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November 12-15
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Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF clear filter
Wednesday, November 13

11:15am MST

TUF: Secure Distribution Beyond Software - Marina Moore, Independent
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
As organizations improve their software supply chain, they may encounter an influx of metadata: attestations, SBOMs, VEX statements, and more. Have you ever wondered how to securely distribute all of this information to end users? Enter TUF! The Update Framework (TUF), has paved the way for secure software updates throughout the cloud native ecosystem and beyond, and is being expanded to securely distribute signing keys, attestations, and more. TUF allows organizations to ensure that all of this data is up-to-date and resilient to tampering. The TUF project is constantly improving and this talk will highlight some of these improvements, from recent integrations by groups such as Docker and Github to an effort to provide conformance testing across various TUF implementations. The TUF project has an active team of maintainers and contributors that make all of these improvements possible, and we will discuss how you can get involved to keep making the project better.
avatar for Marina Moore

Marina Moore

Marina Moore has a PhD from at NYU where she performed research into software supply chain security. This research focused on real-world application through open source contribution. She is an open source maintainer and active in open source communities through the CNCF and OpenSSF... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 11:15am - 11:50am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

12:10pm MST

AI for Policy and Policy for AI! - Poonam Lamba, Google; Boris Kurktchiev, Nirmata; Andy Suderman, Fairwinds; Ronald Petty, RX-M; Jimmy Ray, Boeing Digital
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
As Kubernetes becomes the go-to for deploying AI, the need for strong governance and policies is critical. This panel will dive into how policies and AI intersect within Kubernetes. We'll explore challenges, best practices, and new standards for managing AI workloads to guarantee security, fairness, and transparency. We'll examine existing and new policy frameworks for governing AI workloads on Kubernetes, including industry standards and best practices. We'll also address security risks like data privacy and model integrity, and establish clear lines of accountability for AI workloads. This panel is ideal for engineers, operators, compliance officers, and anyone involved in deploying and managing AI workloads on Kubernetes.
avatar for Ronald Petty

Ronald Petty

Consultant, RX-M
Ronald Petty is a consultant at RX-M, a global Cloud Native an AI advisory and training firm. Ronald works as a consultant/advisor/board-member for both for-profit and non-profit organizations focusing on technology and related policy issues. Additionally, he authors and edits technical... Read More →
avatar for Poonam Lamba

Poonam Lamba

Product Manager, Google
Poonam is a Product Manager at Google, where she leads Policy, Governance, and Compliance for GKE. An active contributor to the Kubernetes Policy Working Group and Gatekeeper project, she is passionate about open-source solutions. Outside of work, Poonam enjoys hiking, paddle boarding... Read More →
avatar for Andy Suderman

Andy Suderman

CTO, Fairwinds
Andy Suderman is CTO at Fairwinds, a managed Kubernetes-as-a-Service provider. Andy has worked with cloud native technologies for the last eight years helping organizations adopt and manage Kubernetes. Andy is the creator and primary developer of Goldilocks—an open source tool that... Read More →
avatar for Boris Kurktchiev

Boris Kurktchiev

Chief Plumber, Nirmata
In the world of tools, it's not 'one size fits all.' I'm the expert who always knows when to grab the hammer and when to reach for the screwdriver.
avatar for Jimmy Ray

Jimmy Ray

ISO, Boeing Digital
Underpinned by 30 years of technology, writing, and speaking experience, Jimmy Ray is recognized as a subject matter expert in Policy as Code, cloud-native computing, and software supply chain security.Jimmy is the author of Policy as Code - Improving Cloud Native Security, July 2024... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 12:10pm - 12:45pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:30pm MST

Harbor Project - The Maintainers Session What We Have Accomplished! - Orlin Vasilev, SUSE; Vadim Bauer, 8gears Container Registry; Miner Yang, Daniel Jiang & Yan Wang, Broadcom
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
In Harbor v2.11, we've successfully integrated SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) within the platform, enhancing our security and compliance capabilities. We're also exploring innovative trends in AI, such as an AI-assisted registry (not to be confused with an AI-integrated bot). Join Vadim and Orlin as they guide you through the latest developments in the Harbor project, along with some exciting side projects within our community that you may find intriguing. This session is a perfect opportunity for software engineers and DevOps professionals to dive into Harbor's advancements and explore new possibilities together. We invite you to join us for firsthand information about what's coming next in Harbor and learn how you can actively contribute to the project. Together, let's make Harbor even better!
avatar for Miner Yang

Miner Yang

CNCF Project Harbor Contributor, Member of VMware Kubernetes techinal staff, Broadcom
Join Cloud Native and Harbor team 2 years ago, Developer of Harbor, Harbor-helm and Harbor Carvel Package.

