, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The last year’s been an exciting time for SIG Autoscaling, with Karpenter being accepted as a subproject just before Kubecon NA 2023, work to support more advanced workload types for operators, and more. Come along to hear about: Karpenter’s first year as a SIG Subproject - what’s happened over the last year, and what we’ve got planned for the next year. Dynamic Resource Allocation - how the SIG is involved in k8s’ efforts to make it easier for users to run cost effective and efficient workloads requiring GPUs and other custom resources. Provisioning Requests and Pod & Node Headroom - new APIs planned for the Cluster Autoscaler and Karpenter to support long standing requests for improved support for batch workloads and from cluster operators. Improvements in the SIG’s processes - the SIG’s been hard at work improving and extending our use of k8s’ test infra, expanding our test coverage, as well as improving our release processes over the last year.
avatar for Jack Francis

Jack Francis

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jack works on open source Kubernetes from his basement in Portland, Oregon, USA. When he’s not working, he’s usually upstairs hanging out with his family. On occasion he straps on a guitar and turns the amp to 11.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:30pm MST

Applications, Platforms, and Infrastructure Oh My! What Is the TAG App Delivery Doing to Support You - Daniel Oh, Red Hat; Roberth Strand, Sopra Steria; Ryan Nowak, Microsoft; Abby Bangser, Syntasso
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
TAG App Delivery focuses on how organizations can deliver cloud-native applications. To succeed, there are a number of hard questions that need to be answered: How can platform teams do a better job of enabling developers? How can developers help platform teams to understand better their development needs and their technology stack specific requirements? Which artifacts will be created and by whom? What does it take to provision a development environment? Which tools are involved? This panel will highlight how the TAG Working Groups including App Development, Platform, Infrastructure, and Artifacts are helping build a unified view of how to successfully deliver cloud native applications at scale.
avatar for Daniel Oh

Daniel Oh

Senior Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Daniel Oh is a Java Champion and Senior Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat to evangelize developers for building cloud-native apps and serverless ob Kubernetes ecosystems. He's also contributing to various cloud open-source projects and ecosystems as a CNCF ambassador for accelerating... Read More →
avatar for Abby Bangser

Abby Bangser

Principal Engineer, Syntasso
Abby is a Principal Engineer at Syntasso delivering Kratix, an open-source cloud-native framework for building internal platforms on Kubernetes. Her keen interest in supporting internal development comes from over a decade of experience in consulting and product delivery roles across... Read More →
avatar for Roberth Strand

Roberth Strand

Principal Cloud Native Architect, Sopra Steria
Roberth is a self-proclaimed "cloud automator", and works primarily with Microsoft Azure infrastructure, Platform Engineering, DevOps and Cloud Native technology. He has been awarded the title Microsoft Azure MVP (2021, 2022, 2023), CNCF Ambassador (2023), as well as HashiCorp Ambassador... Read More →
avatar for Ryan Nowak

Ryan Nowak

Incubations Architect, Microsoft
Ryan is an architect working on open-source projects from the Azure CTO's office. He's passionate about designing software for humans, incubating risky ideas, releasing them in open-source so everyone can benefit. At Microsoft, he's had a 15+ year career building developer-centric... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:30pm MST

Bare Metal Kubernetes with KOps: Gathering Community Wisdom - Justin Santa Barbara, Google & Ciprian Hacman, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Kubernetes on bare metal presents unique challenges compared to cloud deployments. While kOps is optimized for cloud environments, we have begun to explore bare metal support and identify key architectural trade-offs. We'll examine common architectures for bare metal Kubernetes, such as node discovery and availability without cloud services. Introducing a VM layer creates a familiar Kubernetes environment but adds complexity and can limit hardware performance. We'll discuss managing devices like GPUs and the need for tooling when hardware health isn't verified by a cloud provider. This talk will delve into the kOps project and its potential in supporting bare metal Kubernetes. However, our primary goal is to learn from the community. We invite you to share your successes, struggles, and insights to shape the future of our tooling for bare metal. Your feedback is crucial in guiding our development and ensuring kOps meets the needs of those deploying Kubernetes on bare metal.
avatar for Justin Santa Barbara

Justin Santa Barbara

Software Engineer, Google
Justin has been contributing to kubernetes since 2014, initially as the primary maintainer of the kubernetes AWS support, he also started the kOps project. He loves helping users adopt and grow their use of kubernetes, and believes that we have only scratched the surface of the kubernetes... Read More →
avatar for Ciprian Hacman

Ciprian Hacman

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Ciprian Hacman is a Software Engineer, working with cloud-native technologies. He is also an open source project maintainer for kOps (Kubernetes Operations), etcd-manager, cloud-provider-aws and frequent contributor to other projects in the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:30pm MST

Celebrating Prometheus 3.0: A Deep Dive with the Maintainers - Kemal Akkoyun, fal.ai & Josh Abreu, Grafana Labs
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring system and a CNCF Graduate project. It benefits from a rich ecosystem, including Alertmanager, efficient client libraries for many languages, the Prometheus Operator to install on Kubernetes, and numerous Exporters to provide the raw data. This year, Prometheus releases the 3.0 version, which includes new features, a refreshed UI/UX, and plenty of new things that build on what has worked well for years. Join two Prometheus maintainers, Josh and Kemal, to celebrate the 3.0 version and learn what it enables for new and existing users, how to upgrade, and how to get the most out of the latest version! Prepare tons of questions; we will have a lot of interactive time for questions; we want to hear community feedback!
avatar for Kemal Akkoyun

Kemal Akkoyun

Staff Software Engineer, Independent
Software Infrastructure Engineer. Programmer. Open Source Enthusiast. I help to build large-scale, distributed, real-time microservice systems and observability infrastructure.
avatar for Josue Abreu

Josue Abreu

Principal Software Engineer, Grafana Labs
Josue (Josh) Abreu has been involved in observability for the past 4 years. As a relative newcomer to this world, he was often puzzled at how alerting would function on a small and big scale. Josue works as the Alerting Lead at Grafana Labs and is a Prometheus Maintainer. Over a 10-year... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:30pm MST

Cortex Intro: Multi-Tenant Scalable Prometheus - Charlie Le, Apple & Daniel Blando, Amazon
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Cortex provides horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term storage for Prometheus. In this talk, we will do an introduction of Cortex architecture and project status. We will also walk through those new features added to Cortex and how to utilize them efficiently in production.
avatar for Charlie Le

Charlie Le

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
Charlie is a software engineer at Apple, specializing in building and scaling cloud native observability solutions and infrastructure. Deeply inspired by the collaborative spirit of open source, he actively contributes to projects like Cortex and OpenTelemetry, shaping the future... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Blando

Daniel Blando

AWS, Senior SDE, Cortex, Amazon
Daniel Blando is a Senior Software Engineer at AWS in the Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP) team. He currently works with Cortex, Thanos, Prometheus among others open source projects. He is working to make Cortex more scalable and highly available recently focusing on the write path... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:30pm MST

Kubernetes SIG Storage: Intro & Deep Dive - Saad Ali & Michelle Au, Google; Xing Yang, VMware by Broadcom; Hemant Kumar, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Kubernetes SIG Storage is responsible for ensuring that different types of file and block storage are available wherever a container is scheduled, storage capacity management (container ephemeral storage usage, volume resizing, etc.), influencing scheduling of containers based on storage (data gravity, availability, etc.), and generic operations on storage (snapshotting, etc.). SIG Storage also has a project that provides APIs for object storage support in Kubernetes. In this session, we will deep dive into some projects that SIG Storage is currently working on, provide an update on the current status, and discuss what might be coming in the future.

