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November 12-15
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Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A clear filter
Wednesday, November 13

11:15am MST

The Spice Must Flow Green: CNCF's Environmental Sustainability TAG - Marlow Warnicke (Weston), SchedMD & Saiyam Pathak, Loft Labs
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
The carbon must be counted. In the Environmental Sustainability TAG, we focus on current and emerging technologies regarding carbon measurement and minimization. As our digital landscape grows, so does its impact on the environment—a factor often overlooked in the pursuit of technological advancement, such as AI. Traditionally, companies focused primarily on financial metrics. However, with increasing awareness of climate issues, stricter regulations, and rising energy costs, environmental impact is now a crucial consideration. We highlight the Green Reviews Working Group and our project to measure impact. We're developing a pipeline that works with current tooling, such as Kepler, to measure the power consumption of CNCF Projects. We explore how to measure energy consumption and emissions of software projects. We also give the status of other projects, such as the sustainability landscape, initiatives such as our sustainability week, and collaborative organisations.
avatar for Saiyam Pathak

Saiyam Pathak

Principal Developer Advocate, Loft Labs
Saiyam is working as Principal Developer Advocate at Loft Labs. He is the founder of Kubesimplify, focusing on simplifying cloud-native and Kubernetes technologies. Previously at Civo, Walmart Labs, Oracle, and HP, Saiyam has worked on many facets of Kubernetes, including machine... Read More →
avatar for Marlow Weston

Marlow Weston

Principal Cloud Engineer, SchedMD
Marlow is a Principal Cloud Engineer working on scheduling at SchedMD. She also is a chair for the CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG. Marlow has expertise in resource management, the AI/ML Kubernetes cloud compute ecosystem, embedded systems, high performance compute system tools... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

12:10pm MST

Dapr's Road Ahead: GenAI APIs, Distributed Scheduling at Scale and What It Means for Your Platform - Yaron Schneider, Diagrid
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
In this maintainer track we will cover the latest developments and updates of the Dapr project looking into 2025, focusing on how Dapr is adding APIs to abstract the complexities of interacting with LLM models at scale, a new distributed scheduling API and workflow engine that can serve millions of activities per second and how Dapr can be used by platform teams to provide golden paths for interacting with the underlying infrastructure
avatar for Yaron Schneider

Yaron Schneider

CTO / Co-Founder at Diagrid, Dapr Co-Creator, Diagrid
Yaron co-created the CNCF projects Dapr and KEDA while at Microsoft and led the engineering architecture for serverless container platforms that run at scale using open source technologies. Yaron is an avid lover of open source tech and distributed systems, and is a co-founder and... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:30pm MST

Kubernetes Data Protection WG Deep Dive - Dave Smith-Uchida, Veeam
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Data Protection WG is dedicated to promoting data protection support in Kubernetes. The Working Group is working on identifying missing functionalities and collaborating across multiple SIGs to design features to enable data protection in Kubernetes. In this session, we will discuss what is the current state of data protection in Kubernetes and where it is heading in the future. We will also talk about how interested parties (including storage and backup vendors, cloud providers, application developers, and end users, etc.) can join this WG and contribute to this effort. Details of the WG can be found here: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/tree/master/wg-data-protection.
avatar for Dave Smith-Uchida

Dave Smith-Uchida

Technical Leader, Veeam
Dave has been a leader in data protection for Kubernetes for the last several years. In addition to his work at Veeam on K10, he is a founding member of the Kubernetes Data Protection Working Group and was formerly the architect for the Velero Open Source Kubernetes backup project... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

3:25pm MST

Life of a Packet: Ambient Edition - John Howard, Solo.io & Keith Mattix, Microsoft
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Istio's new "ambient mode" promises to (and delivers!) dramatically simplify and reduce the cost of running a service mesh. This doesn't come easily, however; Istio employs some advanced and innovative techniques to deliver on this promise. In this talk, Keith and John - two leads on the ambient project - will give an in-depth look under the hood to show how ambient mode operates, walking through how a packet gets from point A to point B securely and efficiently.
avatar for Keith Mattix