Yan Wang

avatar for Orlin Vasilev

Orlin Vasilev

Principal Open Source Technology Advocate, SUSE
Orlin Vasilev is Principal Open Source Technology Advocate and Community Manager for Project Harbor as part of the Cloud Native team at SUSE. Second term CNCF Ambassador and driving the CNCF Meetup Group(~1.7 K members) in Bulgaria. KubeCon CfP review board member. Previously SysAdmin/Dev/SRE/System... Read More →
avatar for Vadim Bauer

Vadim Bauer

Harbor Maintainer, 8gears Container Registry
Vadim Bauer is a Container Silverback with over a decade of experience in running containers in production. As a maintainer of the CNCF project Harbor, he focuses on extending the boundaries of OCI artifact management, adoption, and developer experience. At 8gears, Vadim helps cloud... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

3:25pm MST

Mastering ApplicationSet: Advanced Argo CD Automation - Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Argo CD has become an essential deployment tool that engineers use to automate various infrastructure management use cases across hundreds of clusters. This presents a new challenge of managing Argo CD applications at scale. The Argo CD team has explored multiple approaches to solving this, resulting in the creation of ApplicationSet. Over time, ApplicationSet has gained many features, becoming sophisticated and quite complex to use. In this session, we will dive into advanced ApplicationSet features: orchestrating complex rollouts of ingress controllers across multiple clusters and accommodating snowflake clusters. We will enable the audience to answer these and many other questions about using ApplicationSet. Finally, we will demonstrate an effective way to debug ApplicationSet specifications without digging through logs and altering production Argo CD settings.
avatar for Alexander Matyushentsev

Alexander Matyushentsev

Co-founder and Chief Architect, Akuity
Argo Co-Creator, Argo CD Lead, and maintainer. Energetic and passionate software engineer with over a decade of software development experience. I'm an enthusiast of continuous integration, agile environments, and a huge open-source believer. Core contributor and maintainer of http://argoproj.io... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:30pm MST

Linkerd Update: Ingress, Egress, IPv6, Enhanced Multicluster, Rust, and More - William Morgan, Buoyant
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
The pace of feature delivery in Linkerd has never been higher. In this whirlwind project update by Linkerd maintainers and directors, you'll learn about the latest developments and upcoming features. We'll discuss new support for egress traffic control and visibility, ingress traffic handling, UX improvements to multicluster, new support for IPv6, and more. Come prepared to learn about the world's fastest, lightest service mesh!
avatar for William Morgan

William Morgan

Linkerd Director, Buoyant CEO, Buoyant
William is a director on the Linkerd project and the co-founder and CEO of Buoyant, the creators of Linkerd. Prior to Buoyant, he was an infrastructure engineer at Twitter, a software engineer at Powerset, Microsoft, and Adap.tv, a research scientist at MITRE. He holds an MS in computer... Read More →
Wednesday November 13, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

5:25pm MST

Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks - Jesse Brown, Heroku & Aidan Delaney, Bloomberg
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Buildpacks transform source applications into images that run on any cloud. Each output image contains a full Software Bill of Materials which allows platform developers to know precisely what software is deployed. This makes them an excellent solution where a container runtime is provided to untrusted or semi-trusted development teams. There are wider use-cases where many application development teams share a common runtime, like Kuberenetes. In this talk we look at using Buildpacks to deploy web applications at scale, we consider batch processing in large workflows - particularly AI/machine learning workflows - and we look at an example Functions as a Service platform that uses Buildpacks.
avatar for Jesse Brown

Jesse Brown

Software Engineer, Heroku
Jesse is a software engineer at Heroku, currently based in Memphis, TN. With a focus on the Heroku Builds suite of services, Jesse has been contributing to buildpacks.io since 2019 and earned maintainer status in 2021. Passionate about Kubernetes and large-scale systems, Jesse dedicates... Read More →
avatar for Aidan Delaney