Hemant Kumar

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Hemant is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat working on storage subsystem of Kubernetes. He is a member of SIG-Storage and author of persistent volume expansion, volume limits, mount options and various instrumentation bits in storage subsystems of Kubernetes. He is also a maintainer... Read More →
avatar for Saad Ali

Saad Ali

Senior Engineering Manager, Google
Saad Ali is a Senior Engineering Manager at Google. He works on Google Distributed Cloud and the open-source Kubernetes project. He led the development of the Kubernetes storage and volume subsystem. He serves as a lead of the Kubernetes Storage SIG, has served as member of the CNCF... Read More →
avatar for Michelle Au

Michelle Au

Software Engineer, Google
Michelle Au is a software engineer at Google and is a Kubernetes SIG Storage tech lead. She has been a Kubernetes maintainer since 2018, working on projects including the Container Storage Interface, volume security, volume topology, and local persistent storage.
avatar for Xing Yang

Xing Yang

Tech Lead, VMware by Broadcom
Xing Yang is a Tech Lead in the Cloud Native Storage team at VMware by Broadcom. She is a co-chair of CNCF Storage TAG, a co-chair of the Kubernetes Storage SIG, a co-chair of the Data Protection WG, and a maintainer in Kubernetes CSI. Before joining VMware, Xing was the Lead Architect... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

3:25pm MST

Cloud Native Storage: The CNCF Storage TAG Projects, Technology & Landscape - Alex Chircop, Akamai & Raffaele Spazzoli, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
This talk will introduce the CNCF Storage TAG and discuss how the TAG operates, how we work with CNCF Storage projects, and the work we have done to build guidance and write whitepapers for the ecosystem. During this session we will cover an overview of storage projects in the CNCF, including the broader ecosystem, as well as projects that are currently being reviewed. We will also share updates of our latest work including the CNCF Storage Whitepaper, Performance and Benchmarking whitepaper, Cloud Native Disaster Recovery whitepaper, and the Data on Kubernetes whitepapers on database patterns and AI/ML workloads. Join us to find out how to contribute and participate in the CNCF storage community and discover practical guidance on how to use cloud native storage in your environments.
avatar for Alex Chircop

Alex Chircop

Chief Product Architect at Akamai, Akamai
Chief Product Architect at Akamai. Previously a founder and CTO of Ondat (formerly StoraeOS), building software defined solutions for cloud native environments. Alex is also a co-chair of the CNCF Storage TAG (previously SIG). Before embarking on the startup adventure he spent over... Read More →
avatar for Raffaele Spazzoli

Raffaele Spazzoli

Senior Principal Architect, red hat
Raffaele is a full-stack enterprise architect with 20+ years of experience. Currently Raffaele covers a consulting position of cross-portfolio application architect with a focus on OpenShift. Most of his career Raffaele worked with large financial institutions allowing him to acquire... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

3:25pm MST

Elevate Your Kubernetes Policy Game with Kyverno! - Vishal Choudhary, Nirmata; Lanting Chiang & Karen Tu, Robinhood Markets, Inc.
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Struggling to find the balance between robust security and empowering developers? Join Robinhood's platform engineers Karen and Lanting as they share their migration journey from custom solutions and PSPs, to policy as code with Kyverno. Go beyond the basics of resource validation and enforcement, and learn the power of Kyverno for policy as code lifecycle management, including testing, deployment, performance optimizations, exception management, and reporting. Plus, Vishal, a Kyverno maintainer, will present a game-changing new feature in Kyverno 1.12: etcd offloading for policy reports, which is critical for large production workloads. This session is a must-attend for platform engineers and Kubernetes administrators looking to leverage policy as code for self-service automation, security, and compliance.
avatar for Karen Tu

Karen Tu

Robin Hood
avatar for Lanting Chiang

Lanting Chiang

Software Engineer, Robinhood Markets, Inc.
Software Engineer on the Software Platform - Container Orchestration team at Robinhood Markets, Inc.
avatar for Vishal Choudhary

Vishal Choudhary

Software Engineer, Nirmata
Vishal is a student and a software engineer, working on cloud-native projects focusing on governance and securing software supply chains for everyone! He is a maintainer of Kyverno and an active contributor at several other projects in the space. He is always looking to discuss tools... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

3:25pm MST

Intro & Deep Dive - Kubernetes Infrastructure - Arnaud Meukam, Independent & Mahamed Ali, Cisco
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
This session will examine the intricacies of Kubernetes infrastructure, ongoing maintenance efforts, and strategic security enhancements. We will showcase notable achievements, address challenges, and emphasize the significance of our collaborative efforts with fellow SIGs. The session concludes with an interactive Q&A, welcoming invaluable feedback and insightful discussions from all participants to shape our future trajectory. Join us in this unique opportunity to contribute to the advancement of SIG k8s Infra together.
avatar for Arnaud Meukam

Arnaud Meukam

Open Source Engineer, Independent
Arnaud is a Open Source Engineer and he is a core Kubernetes contributor. He is been involved in the project for over 5 years now, is the SIG Chair for the Kubernetes Infrastructure Group and Release manager.
avatar for Mahamed Ali

Mahamed Ali

Senior DevOps Engineer, Cisco
Mahamed is a Senior DevOps Engineer at ThousandEyes by Cisco and improves developer experience for fellow engineers. He is also an OSS Maintainer and works on Kubernetes as the SIG K8s-Infra Tech Lead and on Knative as the Productivity Working Group Lead.
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

3:25pm MST

Kubernetes SIG Architecture Intro and Updates - John Belamaric, Google & David Eads, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
SIG Architecture maintains and evolves the design principles of Kubernetes, and provides a consistent body of expertise necessary to ensure architectural consistency over time. The SIG takes care of evolution of conformance definitions, API definitions/conventions, deprecation policy, design principles, and other cross-cutting concerns. In this talk, we will provide an introduction to SIG architecture, including its role and the various subprojects that support its activities. Additionally, we will provide a community update on the status of those efforts.
avatar for John Belamaric

John Belamaric

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
John is a Sr Staff SWE, co-chair of K8s SIG Architecture and of K8s WG Device Management, helping lead efforts to improve how GPUs, TPUs, NICs and other devices are selected, shared, and configured in Kubernetes. He is also co-founder of Nephio, an LF project for K8s-based automation... Read More →
avatar for David Eads

David Eads

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
David Eads is a senior principal software engineer at Red Hat and co-lead for Kubernetes sig-apimachinery and TL for sig-auth.
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

3:25pm MST

Peak Innovation and Cloud Tweaks: Falco’s Ongoing Runtime Security Development - Jason Dellaluce, Leonardo Grasso & Luca Guerra, Sysdig; Carlos Tadeu Panato Junior, Chainguard; Melissa Kilby, Apple
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
In the fast-paced world of cloud-native runtime security, Falco embraces innovation and adaptability. As a trusted CNCF-graduated project, Falco keeps evolving to meet today’s security challenges with new approaches. This session covers Falco’s latest developments, including better rule handling for flexible ruleset customization and output definition, integration with Prometheus metrics, and an improved installation experience. We will also look at new language extensions and operators, improvements in performance and testing, and powerful new plugins for advanced data modeling. Join us in celebrating Falco’s ongoing efforts to refining runtime security and its dedication to the future of cloud-native environments.
avatar for Carlos Panato

Carlos Panato

Staff Software Engineer, Chainguard
Carlos Panato (@cpanato) is a Staff Software Engineer at Chainguard, Inc., specializing in development and infrastructure with Kubernetes and containers. He has a diverse background in development, testing, processes, and management. Carlos actively contributes to several Linux Foundation... Read More →
avatar for Leonardo Grasso

Leonardo Grasso

Open Source Tech Lead Manager / Falco Core Maintainer, Sysdig
Leonardo leads a talented group of open source engineers advancing security projects at Sysdig. Based in Italy, Leonardo combines his deep passion for Linux, Kubernetes, Containers, and Security with a strong background in software design and R&D. As a core maintainer of Falco, a... Read More →
avatar for Melissa Kilby

Melissa Kilby

Security Engineer, Apple
Before joining Apple, Security Engineer Melissa Kilby contributed to US Government research projects and taught Applied Data Science at BlackHat. She has a Ph.D., specializing in machine learning and biomechanics. She has also contributed to NASA’s space suit engineering program... Read More →
avatar for Jason Dellaluce

Jason Dellaluce

Tech Lead, Manager, Sysdig
Jason Dellaluce is an Senior Engineer and Manager at Sysdig and a core maintainer of Falco, the CNCF tool for Cloud Native Runtime Security. On a daily basis, he contributes to the Falco Community and is exposed to Linux, Kubernetes, Containers, Security, eBPF, and the Open Source... Read More →
avatar for Luca Guerra

Luca Guerra

Sr. Open Source Engineer, Sysdig Inc.
Luca is an experienced software engineer, specializing in software design and security research. His professional experience includes designing security solutions, building and breaking secure systems, and vulnerability management. Luca is a core maintainer for the Falco project and... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

4:30pm MST

Fluent Bit: Better Pipelines for Observability - Eduardo Silva, Chronosphere
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Creating better data pipelines is constantly challenging when "better" is defined by performance, low resource usage, and total ecosystem integration. In this session, we will dive deep into Fluent Bit, a CNCF graduate project under the Fluentd umbrella that helps you build scalable data pipelines to manage all your needs for the collection and processing of telemetry data by integrating multiple data sources and formats and reliably sending it to your desired endpoints or vendors for analysis. Attendees of this session will learn about best practices for telemetry data handling and important concepts such as buffering, backpressure, monitoring, and retry logic, among many others. Fluent Bit, which was primarily known for managing logs, now also handles metrics and traces. It fully integrates with applications based on Prometheus or OpenTelemetry formats.
avatar for Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva

OSS Engineering Manager, Chronosphere
Eduardo is an entrepreneur and Software Engineer. He is one of Fluentd project maintainers and creator of Fluent Bit, a lightweight Logs, Metrics, and Traces processor.
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:30pm MST

Gateway API: What's New, What's Next? - Christine Kim & Nick Young, Isovalent at Cisco; Mattia Lavacca, Kong; Guilherme Cassolato, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Gateway API represents the next generation of ingress and service mesh APIs for Kubernetes. Since its promotion to GA (General Availability) last year, numerous features have been added, with many more in development. In this talk, we will introduce the latest enhancements, review all recent changes to the API, and discuss what lies ahead. Many features are planned to graduate to GA in the upcoming releases, while others will be introduced as experimental. This talk is the ideal opportunity to familiarize yourself with these changes, connect with the Gateway API community, and get answers to all your questions!
avatar for Guilherme Cassolato

Guilherme Cassolato

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Guilherme is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, core member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project Kuadrant, developer and maintainer of Authorino, active contributor in the Kubernetes community with the Gateway API project by SIG-Network.
avatar for Nick Young

Nick Young

Senior Software Engineer, Isovalent at Cisco
Nick has been working to prevent the entropic downfall of systems for 25 years, across datacenters, clouds, networking, and others. He's a Staff Engineer at Isovalent, and a maintainer on the Kubernetes Gateway API project, where he works on improving the ingress and mesh experiences... Read More →
avatar for Christine Kim

Christine Kim

Developer Relations, Isovalent at Cisco
Christine Kim focuses on developer experience at Isovalent, where she dabbles in the world of Kubernetes and Service Meshes.
avatar for Mattia Lavacca

Mattia Lavacca

Software Enginner, Kong
Mattia is a Software Engineer at Kong, working on Kubernetes networking. He is a key contributor to SIG-Network projects, such as Gateway API, Ingress2Gateway, and Blixt, and the co-lead of Kong's Gateway API implementation. He is working on many Kong projects related to networking... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:30pm MST

Navigate Cross SIG Collaborations with SIG Docs - Rey Lejano & Savitha Raghunathan, Red Hat; Divya Mohan, SUSE; Xander Grzywinski, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
As one of the largest open source projects, Kubernetes is divided into twenty-four Special Interest Groups (SIGs). All SIGs share a common goal of advancing the project, and collaboration across SIGs is required to do so. In this session, learn how SIG Docs collaborates with other SIGs on Kubernetes releases, improving Kubernetes security and driving Kubernetes adoption with documentation.
avatar for Savitha Raghunathan

Savitha Raghunathan

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Savitha Raghunathan is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on Container Migration and Application Modernization. She leads K8s sig-security-docs sub-project aiming to create security awareness through docs. As a maintainer of the Konveyor project, she leads the community... Read More →
avatar for Xander Grzywinski

Xander Grzywinski

Open Source Program Manager, Defense Unicorns
Xander is an open source program manager at Defense Unicorns. Previously he worked in various roles on platform and open source teams at Microsoft, Twitter, Apple, and HashiCorp. When not at a computer, you'd most likely find him at a pottery wheel.
avatar for Rey Lejano

Rey Lejano

Solutions Architect @ Red Hat, CNCF Ambassador, K8s SIG Docs co-chair, SIG Security subproject lead, K8s v1.23 release lead, DevOps Institute Ambassador, Red Hat
Rey Lejano is a Solutions Architect at Red Hat and is the co-chair of Kubernetes SIG Docs. He contributes to Kubernetes SIG Security, Release, & Contributor Experience. He is a member of seven Kubernetes Release Teams including serving as the 1.23 Release Lead and 1.25 Emeritus Adviser... Read More →
avatar for Divya Mohan

Divya Mohan

Principal Technology Advocate, SUSE
Divya is a Senior Technical Evangelist at SUSE, where she contributes to Rancher’s cloud native open source projects. She co-chairs the documentation for the Kubernetes & LitmusChaos projects & has previously worked extensively in the systems engineering space during her tenure... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:30pm MST

Open Policy Agent (OPA) Intro, Deep Dive & V1.0 Update - Charlie Egan, Styra
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Join us in this dedicated session on Open Policy Agent (OPA), the general-purpose policy engine for policy decision-making and management across the cloud native stack - from application authorization to Kubernetes admission, OPA has you covered. OPA maintainers will provide a comprehensive introduction for newcomers, followed by a deep dive into OPA v1.0 and recent updates. Whether you're a veteran OPA user, or just intrigued by policy as code in cloud-native environments, you will find this session valuable. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with other OPA users and to get your questions answered after the presentation too.
avatar for Charlie Egan

Charlie Egan

Senior Developer Advocate, Styra
Charlie has been working with in the Cloud Native space since 2018. He currently works as a Developer Advocate at Styra and on the OPA project. Charlie is interested in authentication and authorization across the stack. You can find him in the OPA Community Slack.
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

4:30pm MST

Secure Release Processes with in-Toto Policy Verification - John Kjell, TestifySec & Aditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli, New York University
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Ensuring software releases adhere to expected processes is crucial for both open-source projects and enterprise software. The in-toto project offers a solution by creating attestations for each step, providing verifiable evidence of compliance. Over the past five months, community contributors have worked to enhance the definition and capabilities of in-toto layouts to enforce policies for these attestations. This presentation will showcase the results of this effort, demonstrating how to create flexible policies for any software development lifecycle (SDLC) process, from source code commit to production release. We will explore how to formulate policies that verify attestations for code reviews, SBOM integrity, testing, vulnerability scans, build provenance (such as SLSA), and more. Join us to learn how to ensure your software development process is compliant and secure.
avatar for Aditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli

Aditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli

Ph.D. Candidate, New York University
Aditya is a Ph.D. candidate at New York University where he researches software supply chain security. He is a maintainer of in-toto, which is incubated at the CNCF. He is also a contributor to TUF, another CNCF project, and a maintainer of gittuf, a sandbox project at the OpenSSF... Read More →
avatar for John Kjell

John Kjell

Director of Open Source, TestifySec
John is responsible for open source at TestifySec, a software supply chain security startup. He is a maintainer for the Witness and Archivista sub-projects under in-toto. Additionally, John is an active contributor to CNCF's TAG Security and multiple projects within the OpenSSF. Before... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

5:25pm MST

Longhorn: Intro, Deep Dive and Q+A - David Ko, SUSE
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Longhorn is a cloud-native, distributed block storage solution for Kubernetes, supporting persistent volume capacities and compatible with CSI protocols. It is designed for agnostic deployment across on-premises, edge, and cloud environments, serving as an independent storage solution within your cluster or as part of your broader infrastructure platform. Longhorn covers key data areas including data integrity, data locality, volume migration, replica rebalancing, automated volume operations, snapshot/revert, backup/restore, disaster recovery, data protection, data encryption, backing images for VM workloads, and so on. Besides, the new v2 data engine is under active development to enhance Longhorn's data plane performance. In this session, we will discuss the latest v2 status, like online replica rebuilding, new volume upgrade mechanism, volume trimming, and other significant features. We will also provide insights into the roadmap and engage in an in-depth discussion.
avatar for David Ko

David Ko

Engineering Director, SUSE
David Ko, a senior engineering manager at SUSE, is currently leading the Longhorn project (CNCF incubating) and is primarily dedicated to open-source development. David is not just a project/product/team/people manager, but also a hands-on developer and architect with 10+ years of... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

5:25pm MST

Scaling and Safeguarding the Heart of Kubernetes: Deep Dive Into etcd - Wenjia Zhang & Marek Siarkowicz, Google; James Blair, Red Hat; Ivan Valdes Castillo, Aki Technologies; Wei Fu, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
SIG-etcd are hard at work on scaling&safeguarding etcd, we need your help and feedback! This deep dive session will explore current & future etcd development efforts to share with both etcd & Kubernetes users & contributors. In particular we’ll focus on: -Feature gates:Reviewing recent KEPs for server & cluster level etcd feature gates. Discuss how feature gates empower us to introduce new capabilities while minimizing risk or breaking changes. -etcd Operator Working Group:Discuss the progress & next steps for the working group to release an officially supported etcd Operator. -Tackling compaction correctness:A post mortem exploration of the recent etcd watch correctness issue & resolution. -Community Update: A status update on the growth of the etcd community and project news. Highlight opportunities for you to get involved! Join etcd maintainers and contributors to learn about these recent developments & future plans, including how you can contribute to them. Bring questions, too.
avatar for Wenjia Zhang