Keith Mattix

Senior Software Engineering Lead, Microsoft
Keith Mattix is an Engineering Lead at Microsoft focused on Istio, Gateway API, and other networking projects.
avatar for John Howard

John Howard

John Howard, Solo.io
John Howard is a Senior Architect at Solo.io and Istio Technical Oversight Committee member.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:30pm MST

Understanding How OpenTelemetry Network Uses eBPF for Network Observability - Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava, SigNoz & Jonathan Perry, State-fu
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
The recent advancements in eBPF tooling, including the enhanced eBPF runtime embedded in the Linux kernel, the BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) for efficient kernel tracing, and the LLVM Compiler for converting C code to eBPF programs, have made it easier to provide always-on network visibility. OpenTelemetry Network leverages these foundational tools to provide out-of-the-box network observability for modern infrastructures. In this talk, we'll explore the architecture of the OTel Network, focusing on its key components: the kernel collector, kubernetes collector, cloud collector, and reducer which together enable collecting, ingesting, aggregating, enriching, and exporting telemetry data collected from various sources. We'll show an end-to-end setup to demonstrate the use of these agents and reducer component to send data to the OTel collector. This session aims to equip end-users and contributors with the necessary infomation to get started with the OpenTelemetry Network project.
avatar for Jonathan Perry

Jonathan Perry

Founder, State-fu
Jonathan Perry is a maintainer of the OpenTelemetry eBPF network collector. His PhD research at MIT CSAIL focused on performance isolation in datacenter and cloud networks, aiming to enhance network efficiency and reduce latency. Jonathan founded Flowmill, where he developed eBPF-based... Read More →
avatar for Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Shivanshu Raj Shrivastava

Founding Engineer, SigNoz
Shivanshu is a Founding Engineer at SigNoz, working on building an OTeL native observability product. He has a keen interest in deep tech and OSS. He is a CNCF ambassador and a member of CNCF projects like OTeL, k8s, and Istio. He has got the opportunity to mentor contributors in... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

5:25pm MST

Distributed Tracing with Jaeger and OpenTelemetry - Jonah Kowall, Independent & Pavol Loffay, Red Hat
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
In this session, we will introduce the Jaeger project, explain distributed tracing concepts, and the value it brings compared to other telemetry signals like metrics and logs. The session will continue with a live Jaeger demo, after which the audience will understand the platform features. We will switch gears to focus on the exciting release of Jaeger v2, which is due to be released very soon. This new version will further incorporate OpenTelemetry into Jaeger natively. Then we’ll delve into service performance monitoring and the changes which have happened to this critical feature. We will finish by talking about the roadmap and how to get involved with the project, including our expanding LFX and Google Summer of Code mentorship programs.
avatar for Pavol Loffay

Pavol Loffay

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Pavol Loffay is a principal software engineer at Red Hat working on open-source observability technology for modern cloud-native applications. Pavol contributes and maintains Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects OpenTelemetry and Jaeger. In his free time, Pavol likes... Read More →
avatar for Jonah Kowall

Jonah Kowall

CTO, TBD (between roles)
Jonah Kowall, computer scientist and open-source contributor to OpenSearch, Jaeger, OpenTelemetry. A technical leader across startups to large enterprises specialized in operations, security, and performance. Led Gartner research on monitoring. Product leadership at AppDynamics, Cisco... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Thursday, November 14

11:00am MST

What's New with Kubectl and Kustomize … and How You Can Help! - Eddie Zaneski, Defense Unicorns & Arda Guclu, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Have you ever wondered how kubectl and kustomize enhancements are designed and built? Curious why your favorite feature request wasn't accepted? Join the folks from Kubernetes SIG CLI to find out! In this session, the SIG CLI maintainers will provide an introduction to the tooling they are working on and an overview of how to get started contributing. They will share the work done over the past year and the roadmap for what is next. Join us to help shape your favorite tools!
avatar for Eddie Zaneski

Eddie Zaneski

Staff OSS Engineer, Defense Unicorns
Eddie lives in Denver, CO with his wife and dog. He loves open source and works on the Kubernetes project. When not hacking on random things you'll most likely find him climbing rocks somewhere.
avatar for Arda Guclu