Aidan Delaney

Aidan is a Buildpacks.io maintainer and currently works in Bloomberg's Data Management Services team.  He has worked on Buildpacks (and other infrastructure) for AI and large scale data processing.  He likes to build well-tested platforms that have clean interfaces.
Wednesday November 13, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Thursday, November 14

11:00am MST

SPIRE: Intro & In-Depth Exploration of the Upcoming Forced Rotation and Revocation Feature - Agustín Martínez Fayó & Marcos Yacob, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Join us for an insightful session on the SPIRE project, where we’ll provide a comprehensive introduction covering the foundational aspects of SPIRE, detailing its architecture, capabilities, and the problems it solves. Additionally, we’ll delve into the exciting upcoming updates for the project, with a special focus on the highly anticipated forced rotation and revocation feature that will provide a rapid, reliable, and automated mechanism for recovering from key compromise. Whether you’re new to SPIRE or an experienced user, this talk will equip you with the knowledge of current developments and prepare you for the future enhancements that will further strengthen your infrastructure to provide secure identities for workloads.
avatar for Marcos Yacob

Marcos Yacob

Principal Software Engineer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
I'm principal Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Maintainer of different SPIFFE projects.
avatar for Agustín Martínez Fayó

Agustín Martínez Fayó

Principal Software Engineer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Agustín is a Principal Software Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Maintainer of the SPIRE project. Agustín has always been dedicated to building software that helps to improve the security of systems that operate at scale.
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:55am MST

CNCF TAG Network: Intro & Deep Dive - Lee Calcote, Layer5
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
“It’s the network!” is the cry of every engineer. With the increased prevalence of microservices and distributed systems, it’s true - networking as a discipline has never been more critical in the well-architected design and efficient operation of modern infrastructure. Join this talk for an intro to the TAG, its charter and a deeper discussion of current cloud native networking topics being advanced in this TAG.
avatar for Lee Calcote

Lee Calcote

Founder, Layer5
Lee Calcote is an innovative product and technology leader, passionate about empowering engineers and enabling organizations. As Founder of Layer5, he is at the forefront of the cloud native movement. Open source, advanced and emerging technologies have been a consistent focus through... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:30pm MST

Applications, Platforms, and Infrastructure Oh My! What Is the TAG App Delivery Doing to Support You - Daniel Oh, Red Hat; Roberth Strand, Sopra Steria; Ryan Nowak, Microsoft; Abby Bangser, Syntasso
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
TAG App Delivery focuses on how organizations can deliver cloud-native applications. To succeed, there are a number of hard questions that need to be answered: How can platform teams do a better job of enabling developers? How can developers help platform teams to understand better their development needs and their technology stack specific requirements? Which artifacts will be created and by whom? What does it take to provision a development environment? Which tools are involved? This panel will highlight how the TAG Working Groups including App Development, Platform, Infrastructure, and Artifacts are helping build a unified view of how to successfully deliver cloud native applications at scale.
avatar for Daniel Oh

Daniel Oh

Senior Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Daniel Oh is a Java Champion and Senior Principal Developer Advocate at Red Hat to evangelize developers for building cloud-native apps and serverless ob Kubernetes ecosystems. He's also contributing to various cloud open-source projects and ecosystems as a CNCF ambassador for accelerating... Read More →
avatar for Abby Bangser

Abby Bangser

Principal Engineer, Syntasso
Abby is a Principal Engineer at Syntasso delivering Kratix, an open-source cloud-native framework for building internal platforms on Kubernetes. Her keen interest in supporting internal development comes from over a decade of experience in consulting and product delivery roles across... Read More →
avatar for Roberth Strand

Roberth Strand

Principal Cloud Native Architect, Sopra Steria
Roberth is a self-proclaimed "cloud automator", and works primarily with Microsoft Azure infrastructure, Platform Engineering, DevOps and Cloud Native technology. He has been awarded the title Microsoft Azure MVP (2021, 2022, 2023), CNCF Ambassador (2023), as well as HashiCorp Ambassador... Read More →
avatar for Ryan Nowak

Ryan Nowak

Incubations Architect, Microsoft
Ryan is an architect working on open-source projects from the Azure CTO's office. He's passionate about designing software for humans, incubating risky ideas, releasing them in open-source so everyone can benefit. At Microsoft, he's had a 15+ year career building developer-centric... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 2:30pm - 3:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