Wenjia Zhang

Engineering Manager, Google
Wenjia Zhang is an Engineer Manager at Google, working on Google Kubernetes Engine and Google Distributed Cloud. She is an active contributor for Kubernetes and etcd open source projects.
avatar for Wei Fu

Wei Fu

Software Engineer, Microsoft
containerd maintainer: Building things for others who build things
avatar for Marek Siarkowicz

Marek Siarkowicz

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Marek is a Software Engineer working at Google in Etcd team. He began his career in local startups where he loved open source and extreme programming. Currently he is a etcd maintainer and active member of SIG-instrumentation leading structured logging effort in Kubernetes. In his... Read More →
avatar for James Blair

James Blair

Specialist Architect, Red Hat
James Blair is a Specialist Architect at Red Hat who works with organisations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He is a vivid open source advocate and hands-on engineer who is an active Kubernetes and Etcd contributor and is passionate about growing... Read More →
avatar for Ivan Valdes Castillo

Ivan Valdes Castillo

Ivan is a Site Reliability Engineer specializing in CI/CD pipelines, Infrastructure as Code, and automation. His dedication to spreading and mentoring the DevOps culture is evident in his efforts to foster collaboration and streamline development. In his free time, he is an active... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

5:25pm MST

Securing the Future of Ingress-Nginx - James Strong, Isovalent & Marco Ebert, Giant Swarm
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Ingress NGINX is a very flexible Ingress controller that provides users with a lot of NGINX functionality through annotations. However, this flexibility also raises security concerns for maintainers and cluster administrators. There have been eight significant CVEs and RCEs in Ingress NGINX. To address these issues, we have created a security hardening guide, which will be presented as a preview in this talk. Additionally, we will enable restrictive features by default to offer a more secure out-of-the-box experience with Ingress NGINX such as annotation validations. To maintain and secure the project and its Gateway API implementation, we will not be adding any new features to the core functionality of ingress, and a significant amount of functionality, such as UDP/TCP Routing, will be moved to Gateway API. We will also unveil the new name of the project during this presentation.
avatar for James Strong

James Strong

Sr Customer Success Architect, Isovalent at Cisco
James has been working in the cloud for 7 years. He helped build a private cloud at GE Appliances and developed and supported REST API's in AWS on docker. Recently he has passed the CNCF's CKA exam and helps companies migrate their applications to Kubernetes.
avatar for Marco Ebert

Marco Ebert

Site Reliability Engineer, Giant Swarm
I'm Marco - working in Open Source for more than a decade, with Kubernetes since 2016 and as a maintainer of Ingress NGINX since 2023!As an SRE, I'm always interested in infrastructure & networking and love learning new stuff while troubleshooting complex platforms.After work, you... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

5:25pm MST

The Path to Helm 4 - Matt Farina, SUSE & Andrew Block, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes, has had a long and storied history alongside Kubernetes, dating back to 2015. As Kubernetes has grown, matured, and evolved, so has Helm. Since Helm is used by communities and organizations throughout the world, it is important that the project remains stable and efficient. For this to occur, Helm utilizes semantic versioning which ensures the CLI and API remain stable. However, as Kubernetes has evolved, it has been difficult to add new capabilities while also complying with these standards. There becomes a point for which breaking changes must be made. For this reason, Helm is embarking on Helm 4 which will help shape the future of the project. In this session, attendees will learn: How Helm remains stable including the safeguards used Why Helm is embarking on a new major version The key the features associated with Helm 4 Helm 3 support, during and afterward How to get involved The future of Helm is NOW and you can participate!
avatar for Andrew Block

Andrew Block

Distinguished Architect, Red Hat
Andrew Block is a Distinguished Architect at Red Hat that works with organizations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He specializes in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery methodologies with a focus on security to reducing the overall... Read More →
avatar for Matt Farina

Matt Farina

Distinguished Engineer, SUSE
Matt works as a Distinguished Engineer at SUSE, where he works as the Chief Architect of the SUSE Rancher Team. He is a maintainer of multiple open source projects including Helm and Artifact Hub. Matt is an author, speaker, and regular contributor to open source.
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

5:25pm MST

What's New in SIG-Windows - Mark Rossetti, Microsoft & Aravindh Puthiyaparambil, Softdrive
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
At this maintainer track talk we will cover what is new in the Windows Special Interest Group. This talk will mainly focus on kubelet related improvements including memory-pressure eviction support, cpu / topology manager support, and more!
avatar for Mark Rossetti

Mark Rossetti

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Mark Rossetti is a software engineering focusing on open-source projects at Microsoft and is also the co-chair of Kubernetes' SIG-Windows. Mark focuses on improving the experience of using Windows containers in Kubernetes. Mark has also served on the Kubernetes release team since... Read More →
avatar for Aravindh Puthiyaparambil

Aravindh Puthiyaparambil

Director of Engineering, Softdrive
Director of Engineering at Softdrive
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
Friday, November 15

11:00am MST

Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy CI with Zero Test Flakes - Antonio Ojea, Michelle Shepardson & Benjamin Elder, Google
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In the fast-paced world of software development, a reliable and efficient Continuous Integration pipeline is essential. However, flaky tests can cause delays, frustration, and decreased confidence in the codebase. This session will go deep into the strategies, best practices, and tools that the Kubernetes projects use to eliminate flaky tests and achieve a robust CI pipeline that delivers high-quality software consistently.
avatar for Benjamin Elder

Benjamin Elder

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Benjamin Elder is a Senior Software Engineer at Google working on Kubernetes. Ben is a long time contributor to the project since writing kube-proxy's iptables mode for GSoC 2015 and is an elected member of the Kubernetes Steering Committee.
avatar for Michelle Shepardson

Michelle Shepardson

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Michelle is a Senior Software Engineer at Google, with over 10 years of experience in developing tooling and helping engineer productivity. As a member and chair of SIG Testing, they primarily focus on developing TestGrid, a tool for visualizing test results in a grid to track patterns... Read More →
avatar for Antonio Ojea

Antonio Ojea

Software Engineer, Google
Antonio Ojea is a Software Engineer at Google, where he works on Kubernetes. He is one of the top contributors of the Kubernetes project, with a stronger presence on the areas of networking and reliability. He has a vast experience in Open Source, networking and distributed systems... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

11:00am MST

Bloomberg's Journey to Manage Multi-Cluster Training Application with Karmada - Leon Zhou & Yao Weng, Bloomberg
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Bloomberg provides an on-premises Data Science Platform using cloud-native software to support internal AI model training. It runs on Kubernetes spanning multiple data centers and featuring a diverse range of GPU types. However, managing such a large-scale and heterogeneous GPU environment poses many challenges, such as improving resource utilization, reducing operational costs, and scheduling workloads across different GPU types. In collaboration with the Karmada community, Bloomberg's Data Science Platform team has aimed to tackle these challenges by addressing multi-cluster batch job management problems. This talk will delve into the approaches the team has adopted, including: - Intelligently scheduling GPU workloads across multiple clusters - Using Karmada's resource interpreter to support Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) on top of a multi-cluster architecture - Building a highly available Karmada control plane - Establishing a consistent training job submission interface
avatar for Yao Weng

Yao Weng

Senior Software Engineer, Bloomberg
Yao Weng is a Senior Software Engineer on Bloomberg’s Data Science Platform engineering team. She has contributed extensively to optimizing the company’s Kubernetes environment for high performance compute, model inference, and workflow orchestration. Yao Weng obtained her Ph.D... Read More →
avatar for Leon Zhou

Leon Zhou

Software Engineer, Bloomberg
Leon Zhou is a software engineer on the Data Science Platform engineering team at Bloomberg. With prior NLP experience, he is now building ML platforms to facilitate machine learning development. He is interested in ML infrastructure to enable large-scale training and complex pipelines... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:00am MST

CRI-O Features for Fun and Profit - Peter Hunt & Sohan Kunkerkar, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Are you a cluster admin looking to be on the cutting edge of Kubernetes features? How about an end-user looking to take full advantage of the capabilities of your cluster? This is the talk for you! Join Sohan Kunkerkar and Peter Hunt as they explore recent features in CRI-O and Kubernetes. They'll cover topics such as native sigstore signature support, running Podman in a Kubernetes pod, using OCI artifacts as a volume, and more. In each, they will highlight potential use cases, pitfalls and common patterns, as well as show how to use each in your cluster. If you're interested in the newest at the intersection of Kubernetes and container runtimes, step right up and learn away!
avatar for Peter Hunt