Arda Guclu

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Senior software engineer at Red Hat, regular contributor to Kubernetes and one of the maintainers of kubectl.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

Cluster API Deep Dive - Roadmap to API Graduation - Fabrizio Pandini, Broadcom & Vince Prignano, Apple, Inc.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Cluster API is the de-facto project to manage the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters at scale using simple declarative APIs. In 2021 the project reached production readiness, and today the community is working towards the next major milestone: graduating the APIs to v1 General Availability. Join us to get an overview how Cluster API is today used in production and discover what's planned for our APIs exciting new features like Karpenter, in-place upgrades, and more.
avatar for Fabrizio Pandini

Fabrizio Pandini

Staff Engineer 1, Broadcom
A Kubernetes contributor obsessed with making Kubernetes lifecycle simple and consistent across all types of infrastructures, so everyone can build amazing applications on top of it. When I’m not busy as a SIG Cluster Lifecycle tech lead or as a project maintainer in Cluster API... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:30pm MST

Bare Metal Kubernetes with KOps: Gathering Community Wisdom - Justin Santa Barbara, Google & Ciprian Hacman, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Kubernetes on bare metal presents unique challenges compared to cloud deployments. While kOps is optimized for cloud environments, we have begun to explore bare metal support and identify key architectural trade-offs. We'll examine common architectures for bare metal Kubernetes, such as node discovery and availability without cloud services. Introducing a VM layer creates a familiar Kubernetes environment but adds complexity and can limit hardware performance. We'll discuss managing devices like GPUs and the need for tooling when hardware health isn't verified by a cloud provider. This talk will delve into the kOps project and its potential in supporting bare metal Kubernetes. However, our primary goal is to learn from the community. We invite you to share your successes, struggles, and insights to shape the future of our tooling for bare metal. Your feedback is crucial in guiding our development and ensuring kOps meets the needs of those deploying Kubernetes on bare metal.
avatar for Justin Santa Barbara

Justin Santa Barbara

Software Engineer, Google
Justin has been contributing to kubernetes since 2014, initially as the primary maintainer of the kubernetes AWS support, he also started the kOps project. He loves helping users adopt and grow their use of kubernetes, and believes that we have only scratched the surface of the kubernetes... Read More →
avatar for Ciprian Hacman

Ciprian Hacman

Software Engineer, Microsoft
Ciprian Hacman is a Software Engineer, working with cloud-native technologies. He is also an open source project maintainer for kOps (Kubernetes Operations), etcd-manager, cloud-provider-aws and frequent contributor to other projects in the Kubernetes ecosystem.
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

3:25pm MST

Intro & Deep Dive - Kubernetes Infrastructure - Arnaud Meukam, Independent & Mahamed Ali, Cisco
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
This session will examine the intricacies of Kubernetes infrastructure, ongoing maintenance efforts, and strategic security enhancements. We will showcase notable achievements, address challenges, and emphasize the significance of our collaborative efforts with fellow SIGs. The session concludes with an interactive Q&A, welcoming invaluable feedback and insightful discussions from all participants to shape our future trajectory. Join us in this unique opportunity to contribute to the advancement of SIG k8s Infra together.
avatar for Arnaud Meukam

Arnaud Meukam

Open Source Engineer, Independent
Arnaud is a Open Source Engineer and he is a core Kubernetes contributor. He is been involved in the project for over 5 years now, is the SIG Chair for the Kubernetes Infrastructure Group and Release manager.
avatar for Mahamed Ali

Mahamed Ali

Senior DevOps Engineer, Cisco
Mahamed is a Senior DevOps Engineer at ThousandEyes by Cisco and improves developer experience for fellow engineers. He is also an OSS Maintainer and works on Kubernetes as the SIG K8s-Infra Tech Lead and on Knative as the Productivity Working Group Lead.
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:30pm MST