3:25pm MST

Cloud Native Storage: The CNCF Storage TAG Projects, Technology & Landscape - Alex Chircop, Akamai & Raffaele Spazzoli, Red Hat
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
This talk will introduce the CNCF Storage TAG and discuss how the TAG operates, how we work with CNCF Storage projects, and the work we have done to build guidance and write whitepapers for the ecosystem. During this session we will cover an overview of storage projects in the CNCF, including the broader ecosystem, as well as projects that are currently being reviewed. We will also share updates of our latest work including the CNCF Storage Whitepaper, Performance and Benchmarking whitepaper, Cloud Native Disaster Recovery whitepaper, and the Data on Kubernetes whitepapers on database patterns and AI/ML workloads. Join us to find out how to contribute and participate in the CNCF storage community and discover practical guidance on how to use cloud native storage in your environments.
avatar for Alex Chircop

Alex Chircop

Chief Product Architect at Akamai, Akamai
Chief Product Architect at Akamai. Previously a founder and CTO of Ondat (formerly StoraeOS), building software defined solutions for cloud native environments. Alex is also a co-chair of the CNCF Storage TAG (previously SIG). Before embarking on the startup adventure he spent over... Read More →
avatar for Raffaele Spazzoli

Raffaele Spazzoli

Senior Principal Architect, red hat
Raffaele is a full-stack enterprise architect with 20+ years of experience. Currently Raffaele covers a consulting position of cross-portfolio application architect with a focus on OpenShift. Most of his career Raffaele worked with large financial institutions allowing him to acquire... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 3:25pm - 4:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:30pm MST

Fluent Bit: Better Pipelines for Observability - Eduardo Silva, Chronosphere
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Creating better data pipelines is constantly challenging when "better" is defined by performance, low resource usage, and total ecosystem integration. In this session, we will dive deep into Fluent Bit, a CNCF graduate project under the Fluentd umbrella that helps you build scalable data pipelines to manage all your needs for the collection and processing of telemetry data by integrating multiple data sources and formats and reliably sending it to your desired endpoints or vendors for analysis. Attendees of this session will learn about best practices for telemetry data handling and important concepts such as buffering, backpressure, monitoring, and retry logic, among many others. Fluent Bit, which was primarily known for managing logs, now also handles metrics and traces. It fully integrates with applications based on Prometheus or OpenTelemetry formats.
avatar for Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva

OSS Engineering Manager, Chronosphere
Eduardo is an entrepreneur and Software Engineer. He is one of Fluentd project maintainers and creator of Fluent Bit, a lightweight Logs, Metrics, and Traces processor.
Thursday November 14, 2024 4:30pm - 5:05pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

5:25pm MST

Scaling and Safeguarding the Heart of Kubernetes: Deep Dive Into etcd - Wenjia Zhang & Marek Siarkowicz, Google; James Blair, Red Hat; Ivan Valdes Castillo, Aki Technologies; Wei Fu, Microsoft
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
SIG-etcd are hard at work on scaling&safeguarding etcd, we need your help and feedback! This deep dive session will explore current & future etcd development efforts to share with both etcd & Kubernetes users & contributors. In particular we’ll focus on: -Feature gates:Reviewing recent KEPs for server & cluster level etcd feature gates. Discuss how feature gates empower us to introduce new capabilities while minimizing risk or breaking changes. -etcd Operator Working Group:Discuss the progress & next steps for the working group to release an officially supported etcd Operator. -Tackling compaction correctness:A post mortem exploration of the recent etcd watch correctness issue & resolution. -Community Update: A status update on the growth of the etcd community and project news. Highlight opportunities for you to get involved! Join etcd maintainers and contributors to learn about these recent developments & future plans, including how you can contribute to them. Bring questions, too.
avatar for Wenjia Zhang

Wenjia Zhang

Engineering Manager, Google
Wenjia Zhang is an Engineer Manager at Google, working on Google Kubernetes Engine and Google Distributed Cloud. She is an active contributor for Kubernetes and etcd open source projects.
avatar for Wei Fu

Wei Fu

Software Engineer, Microsoft
containerd maintainer: Building things for others who build things
avatar for Marek Siarkowicz

Marek Siarkowicz

Senior Software Engineer, Google
Marek is a Software Engineer working at Google in Etcd team. He began his career in local startups where he loved open source and extreme programming. Currently he is a etcd maintainer and active member of SIG-instrumentation leading structured logging effort in Kubernetes. In his... Read More →
avatar for James Blair