Peter Hunt

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Peter Hunt is a Senior Software Engineer working at Red Hat. Passionate about free software, Peter focuses on maintaining CRI-O, attending SIG node, and ~writing~ squashing bugs. Outside of the virtual world, Peter likes collecting floral-printed pants, gardening, and dancing.
avatar for Sohan Kunkerkar

Sohan Kunkerkar

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat Inc
Sohan Kunkerkar is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, bringing expertise in distributed systems, backend engineering, and containers. His active contributions extend to CRI-O, a container runtime engine, and various sub-projects within the Kubernetes Sig-Node community. Sohan... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

11:00am MST

Discover CNCF TAG Runtime: From AI, WASM, OS, Edge to Workloads in the Heart of Salt Lake City - Stephen Rust, Akamai; Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Danielle Tal, Microsoft; Ricardo Aravena, TruEra
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In this session, we will cover the following: 1) Overview of CNCF open source projects that enable running cloud native workloads. 2) The latest on the many TAG-Runtime working groups, including topics like: a. The Cloud Native AI working group including how AI can help Cloud Native and Cloud Native enables AI. b. Progress in the WASM, Edge, Batch, CDI, and Special Purpose OS working group. 4) Future trends in cloud-native technologies within the TAG scope. 7) How to get involved, grow in the contributor ladder, and have a say in the runtime related projects that get inducted in the CNCF landscape. Come join us and be a part of the many exciting projects under the TAG-Runtime umbrella! By the end of the session, you'll master the runtime related CNCF landscape, discover the latest developments in the TAG-Runtime working groups, learn how to join the communities of your interest, and dive into open-source project contributions. Be a part of this vital and vibrant CNCF community!
avatar for Ricardo Aravena

Ricardo Aravena

Cloud Native Lead, Truera
Ricardo currently works at TruEra as a Cloud Infrastructure Lead helping automate everything with cloud native technologies. He's an open source enthusiast and co-chair of the CNCF TAG-Runtime. He has been working in tech for more than 20 years and comes from a diverse professional... Read More →
avatar for Rajas Kakodkar

Rajas Kakodkar

Senior Member of Technical Staff | Tech Lead TAG Runtime CNCF, Broadcom
Rajas is a senior member of technical staff at Broadcom and a tech lead of the CNCF Technical Advisory Group, Runtime. He is actively involved in the AI working group in the CNCF. He is a Kubernetes contributor and has been a maintainer of the Kube Proxy Next Gen Project. He has also... Read More →
avatar for Danielle Tal

Danielle Tal

PM, Microsoft
Danielle Tal is a Program Manager at Microsoft and an integral part of the team responsible for maintaining Flatcar Container Linux. The team is contributes to Linux OS distributions and Linux Security within Azure and other upstream projects. With a background in supporting diverse... Read More →
avatar for Stephen Rust

Stephen Rust

Principal Architect, Akamai
Stephen Rust is a Principal Architect at Akamai, where he leads Cloud Native architecture within the Akamai Linode Cloud. Stephen has over 20 years of experience in operating systems, storage, and working in open source with containers, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native systems. At Akamai... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:00am MST

Thanos: Intro and Updates - Ben Ye, Amazon Web Services
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Thanos is a popular open-source, highly available Prometheus setup with long-term storage capabilities. Users trust Thanos with deployments that manage billions of series and years of retention in globe-spanning clusters. In this talk, Thanos maintainer will do a introduction and provide updates for the project.
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Ben Ye

Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Ben Ye is a software development engineer at AWS. He is a maintainer of Thanos and Cortex, and contributor to many CNCF and Prometheus ecosystem projects, such as Prometheus itself, Prometheus operator, Kubernetes, etc. His interests include observability, distributed systems, storage... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework - Jared Watts, Upbound
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The maintainers of Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, will lead this session that will introduce the project to new attendees, as well as dive deeper into details of Crossplane’s latest features and releases. There is always something new to show off at Kubecon! We will start with the basics on how Crossplane enables you to compose cloud infrastructure and services into custom platform APIs, and accelerate the journey of folks new to Crossplane to build a control plane of their own. Then we will take a detailed tour through the key features from the latest releases and how to adopt them into your platforms, including high level metrics, change logs, claim errors/status, and more! Finally, there will be an interactive opportunity to engage with the maintainers, ask questions, and influence the future of the project direction.
avatar for Jared Watts

Jared Watts

Founding Engineer, Upbound
Jared Watts is a Founding Engineer at Upbound, where he is working on advancing cloud-native computing by enabling anyone to build their own cloud platform. He is also a co-creator of the open source Crossplane (https://crossplane.io) and Rook (https://rook.io) projects. Prior to... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:55am MST

WG Serving: Accelerating AI/ML Inference Workloads on Kubernetes - Eduardo Arango Gutierrez, NVIDIA & Yuan Tang, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The emergence of Generative AI (GenAI) has introduced new challenges and demands in AI/ML inference, necessitating advanced solutions for efficient serving infrastructures. The recently created Kubernetes Working Group Serving (WG Serving) is dedicated to enhancing serving workload on K8s, especially for hardware-accelerated AI/ML inference. This group prioritizes compute-intensive inference scenarios using specialized accelerators, benefiting various serving workloads such as web services and stateful databases. This session will dive into WG Serving's initiatives and workstreams. We will spotlight discussions and advancements in each workstream. We are also actively looking for feedback and partnership with model server authors and other practitioners who want to utilize powers of K8s for their serving workloads. Join us to gain insight into our work and learn how to contribute to advancing AI/ML inference on K8s.
avatar for Yuan Tang

Yuan Tang

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Yuan is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, working on OpenShift AI. Previously, he has led AI infrastructure and platform teams at various companies. He holds leadership positions in open source projects, including Argo, Kubeflow, and Kubernetes. He's also a maintainer and... Read More →
avatar for Eduardo Arango Gutierez DE

Eduardo Arango Gutierez DE

Senior systems software engineer, NVIDIA
Eduardo is a Senior Systems Software Engineer at NVIDIA, working on the Cloud Native Technologies team. Eduardo has focused on enabling users to build and deploy containers on distributed environments.
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

11:55am MST

What's New in Operator Framework?! - Bryce Palmer, Rashmi Gottipati & Lalatendu Mohanty, Red Hat; Attila Meszaros, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Operator Framework has gone through a lot of change in the last year! Interested in the current state of Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)? Join us as we highlight the OLM v1.0.0 roadmap, current progress, plans beyond v1.0.0 (helm support?!), and the core tenets behind the OLM v1 design. Want to know what’s new with the Java Operator SDK? Stop by to learn what’s coming up in Java Operator SDK v5. Curious about what is happening with the Operator-SDK? Swing in for an update on the current state of the Operator-SDK and future plans.
avatar for Attila Meszaros

Attila Meszaros

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
For more than ten years I was designing and implementing software solutions, architectures and services and related tooling. Then I spent a few years focusing more on building platforms on top of Kubernetes in some excellent platform teams. I'm one of the creators and currently full... Read More →
avatar for Lalatendu Mohanty

Lalatendu Mohanty

Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Red Hat
I am a free software enthusiast and advocate. I have been contributing to open source or free software for more than 12 years now.
avatar for Bryce Palmer

Bryce Palmer

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Software engineer passionate about building developer tooling in the cloud native space.
avatar for Rashmi Gottipati

Rashmi Gottipati

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Rashmi joined Red Hat in 2020 as a Senior Software Engineer. Since then she has been a part of Operator SDK, and has been an active maintainer of the Operator-Framework project. Currently, her focus lies in the next major iteration of Operator Lifecycle Manager, which provides APIs... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

Working Together to Improve Security Visibility in Kubernetes - Rita Zhang & Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Ensuring the security of Kubernetes is a team sport. When a CVE is reported to the SRC for Kubernetes, a process is kicked off that involves a lot of coordination between SRC, contributors from different SIGs, and SIG Release, ultimately resulting in new Kubernetes Releases. Once released, an automatic CVE feed provides a programmatic way to understand the security of the releases. For other security issues, like dependency vulnerabilities and false positives, it isn’t quite as easy to get a full picture. SIG Security, SIG Release, and SRC are working to make this better and in this session we will share more about how things work today and what we plan to do in the future to improve the security visibility of the releases and artifacts produced by the project!
avatar for Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jeremy Rickard is a principal software engineer at Microsoft where he works on the Azure Container Upstream team. He is currently a co-chair for SIG Release and serves on both the CNCF and the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committees. He was also the Kubernetes 1.20 Release Lead.
avatar for Rita Zhang