Gateway API: What's New, What's Next? - Christine Kim & Nick Young, Isovalent at Cisco; Mattia Lavacca, Kong; Guilherme Cassolato, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Gateway API represents the next generation of ingress and service mesh APIs for Kubernetes. Since its promotion to GA (General Availability) last year, numerous features have been added, with many more in development. In this talk, we will introduce the latest enhancements, review all recent changes to the API, and discuss what lies ahead. Many features are planned to graduate to GA in the upcoming releases, while others will be introduced as experimental. This talk is the ideal opportunity to familiarize yourself with these changes, connect with the Gateway API community, and get answers to all your questions!
avatar for Guilherme Cassolato

Guilherme Cassolato

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Guilherme is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, core member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project Kuadrant, developer and maintainer of Authorino, active contributor in the Kubernetes community with the Gateway API project by SIG-Network.
avatar for Nick Young

Nick Young

Senior Software Engineer, Isovalent at Cisco
Nick has been working to prevent the entropic downfall of systems for 25 years, across datacenters, clouds, networking, and others. He's a Staff Engineer at Isovalent, and a maintainer on the Kubernetes Gateway API project, where he works on improving the ingress and mesh experiences... Read More →
avatar for Christine Kim

Christine Kim

Developer Relations, Isovalent at Cisco
Christine Kim focuses on developer experience at Isovalent, where she dabbles in the world of Kubernetes and Service Meshes.
avatar for Mattia Lavacca

Mattia Lavacca

Software Enginner, Kong
Mattia is a Software Engineer at Kong, working on Kubernetes networking. He is a key contributor to SIG-Network projects, such as Gateway API, Ingress2Gateway, and Blixt, and the co-lead of Kong's Gateway API implementation. He is working on many Kong projects related to networking... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

5:25pm MST

Securing the Future of Ingress-Nginx - James Strong, Isovalent & Marco Ebert, Giant Swarm
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Ingress NGINX is a very flexible Ingress controller that provides users with a lot of NGINX functionality through annotations. However, this flexibility also raises security concerns for maintainers and cluster administrators. There have been eight significant CVEs and RCEs in Ingress NGINX. To address these issues, we have created a security hardening guide, which will be presented as a preview in this talk. Additionally, we will enable restrictive features by default to offer a more secure out-of-the-box experience with Ingress NGINX such as annotation validations. To maintain and secure the project and its Gateway API implementation, we will not be adding any new features to the core functionality of ingress, and a significant amount of functionality, such as UDP/TCP Routing, will be moved to Gateway API. We will also unveil the new name of the project during this presentation.
avatar for James Strong

James Strong

Sr Customer Success Architect, Isovalent at Cisco
James has been working in the cloud for 7 years. He helped build a private cloud at GE Appliances and developed and supported REST API's in AWS on docker. Recently he has passed the CNCF's CKA exam and helps companies migrate their applications to Kubernetes.
avatar for Marco Ebert

Marco Ebert

Site Reliability Engineer, Giant Swarm
I'm Marco - working in Open Source for more than a decade, with Kubernetes since 2016 and as a maintainer of Ingress NGINX since 2023!As an SRE, I'm always interested in infrastructure & networking and love learning new stuff while troubleshooting complex platforms.After work, you... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Friday, November 15

11:00am MST

Thanos: Intro and Updates - Ben Ye, Amazon Web Services
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Thanos is a popular open-source, highly available Prometheus setup with long-term storage capabilities. Users trust Thanos with deployments that manage billions of series and years of retention in globe-spanning clusters. In this talk, Thanos maintainer will do a introduction and provide updates for the project.
avatar for Ben Ye

Ben Ye

Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services
Ben Ye is a software development engineer at AWS. He is a maintainer of Thanos and Cortex, and contributor to many CNCF and Prometheus ecosystem projects, such as Prometheus itself, Prometheus operator, Kubernetes, etc. His interests include observability, distributed systems, storage... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

