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November 12-15
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Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D clear filter
Thursday, November 14

11:00am MST

🚨 Contribfest: Collaborative WebAssembly Creation with WasmCloud
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm MST
wasmCloud aims to provide a seamless developer experience for building, testing, and deploying WebAssembly components. Join maintainers and community contributors at this Contribfest to build WebAssembly components and enhance wasmCloud's core developer experience. We'll test our newest feature, wash dev, by rapidly building applications in Wasm. With support for Rust, Go, Python, and JavaScript/TypeScript, developers of all backgrounds can get hands-on with Wasm. Since applications built with wasmCloud use the latest Wasm standards, components created during the workshop will benefit the broader Wasm ecosystem. Contributors who find bugs, improvements, or new features can pair program with maintainers to contribute directly to wasmCloud.
avatar for Bailey Hayes

Bailey Hayes

CTO, Cosmonic
Bailey Hayes is the CTO at Cosmonic. She believes the future is in distributed systems and WebAssembly (Wasm). She wears many hats in the open source ecosystem from standards to implementations as the W3C WebAssembly WASI Subgroup co-chair, Bytecode Alliance TSC Director, and maintainer... Read More →
avatar for Colin Murphy

Colin Murphy

Senior Software Engineer, Adobe
Colin Murphy is a senior software engineer on the Adobe Express team. Prior to his current role, he was responsible for infrastructure of Adobe Document Cloud microservices, including Adobe Sign and Acrobat Web. He has been responsible for the implementation of major portions of Adobe’s... Read More →
avatar for Taylor Thomas

Taylor Thomas

Engineering Director, Cosmonic
Taylor Thomas is an Engineering Director working on WebAssembly platforms at Cosmonic. He actively participates in the open source community and is one of the creators of Krustlet and Bindle. He is a CNCF Ambassador and a regular speaker at various open source conferences and meetups... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D

2:30pm MST

🚨 Contribfest: Helm 4: The Next Generation of the Kubernetes Package Manager
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm MST
Love it or hate it, there is little argument that Helm remains a popular choice for packaging Kubernetes applications. As the project embarks on its first new major version since 2019, Helm 4, anyone who makes use of Helm, whether it be a producer or consumer, has the opportunity to help shape the future and direction. Join members of the Helm community to get a unique opportunity to take part in the development of Helm 4 so it can provide the next generation of Kubernetes applications and users the package manager for today and tomorrow.. In this session, attendees will learn: Learn about the key features being considered Support for Helm 3 before, during and after Helm 4 is released How to get involved in the Helm project, including the various roles and responsibilities The process for contributing to the Helm codebase This is a session any Kubernetes contributor does not want to miss
avatar for Andrew Block

Andrew Block

Distinguished Architect, Red Hat
Andrew Block is a Distinguished Architect at Red Hat that works with organizations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He specializes in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery methodologies with a focus on security to reducing the overall... Read More →
avatar for Matt Farina

Matt Farina

Distinguished Engineer, SUSE
Matt works as a Distinguished Engineer at SUSE, where he works as the Chief Architect of the SUSE Rancher Team. He is a maintainer of multiple open source projects including Helm and Artifact Hub. Matt is an author, speaker, and regular contributor to open source.
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D

4:30pm MST

🚨 Contribfest: Meshery Contribfest: Extending the Cloud Native Manager
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm MST
Join the Meshery maintainers and community in improving the leading cloud native management plane. This is your chance to get hands-on with the tools shaping the future of collaborative cloud native management. Opportunities: Work on core functionality in the Server (Golang) or UI (React) or extend Meshery by building your own plugin. Contribute to the Meshery documentation by incorporating your own examples of cloud native solution architectures using Meshery Designer. Why Contribute to Meshery? - Gain experience with cloud native technologies, including essentially every CNCF project and open source development practices. As is the 10th fastest growing CNCF project, Meshery has a vibrant community. Work alongside passionate maintainers and contributors. No Prior Experience Needed: We welcome contributions from all levels of experience. Join us at Meshery Contribfest and be part of the growing community shaping the future of collaborative cloud native management.
avatar for Shivay Lamba

Shivay Lamba

Developer Relations Engineer, Couchbase
Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development. He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and is currently a MLH Fellow. He has also worked... Read More →
avatar for Lee Calcote

Lee Calcote

Founder, Layer5
Lee Calcote is an innovative product and technology leader, passionate about empowering engineers and enabling organizations. As Founder of Layer5, he is at the forefront of the cloud native movement. Open source, advanced and emerging technologies have been a consistent focus through... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D
Friday, November 15

11:00am MST

🚨 Contribfest: Kyverno: Lets Build Together!
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm MST
Come meet the Kyverno maintainers and community for an hands-on, interactive, workshop and session where we deep dive into the Kyverno project. Kyverno is a cloud native policy as code solution that elegantly solves critical challenges across security, automation, and compliance. You will learn about Kyverno’s architecture, the role of each component, how to try Kyverno, and set up your environment to contribute to the project. This hands-on session will be led by Kyverno maintainers and organized so that both developers as well as non-developers can learn, explore, and contribute!
avatar for Chip Zoller

Chip Zoller

Product Manager, Kubecost
Chip Zoller is a technologist, maintainer, and contributor to the Kyverno project where his primary focus is on process, enablement, documentation, automation, policy design and authoring, and community. He is a maintainer and contributor to several other open source projects in the... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D

2:00pm MST

🚨 Contribfest: Sidecar-Less Service Mesh: Let’s Work Together on Istio V2
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Attendees will gain an overview of the sidecar-less service mesh architecture and learn how to contribute to the Istio project. We will explore the necessary tooling to build Istio from source, and run unit and end-to-end tests. After setting up the environment, we will contribute to the Istio project. Maintainers will provide a curated set of GitHub issues for the session, focusing on good-first-issues and Istio V2. We will review useful resources and ways to interact with the project and community, highlighting the benefits of sidecar-less Istio and guiding you through your first contribution.
avatar for Lin Sun

Lin Sun

CNCF TOC member and Head of Open-Source at solo.io, solo.io
Lin is the Head of Open Source at Solo.io, and a CNCF TOC member and ambassador. She has worked on the Istio service mesh since the beginning of the project in 2017 and serves on the Istio Steering Committee and Technical Oversight Committee. Previously, she was a Senior Technical... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D

4:00pm MST

🚨 Contribfest: K8gb Contribfest: Enhancing K8gb Project with Arbitrary Network Resource Integration
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm MST
The k8gb project is entering a new era of extensibility with the ability to integrate with arbitrary network resources. Recently, we decoupled our strong dependency on standard Ingress, opening new pathways for various integrations such as Gateways and non-HTTP Services. In this iteration of Contribfest, participants will execute the flow of integrating a new resource type to be globally load-balanced.
avatar for Yury Tsarev

Yury Tsarev

Principal Solutions Architect, Upbound
Yury is an experienced software engineer who strongly focuses on open-source, software quality and distributed systems. As the creator of k8gb (https://www.k8gb.io) and active contributor to the Crossplane ecosystem, he frequently speaks at conferences covering topics such as Control... Read More →
avatar for Andre Aguas

Andre Aguas

Senior Systems Engineer, Open Systems AG
Andre is a Systems Engineer at Open Systems' Cloud Platform team. For the past 3 years he was an integral part of the Observability team where he established Thanos and Loki as the two fundamental components of the company's observability stack. Throughout this journey, he has also... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 D

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