James Blair

Specialist Architect, Red Hat
James Blair is a Specialist Architect at Red Hat who works with organisations to design and implement solutions leveraging cloud native technologies. He is a vivid open source advocate and hands-on engineer who is an active Kubernetes and Etcd contributor and is passionate about growing... Read More →
avatar for Ivan Valdes Castillo

Ivan Valdes Castillo

Ivan is a Site Reliability Engineer specializing in CI/CD pipelines, Infrastructure as Code, and automation. His dedication to spreading and mentoring the DevOps culture is evident in his efforts to foster collaboration and streamline development. In his free time, he is an active... Read More →
Thursday November 14, 2024 5:25pm - 6:00pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Friday, November 15

11:00am MST

Discover CNCF TAG Runtime: From AI, WASM, OS, Edge to Workloads in the Heart of Salt Lake City - Stephen Rust, Akamai; Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Danielle Tal, Microsoft; Ricardo Aravena, TruEra
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
In this session, we will cover the following: 1) Overview of CNCF open source projects that enable running cloud native workloads. 2) The latest on the many TAG-Runtime working groups, including topics like: a. The Cloud Native AI working group including how AI can help Cloud Native and Cloud Native enables AI. b. Progress in the WASM, Edge, Batch, CDI, and Special Purpose OS working group. 4) Future trends in cloud-native technologies within the TAG scope. 7) How to get involved, grow in the contributor ladder, and have a say in the runtime related projects that get inducted in the CNCF landscape. Come join us and be a part of the many exciting projects under the TAG-Runtime umbrella! By the end of the session, you'll master the runtime related CNCF landscape, discover the latest developments in the TAG-Runtime working groups, learn how to join the communities of your interest, and dive into open-source project contributions. Be a part of this vital and vibrant CNCF community!
avatar for Ricardo Aravena

Ricardo Aravena

Cloud Native Lead, Truera
Ricardo currently works at TruEra as a Cloud Infrastructure Lead helping automate everything with cloud native technologies. He's an open source enthusiast and co-chair of the CNCF TAG-Runtime. He has been working in tech for more than 20 years and comes from a diverse professional... Read More →
avatar for Rajas Kakodkar

Rajas Kakodkar

Senior Member of Technical Staff | Tech Lead TAG Runtime CNCF, Broadcom
Rajas is a senior member of technical staff at Broadcom and a tech lead of the CNCF Technical Advisory Group, Runtime. He is actively involved in the AI working group in the CNCF. He is a Kubernetes contributor and has been a maintainer of the Kube Proxy Next Gen Project. He has also... Read More →
avatar for Danielle Tal

Danielle Tal

PM, Microsoft
Danielle Tal is a Program Manager at Microsoft and an integral part of the team responsible for maintaining Flatcar Container Linux. The team is contributes to Linux OS distributions and Linux Security within Azure and other upstream projects. With a background in supporting diverse... Read More →
avatar for Stephen Rust

Stephen Rust

Principal Architect, Akamai
Stephen Rust is a Principal Architect at Akamai, where he leads Cloud Native architecture within the Akamai Linode Cloud. Stephen has over 20 years of experience in operating systems, storage, and working in open source with containers, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native systems. At Akamai... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:00am - 11:35am MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

11:55am MST

Crossplane Intro and Deep Dive - The Cloud Native Control Plane Framework - Jared Watts, Upbound
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
The maintainers of Crossplane, a CNCF Incubating project, will lead this session that will introduce the project to new attendees, as well as dive deeper into details of Crossplane’s latest features and releases. There is always something new to show off at Kubecon! We will start with the basics on how Crossplane enables you to compose cloud infrastructure and services into custom platform APIs, and accelerate the journey of folks new to Crossplane to build a control plane of their own. Then we will take a detailed tour through the key features from the latest releases and how to adopt them into your platforms, including high level metrics, change logs, claim errors/status, and more! Finally, there will be an interactive opportunity to engage with the maintainers, ask questions, and influence the future of the project direction.
avatar for Jared Watts

Jared Watts

Founding Engineer, Upbound
Jared Watts is a Founding Engineer at Upbound, where he is working on advancing cloud-native computing by enabling anyone to build their own cloud platform. He is also a co-creator of the open source Crossplane (https://crossplane.io) and Rook (https://rook.io) projects. Prior to... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 11:55am - 12:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:00pm MST