11:55am MST

What's New in Operator Framework?! - Bryce Palmer, Rashmi Gottipati & Lalatendu Mohanty, Red Hat; Attila Meszaros, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The Operator Framework has gone through a lot of change in the last year! Interested in the current state of Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)? Join us as we highlight the OLM v1.0.0 roadmap, current progress, plans beyond v1.0.0 (helm support?!), and the core tenets behind the OLM v1 design. Want to know what’s new with the Java Operator SDK? Stop by to learn what’s coming up in Java Operator SDK v5. Curious about what is happening with the Operator-SDK? Swing in for an update on the current state of the Operator-SDK and future plans.
avatar for Attila Meszaros

Attila Meszaros

Senior Software Engineer, Apple
For more than ten years I was designing and implementing software solutions, architectures and services and related tooling. Then I spent a few years focusing more on building platforms on top of Kubernetes in some excellent platform teams. I'm one of the creators and currently full... Read More →
avatar for Lalatendu Mohanty

Lalatendu Mohanty

Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, Red Hat
I am a free software enthusiast and advocate. I have been contributing to open source or free software for more than 12 years now.
avatar for Bryce Palmer

Bryce Palmer

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Software engineer passionate about building developer tooling in the cloud native space.
avatar for Rashmi Gottipati

Rashmi Gottipati

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
Rashmi joined Red Hat in 2020 as a Senior Software Engineer. Since then she has been a part of Operator SDK, and has been an active maintainer of the Operator-Framework project. Currently, her focus lies in the next major iteration of Operator Lifecycle Manager, which provides APIs... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:00pm MST

Are Your Microservices Truly Scaling? A Framework for Unlocking the Stateful Backend - Sam Dillard, PingCAP
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Kubernetes has forged the way to microservice applications. Most of the reasons we disaggregate applications lead back to how each component scales. The backend components of these scaling applications are a sticking point for R&D organizations and a major reason applications aren't as agile as they otherwise could be. When applications scale, data systems undergo a lot of change proportionally. For example, table and index scans travel further, index creation re-organizes more data, backups and restores get slower, data integrity loosens, changefeeds get thicker, and staff spreads thinner. The system that scales best is the one in which these dimensions are impacted the least.
avatar for Sam Dillard

Sam Dillard

Principle Engineer, PingCAP
Principal Engineer at PingCAP, TiKV maintainer and committer, RocksDB contributor, the author of "MariaDB Principles and Implementation". Mainly engaged in the design and development of cloud-native large-scale distributed storage systems, data platforms, 10+ years of experience in... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

2:55pm MST

What’s Going on in the Containerd Neighborhood? - Phil Estes, AWS; Samuel Karp, Google; Akihiro Suda, NTT; Michael Brown, IBM; Kirtana Ashok, Microsoft
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Our recent maintainer sessions have covered the soon-to-launch containerd v2.0. During this session led by maintainers we will give a brief update on 2.0, but will spend more time looking at the ecosystem around us. Why does containerd exist? What value does it bring to the overall cloud native world? How are other projects using it to build and extend containerd in useful ways? We’ll spend some time on containerd’s largest subproject, nerdctl, which also has an upcoming 2.0 release, and additionally catch the community up on activity in our Rust subproject ecosystem, the runwasi containerd shim, and lazy loading snapshotters. Since this is KubeCon, we’ll also provide an update on CRI changes and KEP-driven additions around NRI, DRA, and checkpoint/restore. Attendees will leave with a broad view of the larger containerd ecosystem of projects as well as key information on how to get involved if you are interested to help and contribute in any way to the “containerd neighborhood!”
avatar for Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Software Engineer/Architect, IBM
OSS Engineer; @containerd maintainer; working @oci, @cncf, @pytorch, and @kubernetes projects

Kirtana Ashok

avatar for Samuel Karp

Samuel Karp

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Samuel Karp is a containerd maintainer and a Staff Software Engineer at Google, focused on the container runtime for Google Kubernetes Engine. Sam has been involved in the container ecosystem since 2014 and serves as the Chair of the Open Container Initiative's Technical Oversight... Read More →
avatar for Akihiro Suda

Akihiro Suda

Software Engineer, NTT
Akihiro Suda is a software engineer at NTT Corporation. He has been a maintainer of Moby (dockerd), BuildKit, containerd, runc, etc. He is also a founder of nerdctl and Lima (CNCF project).
avatar for Phil Estes