Rita Zhang

Principal software engineer, Kubernetes SIG Auth co-chair, Security Response Committee, Microsoft
Rita Zhang is a Principal software engineer at Microsoft, based in San Francisco bay area. She leads the Azure Container Upstream team of maintainers and contributors building features for Kubernetes upstream, CNCF projects, and for Azure Kubernetes Service. She is a Kubernetes sig-auth... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:00pm MST

Are Your Microservices Truly Scaling? A Framework for Unlocking the Stateful Backend - Sam Dillard, PingCAP
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Kubernetes has forged the way to microservice applications. Most of the reasons we disaggregate applications lead back to how each component scales. The backend components of these scaling applications are a sticking point for R&D organizations and a major reason applications aren't as agile as they otherwise could be. When applications scale, data systems undergo a lot of change proportionally. For example, table and index scans travel further, index creation re-organizes more data, backups and restores get slower, data integrity loosens, changefeeds get thicker, and staff spreads thinner. The system that scales best is the one in which these dimensions are impacted the least.
avatar for Sam Dillard

Sam Dillard

Principle Engineer, PingCAP
Principal Engineer at PingCAP, TiKV maintainer and committer, RocksDB contributor, the author of "MariaDB Principles and Implementation". Mainly engaged in the design and development of cloud-native large-scale distributed storage systems, data platforms, 10+ years of experience in... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:00pm MST

Contributing to Kubernetes in Its Second Decade - SIG ContribEx Style! - Kaslin Fields, Google; Priyanka Saggu, SUSE; Madhav Jivrajani, UIUC; Nabarun Pal, Independent
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
The success and sustainability of the Kubernetes project hinges on its diverse contributor base. In this session, we will explore how the Kubernetes Special Interest Group Contributor Experience (SIG ContribEx) empowers contributors, optimizes workflows, & fosters sustained project growth. We will address the challenges of managing an expanding contributor base, the tradeoffs between attracting new contributors and growing existing ones, all while upholding high standards of code quality, stability, and the right balance between feature development, bug fixes & security enhancements. We will highlight the importance of clear communication channels, our mentorship programs, and knowledge sharing initiatives. We will also share valuable insights into the recent updates about Kubernetes community org membership, the advancements made in the automated assessment tool for membership statistics & more. So, join us in this session to gain insights about ContribEx's many diverse programs.
avatar for Nabarun Pal

Nabarun Pal

Staff Engineer at VMware, Kubernetes Steering Committee and Maintainer, Broadcom
Nabarun is a Staff Software Engineer at VMware by Broadcom, a maintainer of the Kubernetes project, an elected Kubernetes Steering Committee member and a chair of Kubernetes SIG Contributor Experience. He is a Release Manager for Kubernetes and has been the Kubernetes 1.21 Release... Read More →
avatar for Priyanka Saggu

Priyanka Saggu

Kubernetes GitHub Admin, SIG Contribex Technical Lead, 1.31 Emeritus Advisor, 1.29 Release Lead, SUSE
Priyanka Saggu is a Kubernetes Engineer at SUSE, and has made significant contributions to Kubernetes project via Release, ContribEx, Testing and CLI SIGs. She's the Emeritus Advisor for Kubernetes 1.31 release cycle, Release Lead for Kubernetes 1.29, Kubernetes GitHub Admin, and... Read More →
avatar for Madhav Jivrajani

Madhav Jivrajani

Independent, UIUC
Madhav is currently working at VMware on upstream Kubernetes. He has been a part of the Kubernetes community for about a year and mainly helps out with SIG-{Contribex, Node, Architecture, API-Machinery}. He was also involved with the structured logging efforts in the Kubernetes project... Read More →
avatar for Kaslin Fields

Kaslin Fields

OSS K8s & GKE Developer Advocate, Google
Kaslin Fields is a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, a Container enthusiast and creator of tech comics. She uses her knowledge of DevOps technologies and methodologies to help others as they enter the Cloud Native world. By creating comics about DevOps tech, she hopes to make learning... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:00pm MST

Exploring KubeEdge: Architecture, Use Cases, and Project Graduation Updates - Yin Ding, Google & Hongbing Zhang, Daocloud
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
In this session, KubeEdge project maintainers will provide an overview of KubeEdge's architecture and its industry-specific use cases. The session will begin with a brief introduction to edge computing and its growing importance in IoT and distributed systems. The maintainers will then delve into the core components and architecture of KubeEdge, demonstrating how it extends Kubernetes' capabilities to manage edge computing workloads efficiently. They will share success stories and insights from organizations that have deployed KubeEdge in various edge environments, such as smart cities, industrial IoT, edge AI, robotics, and retail, highlighting the tangible benefits and transformational possibilities. Additionally, the session will introduce the certified KubeEdge conformance test, discuss advancements in technology and community governance within the KubeEdge project, and share the latest updates on the project's graduation status.
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Hongbing Zhang

Chief Operating Officer, Daocloud
Hongbing Zhang is Chief Operating Officer of DaoCloud. He is a veteran in open source areas, he founded IBM China Linux team in 2011 and organized team to make significant contributions in Linux Kernel/openstack/hadoop projects. Now he is focusing on cloud native domain and leading... Read More →
avatar for Yin Ding

Yin Ding

Engineering Manager, google
Yin Ding, an Engineering Manager at Google, lead the Kubernetes Hardening team and brings over 15 years of expertise in large-scale and distributed computing. As a co-founder of the CNCF KubeEdge open-source project and the TSC Chair of LF Edge Akraino, Yin Ding has made significant... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:00pm MST

KubeVirt: Enhancements and the Road Ahead - Vladik Romanovsky & David Vossel, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
It's been a big year for KubeVirt. Join us for a detailed update on major advancements introduced over the past year and our plans, including CNCF Graduation. We'll cover some of our recent features: "VM rollout strategy," which changes the update management for running virtual machines; "VM Volume migration," which provides a declarative API to move data between volumes; and we introduce the "Application Aware Quota" operator, a solution that addresses the limitations of Kubernetes' native resource quota system and provides an alternative implementation of resource counting. Looking forward, we will also discuss our desire to improve the control over migration convergence, support for (DRA) Dynamic Resource Allocation to optimize resources handling and allocation, and introduce SWAP support for virtual machines, enabling performance improvements and flexibility. This session is designed to provide valuable insights for current users and those who are new to KubeVirt.
avatar for Vladik Romanovsky

Vladik Romanovsky

Senior Principle Software Engineer, Red Hat
Developer and a maintainer of the KubeVirt Project. Interested in Kubernetes and Virtualization.
avatar for David Vossel

David Vossel

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
David Vossel is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is currently the lead developer working on the Hosted Control Planes for OpenShift Virtualization platform and is a core contributor to the open source KubeVirt project.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:00pm MST

Vitess: Introduction, New Features and Running in Production - Deepthi Sigireddi, PlanetScale; Derek Perkins, Nozzle; Sudhi Vijayakumar, Backblaze
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Welcome to the Vitess maintainer track session! Today, you will learn what Vitess is, hear about its high level architecture and the feature set it offers. After that, you will hear real-world stories about Vitess adoption and production usage at Backblaze, Nozzle and PlanetScale. You will finally hear about what is new in recent Vitess releases and get a preview of planned features.
avatar for Derek Perkins

Derek Perkins

CEO, Nozzle
Derek is the Founder and CEO of Nozzle. He has been building database driven software since 1999, is a maintainer of Vitess.io, and has been a top BigQuery user for over a decade.
avatar for Deepthi Sigireddi

Deepthi Sigireddi

Software Engineer, PlanetScale
Deepthi is the Technical lead for Vitess, a CNCF graduated open source project. She also leads the Vitess engineering team at PlanetScale which offers a database service built on Vitess. She brings over 20 years of experience building scalable systems to this role. She enjoys speaking... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:55pm MST

Building a More Resilient Future with Advanced Cloud Provider Testing - Michael McCune, Red Hat & Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
When you put your trust in a new Kubernetes version, you know that the community behind the release ensures high levels of quality. The Kubernetes community achieves release-gating confidence with continuous testing and integration. With the recent migration of built-in cloud providers to external components , the community has made changes to the testing of infrastructure-specific behaviors and patterns. We have removed some tests and changed others, and now we plan to build a more robust testing framework that all cloud providers can utilize. Join us for a discussion of the future of cloud provider testing, with a look at the changes that have occurred during the external migration and the challenges that are ahead for building a cohesive infrastructure testing framework. You can expect to leave this session with a clear understanding of how cloud provider testing works, why it is important to test on as many cloud providers as possible, and where you can help shape the path forward.
avatar for Michael McCune

