November 12-15
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strong>Maintainer Track [clear filter]
Thursday, November 14

11:55am MST

Cluster API Deep Dive - Roadmap to API Graduation - Fabrizio Pandini, Broadcom & Vince Prignano, Apple, Inc.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Cluster API is the de-facto project to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters at scale using simple declarative APIs. In 2021 the project reached production readiness, and today the community is working towards the next major milestone: graduating the APIs to v1 General Availability. Join us to get an overview how Cluster API is today used in production and discover what's planned for our APIs exciting new features like Karpenter, in-place upgrades, and more.
avatar for Fabrizio Pandini

Fabrizio Pandini

Staff Engineer 1, Broadcom
A Kubernetes contributor obsessed with making Kubernetes lifecycle simple and consistent across all types of infrastructures, so everyone can build amazing applications on top of it. When I’m not busy as a SIG Cluster Lifecycle tech lead or as a project maintainer in Cluster API... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:30pm MST

Bare Metal Kubernetes with KOps: Gathering Community Wisdom - Justin Santa Barbara, Google & Ciprian Hacman, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Kubernetes on bare metal presents unique challenges compared to cloud deployments. While kOps is optimized for cloud environments, we have begun to explore bare metal support and identify key architectural trade-offs. We'll examine common architectures for bare metal Kubernetes, such as node discovery and availability without cloud services. Introducing a VM layer creates a familiar Kubernetes environment but adds complexity and can limit hardware performance. We'll discuss managing devices like GPUs and the need for tooling when hardware health isn't verified by a cloud provider. This talk will delve into the kOps project and its potential in supporting bare metal Kubernetes. However, our primary goal is to learn from the community. We invite you to share your successes, struggles, and insights to shape the future of our tooling for bare metal. Your feedback is crucial in guiding our development and ensuring kOps meets the needs of those deploying Kubernetes on bare metal.
avatar for Justin Santa Barbara

Justin Santa Barbara

Software Engineer, Google
Justin has been contributing to kubernetes since 2014, initially as the primary maintainer of the kubernetes AWS support, he also started the kOps project. He loves helping users adopt and grow their use of kubernetes, and believes that we have only scratched the surface of the kubernetes... Read More →
avatar for Ciprian Hacman

Ciprian Hacman

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Ciprian Hacman is a Software Engineer, working with cloud-native technologies. He is also an open source project maintainer for kOps (Kubernetes Operations), etcd-manager, cloud-provider-aws and frequent contributor to other projects in the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

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