Phil Estes

Principal Engineer, Containers, AWS
Phil is a Principal Engineer for Amazon Web Services (AWS), focused on core container technologies that power AWS container offerings like Fargate, EKS, and ECS. Phil is an active contributor and maintainer for the CNCF containerd runtime project, and participates in the Open Container... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:00pm MST

Meet the CNCF Code of Conduct Committee - Bill Mulligan & Carla Gaggini, Isovalent at Cisco; Josh Berkus, Red Hat; Jeremy Rickard, Microsoft; Tim Pepper, CISA
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
You've seen those Code of Conduct signs all over the conference. What happens when you report an incident? How is it handled? Who evaluates it? Can I remain anonymous? And why does it take so long? Come meet the CNCF's first elected Code of Conduct Committee, who will have answers to these questions and more. They'll go over the values and goals of the CoCC, the process for investigating and evaluating incident reports, as well as what the CoCC has jurisdiction over (and what it doesn't). They'll share how they work with CNCF projects and project-level committees to support and educate them, as well as with the Events Team to achieve resolutions. Bring your own questions about CoC enforcement and how the committee works to the session, and the CoCC will answer as many of them as they can.
avatar for Tim Pepper

Tim Pepper

Senior Technical Advisor, Open Source Software Security, CISA
Tim Pepper is a Senior Technical Advisor on Open Source Software Security in the US Government's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Tim has over 25 years in open source, working as an open source developer advocate and contributor to Kubernetes (emeritus Steering... Read More →
avatar for Josh Berkus

Josh Berkus

Kubernetes CM, Red Hat
Josh Berkus is the Kubernetes Community Manager, working in Red Hat's Open Source Program Office. He's currently involved with Kubernetes, Etcd, Elekto, Podman, and uBlue, but has spent more than 20 years contributing to many projects, including Linux, OpenOffice, PostgreSQL, and... Read More →
avatar for Bill Mulligan

Bill Mulligan

Community Pollinator, Isovalent at Cisco
Bill Mulligan is a cloud native pollinator and community builder. He has given talks, written articles, and appeared on podcasts on a wide range of topics around cloud native. While at CNCF he restarted the Kubernetes Community Day program. He is currently at Isovalent growing the... Read More →
avatar for Jeremy Rickard

Jeremy Rickard

Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jeremy Rickard is a principal software engineer at Microsoft where he works on the Azure Container Upstream team. He is currently a co-chair for SIG Release and serves on both the CNCF and the Kubernetes Code of Conduct Committees. He was also the Kubernetes 1.20 Release Lead.
avatar for Carla Gaggini

Carla Gaggini

Head of Global Community Events, Isovalent at Cisco
Carla has been managing events and communities since 2011. She started with experimental music festivals and eventually ended up in Tech, where she fell in love with its ecosystem. During her career she has produced and run many conferences (yes, also the virtual ones!), meetups... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 4:35pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

4:55pm MST

WG Batch Updates: What’s New and What Is Next - Marcin Wielgus, Google & Kevin Hannon, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
I will present improvements that the WG Batch has promoted in Kubernetes, and the opportunities under discussion to better support batch workloads such as HPC, AI/ML, data-analytics, etc. I will discuss enhancements and improvements to the Job and JobSet APIs as well as new release and roadmap for Kueue, a Kubernetes subproject that offers job queueing and scheduling, to build a multitenant, multicluster batch system. The WG Batch was created in 2022 to serve the demand from the ecosystem to better support batch applications in Kubernetes. The WG is composed of SIGs’ experts and developers from various communities, with the objective to set roadmaps and collaborate in designs and implementations.

Kevin Hannon

Kubernetes Developer, Red Hat
avatar for Marcin Wielgus

Marcin Wielgus

Staff Software Engineer, Google
Marcin Wielgus is a Staff Software Engineer at Google. Marcin joined the company in 2010 and since then he has been working on various projects, ranging from Android applications to recommendation engines. He started contributing to Kubernetes before the 1.0 release and currently... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A

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