Michael McCune

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Michael McCune is a software developer creating open source infrastructure and applications for cloud platforms. He has a passion for problem solving and team building, and a lifelong love of music, food, and culture.
avatar for Bridget Kromhout

Bridget Kromhout

Principal Product Manager, Microsoft
Bridget Kromhout is a Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Azure, focusing on the open source cloud native ecosystem.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

2:55pm MST

CoreDNS Plugins: A Deep Dive - John Belamaric, Google & Yong Tang, Ivanti
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
As a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery, CoreDNS has been widely used in different cloud-native systems. The extensibility of CoreDNS mostly comes from its plugin-based architecture that allows easy addition of new features. In this session, we will take a deep dive and discuss the rich plugin ecosystems of CoreDNS. We will learn the integrations of CoreDNS with cloud-vendors and how this fits hybrid-cloud strategy of different companies. We will also walk through a simple yet complete golang implementation of a CoreDNS plugin for demo purposes. At the end are the project update and road map for CoreDNS community.
avatar for John Belamaric

John Belamaric

Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google
John is a Sr Staff SWE, co-chair of K8s SIG Architecture and of K8s WG Device Management, helping lead efforts to improve how GPUs, TPUs, NICs and other devices are selected, shared, and configured in Kubernetes. He is also co-founder of Nephio, an LF project for K8s-based automation... Read More →
avatar for Yong Tang

Yong Tang

Senior Director of Engineering, Ivanti
Yong Tang is Senior Director of Engineering at Ivanti. He is a core maintainer of CoreDNS and contributes to many container, cloud-native, and machine learning projects for the open source community. In addition to CoreDNS, he is a maintainer of Docker/Moby. He is also a maintainer... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

2:55pm MST

Nothing but NATS - Going Beyond Cloud Native - Byron Ruth & Kevin Hoffman, Synadia
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
These days building so-called cloud-native apps involves assembling a custom stack of tools 10x bigger than the app we're building. Additionally, applications increasingly need to expand out to the edge and cloud-native stacks simply don't work in those environments. Fortunately with NATS, we don't need a stack. In this session you'll see how we can leverage compute, storage, and connectivity to build cloud-to-edge native apps more powerful than ever, with less code, effort, and frustration.
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Byron Ruth, Synadia
Byron is the VP of Product and Engineering at Synadia, the company behind the NATS.io project. Prior to joining Synadia, he spent 14 years building software and systems in support of pediatric biomedical research. Outside of work, Byron enjoys running, cooking, yard work, and spending... Read More →
avatar for Kevin Hoffman

Kevin Hoffman

Engineering Director, Cloud Platform, Synadia
Kevin is addicted to building and designing distributed systems. He has been using NATS for years and is now building out platforms that run on it.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

2:55pm MST

Strimzi: Data Streaming on Kubernetes with Apache Kafka - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat & Lixin Yao, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Strimzi is a CNCF incubating project focusing on running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. Apache Kafka is a leading date-streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines. It provides support for high-throughput/low-latency messaging, as well as sophisticated data ingress, egress, and processing capabilities. However, running it on Kubernetes can be complex and tedious. Strimzi makes it simple by providing a set of operators and other tools to make data streaming as simple and Kubernetes-native as possible. This talk will briefly introduce Strimzi, explaining how it works and what it offers. And then it will focus on the current and planned features and their release plans. It will cover the exciting features being worked on - such as ZooKeeper removal, tiered storage, auto-rebalancing, or new certificate management - and deep dive into the most important ones.
avatar for Jakub Scholz

Jakub Scholz

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Jakub works at Red Hat as Senior Principal Software Engineer. He has long-term experience with messaging and currently focuses mainly on Apache Kafka and its integration with Kubernetes. He is one of the maintainers of the Strimzi project which provides tooling for running Apache... Read More →
avatar for Lixin Yao

Lixin Yao

Staff Software Engineer, Apple
Lixin is a staff software engineer currently working at Apple. His main focus is around data ingestion pipeline and large scale Kafka cluster management. Prior to Apple he worked at Google Cloud on large scale API gateway infrastructure. In his free time, he plays recreational tennis... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:55pm MST

What’s Going on in the Containerd Neighborhood? - Phil Estes, AWS; Samuel Karp, Google; Akihiro Suda, NTT; Michael Brown, IBM; Kirtana Ashok, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Our recent maintainer sessions have covered the soon-to-launch containerd v2.0. During this session led by maintainers we will give a brief update on 2.0, but will spend more time looking at the ecosystem around us. Why does containerd exist? What value does it bring to the overall cloud native world? How are other projects using it to build and extend containerd in useful ways? We’ll spend some time on containerd’s largest subproject, nerdctl, which also has an upcoming 2.0 release, and additionally catch the community up on activity in our Rust subproject ecosystem, the runwasi containerd shim, and lazy loading snapshotters. Since this is KubeCon, we’ll also provide an update on CRI changes and KEP-driven additions around NRI, DRA, and checkpoint/restore. Attendees will leave with a broad view of the larger containerd ecosystem of projects as well as key information on how to get involved if you are interested to help and contribute in any way to the “containerd neighborhood!”
avatar for Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Software Engineer/Architect, IBM
OSS Engineer; @containerd maintainer; working @oci, @cncf, @pytorch, and @kubernetes projects

Kirtana Ashok

avatar for Samuel Karp

Samuel Karp

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Samuel Karp is a containerd maintainer and a Staff Software Engineer at Google, focused on the container runtime for Google Kubernetes Engine. Sam has been involved in the container ecosystem since 2014 and serves as the Chair of the Open Container Initiative's Technical Oversight... Read More →
avatar for Akihiro Suda

Akihiro Suda

Software Engineer, NTT
Akihiro Suda is a software engineer at NTT Corporation. He has been a maintainer of Moby (dockerd), BuildKit, containerd, runc, etc. He is also a founder of nerdctl and Lima (CNCF project).
avatar for Phil Estes

Phil Estes

Principal Engineer, Containers, AWS
Phil is a Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services (AWS), focused on core container technologies that power AWS container offerings like Fargate, EKS, and ECS. Phil is an active contributor and maintainer for the CNCF containerd runtime project, and participates in the Open Container... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:00pm MST

Meet the CNCF Code of Conduct Committee - Bill Mulligan & Carla Gaggini, Isovalent at Cisco; Josh Berkus, Red Hat; Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft; Tim Pepper, CISA
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
You've seen those Code of Conduct signs all over the conference. What happens when you report an incident? How is it handled? Who evaluates it? Can I remain anonymous? And why does it take so long? Come meet the CNCF's first elected Code of Conduct Committee, who will have answers to these questions and more. They'll go over the values and goals of the CoCC, the process for investigating and evaluating incident reports, as well as what the CoCC has jurisdiction over (and what it doesn't). They'll share how they work with CNCF projects and project-level committees to support and educate them, as well as with the Events Team to achieve resolutions. Bring your own questions about CoC enforcement and how the committee works to the session, and the CoCC will answer as many of them as they can.
avatar for Tim Pepper

Tim Pepper

Senior Technical Advisor, Open Source Software Security, CISA
Tim Pepper is a Senior Technical Advisor on Open Source Software Security in the US Government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Tim has over 25 years in open source, working as an open source developer advocate and contributor to Kubernetes (emeritus Steering... Read More →
avatar for Josh Berkus

Josh Berkus

Kubernetes CM, Red Hat
Josh Berkus is the Kubernetes Community Manager, working in Red Hat's Open Source Program Office. He's currently involved with Kubernetes, Etcd, Elekto, Podman, and uBlue, but has spent more than 20 years contributing to many projects, including Linux, OpenOffice, PostgreSQL, and... Read More →
avatar for Bill Mulligan

Bill Mulligan

Community Pollinator, Isovalent at Cisco
Bill Mulligan is a cloud native pollinator and community builder. He has given talks, written articles, and appeared on podcasts on a wide range of topics around cloud native. While at CNCF he restarted the Kubernetes Community Day program. He is currently at Isovalent growing the... Read More →
avatar for Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jeremy Rickard is a principal software engineer at Microsoft where he works on the Azure Container Upstream team. He is currently a co-chair for SIG Release and serves on both the CNCF and the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committees. He was also the Kubernetes 1.20 Release Lead.
avatar for Carla Gaggini