KubeVirt: Enhancements and the Road Ahead - Vladik Romanovsky & David Vossel, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
It's been a big year for KubeVirt. Join us for a detailed update on major advancements introduced over the past year and our plans, including CNCF Graduation. We'll cover some of our recent features: "VM rollout strategy," which changes the update management for running virtual machines; "VM Volume migration," which provides a declarative API to move data between volumes; and we introduce the "Application Aware Quota" operator, a solution that addresses the limitations of Kubernetes' native resource quota system and provides an alternative implementation of resource counting. Looking forward, we will also discuss our desire to improve the control over migration convergence, support for (DRA) Dynamic Resource Allocation to optimize resources handling and allocation, and introduce SWAP support for virtual machines, enabling performance improvements and flexibility. This session is designed to provide valuable insights for current users and those who are new to KubeVirt.
avatar for Vladik Romanovsky

Vladik Romanovsky

Senior Principle Software Engineer, Red Hat
Developer and a maintainer of the KubeVirt Project. Interested in Kubernetes and Virtualization.
avatar for David Vossel

David Vossel

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
David Vossel is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is currently the lead developer working on the Hosted Control Planes for OpenShift Virtualization platform and is a core contributor to the open source KubeVirt project.
Friday November 15, 2024 2:00pm - 2:35pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

2:55pm MST

Strimzi: Data Streaming on Kubernetes with Apache Kafka - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat & Lixin Yao, Apple
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Strimzi is a CNCF incubating project focusing on running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. Apache Kafka is a leading date-streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines. It provides support for high-throughput/low-latency messaging, as well as sophisticated data ingress, egress, and processing capabilities. However, running it on Kubernetes can be complex and tedious. Strimzi makes it simple by providing a set of operators and other tools to make data streaming as simple and Kubernetes-native as possible. This talk will briefly introduce Strimzi, explaining how it works and what it offers. And then it will focus on the current and planned features and their release plans. It will cover the exciting features being worked on - such as ZooKeeper removal, tiered storage, auto-rebalancing, or new certificate management - and deep dive into the most important ones.
avatar for Jakub Scholz

Jakub Scholz

Senior Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Jakub works at Red Hat as Senior Principal Software Engineer. He has long-term experience with messaging and currently focuses mainly on Apache Kafka and its integration with Kubernetes. He is one of the maintainers of the Strimzi project which provides tooling for running Apache... Read More →
avatar for Lixin Yao

Lixin Yao

Staff Software Engineer, Apple
Lixin is a staff software engineer currently working at Apple. His main focus is around data ingestion pipeline and large scale Kafka cluster management. Prior to Apple he worked at Google Cloud on large scale API gateway infrastructure. In his free time, he plays recreational tennis... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 2:55pm - 3:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

4:55pm MST

Running a Highly Available Identity and Access Management with Keycloak - Ryan Emerson & Kameswararao Akella, Red Hat
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
A single sign on solution for your customers and employees should be designed for high availability without a single point of failure. Keycloak is no exception to this. A clustered Keycloak deployment in a single site provides sufficient availability for many. An increasing number of organizations need to utilize multiple sites for improved resiliency or to meet legal requirements. Keycloak overhauled its capabilities and now provides deployment blueprints to the community. This talk presents how we approached the problem, and the challenges we faced. Expect to dive into concepts like load shedding, cache stampedes, and automated failover. See tools like Gatling, Helm, OpenTelemetry, Kubernetes Operators and cloud infrastructure in action. We will also provide an outlook for the next steps in our journey. These insights will help you to improve your Keycloak deployments as well as design and test your own applications so they can withstand high load and site failures.
avatar for Kamesh Akella

Kamesh Akella

Principal Software Quality Engineer, Red Hat
Hailing from the coastal state of India, Andhra Pradesh, I share a profound interest in everything open-source and computers from my childhood, which led me to my current position at Red Hat and contributing back to the wonderful open-source community.
avatar for Ryan Emerson

Ryan Emerson

Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Ryan Emerson is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is a member of the Infinispan and Keycloak open-source product teams, where he leads the development of the Infinispan Kubernetes Operator, in addition to contributing to the development of the Infinispan core/server. During... Read More →
Friday November 15, 2024 4:55pm - 5:30pm MST
Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF

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