Carla Gaggini

Head of Global Community Events, Isovalent at Cisco
Carla has been managing events and communities since 2011. She started with experimental music festivals and eventually ended up in Tech, where she fell in love with its ecosystem. During her career she has produced and run many conferences (yes, also the virtual ones!), meetups... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:00pm MST

Pushing Authorization Further: CEL, Selectors and Maybe RBAC++ - Mo Khan & Rita Zhang, Microsoft; Jordan Liggitt, Google
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Significant changes have been made to authorization in recent versions of Kubernetes. For example, common expression language (CEL) in validating admission policy (VAP) can access the authorizer to perform runtime checks during admission. Authorization has also been made aware of label and field selectors, which are available as extra info to be used by webhooks and CEL expressions in VAP. Looking forward, Kubernetes RBAC could be enhanced to take advantage of this new info. RBAC++ is a proof of concept design to combine CEL with RBAC to allow for conditional bindings at runtime. Thinking about even more experimental changes: what if authorization (and RBAC++) could directly assert conditions at admission time?
avatar for Rita Zhang

Rita Zhang

Principal software engineer, Kubernetes SIG Auth co-chair, Security Response Committee, Microsoft
Rita Zhang is a Principal software engineer at Microsoft, based in San Francisco bay area. She leads the Azure Container Upstream team of maintainers and contributors building features for Kubernetes upstream, CNCF projects, and for Azure Kubernetes Service. She is a Kubernetes sig-auth... Read More →
avatar for Mo Khan

Mo Khan

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Mo Khan is a software engineer who is passionate about open source and security. He started working on Kubernetes in 2016, and currently serves as a chair, technical lead and subproject owner for Kubernetes SIG Auth, a member of the Kubernetes Security Response Committee and a contributor... Read More →
avatar for Jordan Liggitt

Jordan Liggitt

Software Engineer, Google
Jordan Liggitt is a software engineer at Google, and helps lead Kubernetes authentication, authorization, and API server efforts.
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:55pm MST

Navigating the Future: Exploring the Latest in Kubernetes Dashboard Development - Marcin Maciaszczyk & Sebastian Florek, Plural
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Join us for an insightful presentation on the latest updates from the Kubernetes SIG-UI, focusing on the evolution of the Kubernetes Dashboard project. Dive into a comprehensive overview of key changes, enhancements, and advancements, including a detailed exploration of the project's new architecture. Gain valuable insights into how these developments shape the future of Kubernetes management and user experience. Whether you're a seasoned Kubernetes user or new to the ecosystem, this presentation promises to provide valuable perspectives on the cutting-edge developments in Kubernetes Dashboard.
avatar for Sebastian Florek

Sebastian Florek

Fullstack engineer, Plural
Fullstack Engineer at Plural. Working on the Kubernetes Dashboard project since the beginning. One of the key contributors and a SIG-UI co-leader.
avatar for Marcin Maciaszczyk

Marcin Maciaszczyk

Fullstack Engineer, Plural
Marcin is a Fullstack Engineer at Plural. He is working on the Kubernetes Dashboard project since the beginning where he became one of the key contributors and a SIG-UI co-leader.
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC

4:55pm MST

Rook: Intro and Deep Dive with Ceph Storage - Travis Nielsen, Annette Clewett, Blaine Gardner & Subham Rai, IBM
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
The Rook project will be introduced to attendees of all levels and experience. Rook is an open source cloud-native storage operator for Kubernetes, providing the platform, framework, and support for Ceph to natively integrate with Kubernetes. The panel will discuss various scenarios to show how Rook configures Ceph to provide stable block, shared file system, and object storage for your production data. Rook was accepted as a graduated project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in October 2020.
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Travis Nielsen

Rook Lead Maintainer, IBM
Travis Nielsen is a Senior Technical Staff Member for IBM where he is a maintainer on Rook and member of the ODF and Ceph engineering team. Prior to IBM and Red Hat, Travis worked in storage at Quantum and Symform, a P2P storage startup, and was an engineering lead for the Windows... Read More →
avatar for Annette Clewett

Annette Clewett

Software Architect, IBM
Storage Architect with broad knowledge across a spectrum of technologies – network, storage, virtual, and platform. Have successfully delivered countless studies that improved end-user experience and created a more efficient and available infrastructure. Current projects include... Read More →
avatar for Blaine Gardner

Blaine Gardner

Rook Maintainer, IBM
Blaine is a Senior Advisory Software Engineer at IBM Storage on the Ceph OpenShift/Fusion Data Foundation (ODF) team. He is a maintainer of the CNCF-graduated Rook project making sure Ceph and Kubernetes live together in harmony. Their current focus topics are the Container Object... Read More →
avatar for Subham Rai

Subham Rai

Software Engineer, IBM
I'm Subham Rai from India. I have more than 3 years of experience in software or more specifically in the storage industry working mainly in rook-ceph. I hold a B.tech degree and I'm also RHCSA certified. I have spoken at FOSDEM 2022, Cephalocon 2023(Amsterdam).  I'm in the top 4... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE

4:55pm MST

Running a Highly Available Identity and Access Management with Keycloak - Ryan Emerson & Kameswararao Akella, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
A single sign on solution for your customers and employees should be designed for high availability without a single point of failure. Keycloak is no exception to this. A clustered Keycloak deployment in a single site provides sufficient availability for many. An increasing number of organizations need to utilize multiple sites for improved resiliency or to meet legal requirements. Keycloak overhauled its capabilities and now provides deployment blueprints to the community. This talk presents how we approached the problem, and the challenges we faced. Expect to dive into concepts like load shedding, cache stampedes, and automated failover. See tools like Gatling, Helm, OpenTelemetry, Kubernetes Operators and cloud infrastructure in action. We will also provide an outlook for the next steps in our journey. These insights will help you to improve your Keycloak deployments as well as design and test your own applications so they can withstand high load and site failures.
avatar for Kamesh Akella

Kamesh Akella

Principal Software Quality Engineer, Red Hat
Hailing from the coastal state of India, Andhra Pradesh, I share a profound interest in everything open-source and computers from my childhood, which led me to my current position at Red Hat and contributing back to the wonderful open-source community.
avatar for Ryan Emerson

Ryan Emerson

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Ryan Emerson is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is a member of the Infinispan and Keycloak open-source product teams, where he leads the development of the Infinispan Kubernetes Operator, in addition to contributing to the development of the Infinispan core/server. During... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:55pm MST

Ten Years of gRPC: Looking Back and Looking Forward - Kevin Nilson, Google & Israel Shapiro, Broadcom
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Over the past ten years, gRPC has become indispensable to a breathtaking array of engineering organizations. Join the maintainers look back at how gRPC got to where it is today, the way the software has grown, and the community along with it. Then, see what's in store for the future of gRPC in the decades to come.

Israel Shapiro

Cloud Native solutions architect, Broadcom
Israel works at Broadcom’s Enterprise Security Group as a Software Architect for the next generation Cloud Native Datapath of the Web Security Service.
avatar for Kevin Nilson

Kevin Nilson

Engineering Manager, Google
Kevin works at Google as a Software Engineer Manager on the gRPC team. At Google Kevin has worked on projects such as Chromecast, Google Home, Stadia and now gRPC. Kevin is a Java Champion and four time JavaOne Rock Star. Kevin has spoken at conferences such as Google I/O, JavaOne... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD

4:55pm MST

WG Batch Updates: What’s New and What Is Next - Marcin Wielgus, Google & Kevin Hannon, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
I will present improvements that the WG Batch has promoted in Kubernetes, and the opportunities under discussion to better support batch workloads such as HPC, AI/ML, data-analytics, etc. I will discuss enhancements and improvements to the Job and JobSet APIs as well as new release and roadmap for Kueue, a Kubernetes subproject that offers job queueing and scheduling, to build a multitenant, multicluster batch system. The WG Batch was created in 2022 to serve the demand from the ecosystem to better support batch applications in Kubernetes. The WG is composed of SIGs’ experts and developers from various communities, with the objective to set roadmaps and collaborate in designs and implementations.

Kevin Hannon

Kubernetes Developer, Red Hat
avatar for Marcin Wielgus

Marcin Wielgus

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Marcin Wielgus is a Staff Software Engineer at Google. Marcin joined the company in 2010 and since then he has been working on various projects, ranging from Android applications to recommendation engines. He started contributing to Kubernetes before the 1.0 release and currently... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

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