Maintainer Track clear filter
11:15am MST
SIG Network Intro and Updates - Daman Arora, VMware by Broadcom; Shaun Crampton, Tigera; Nadia Pinaeva & Dan Winship, Red Hat; Antonio Ojea, Google; Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
The Spice Must Flow Green: CNCF's Environmental Sustainability TAG - Marlow Warnicke (Weston), SchedMD & Saiyam Pathak, Loft Labs Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
The State of Cloud Native Business Value in 2024 - Danielle Cook, appCD; Simon Forster, Stackegy; Catherine Paganini, Buoyant; Colin Griffin, Krumware; Robbie Glenn, Accenture Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
TUF: Secure Distribution Beyond Software - Marina Moore, Independent Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Using Notary Project to Ensure Authenticity and Integrity of Artifacts Within the Enterprise - Toddy Mladenov, Microsoft & Tjark Rasche, Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation GmbH Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
12:10pm MST
AI for Policy and Policy for AI! - Poonam Lamba, Google; Boris Kurktchiev, Nirmata; Andy Suderman, Fairwinds; Ronald Petty, RX-M; Jimmy Ray, Boeing Digital Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Best Friends Keep No Secrets: Going Secretless with Cert-Manager - Ashley Davis & Tim Ramlot, Venafi Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Dapr's Road Ahead: GenAI APIs, Distributed Scheduling at Scale and What It Means for Your Platform - Yaron Schneider, Diagrid Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Emissary-Ingress: Version 4 and the Road Ahead - Flynn, Buoyant Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
SIG Scheduling Intro & Updates - Aldo Culquicondor, Google & Kensei Nakada, Tetrate.io Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
2:30pm MST
Guiding Kubernetes: The Steering Committee's Role in Project Evolution - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Harbor Project - The Maintainers Session What We Have Accomplished! - Orlin Vasilev, SUSE; Vadim Bauer, 8gears Container Registry; Miner Yang, Daniel Jiang & Yan Wang, Broadcom Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Kubernetes Data Protection WG Deep Dive - Dave Smith-Uchida, Veeam Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Kubernetes WG Device Management - Advancing K8s Support for GPUs - John Belamaric, Google; Patrick Ohly, Intel; Kevin Klues, NVIDIA Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
SIG-Multicluster Intro and Deep Dive - Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson & Laura Lorenz, Google; Ryan Zhang, Microsoft; Stephen Kitt, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
3:25pm MST
How to Get Started Contributing in the CNCF - Destiny O'Connor, Women Blessing Women & Riaan Kleinhans, Linux Foundation Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Life of a Packet: Ambient Edition - John Howard, Solo.io & Keith Mattix, Microsoft Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Mastering ApplicationSet: Advanced Argo CD Automation - Alexander Matyushentsev, Akuity Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
OpenTelemetry Project Update - Alolita Sharma, Apple; Juraci Paixão Kröhling, Grafana Labs; Ted Young, ServiceNow; Morgan Mclean, Splunk; Daniel Dyla, Dynatrace Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
SIG-Node: Intro and Deep Dive - Sergey Kanzhelev & Dawn Chen, Google; Mrunal Patel, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
4:30pm MST
CNI Updates and Direction! - Michael Zappa, Microsoft Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Distributed Tracing with Jaeger and OpenTelemetry - Jonah Kowall, Independent & Pavol Loffay, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
How to Expand Your IDP: The New Building Blocks of Backstage - Ben Lambert & Patrik Oldsberg, Spotify Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Linkerd Update: Ingress, Egress, IPv6, Enhanced Multicluster, Rust, and More - William Morgan, Buoyant Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
SIG Instrumentation Introduction and Deep Dive - Han Kang, David Ashpole & Richa Banker, Google; Damien Grisonnet, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
5:25pm MST
11:00am MST
Artifact Hub: Discover, Analyze, and Share Cloud Native Artifacts - Matt Farina, SUSE Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
GitOps at Production Scale with Flux - Leigh Capili, Flox & Priyanka Ravi, G-Research Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
SIG-Apps: Powering Applications with High-Volume Data and APIs - Maciej Szulik, Red Hat & Janet Kuo, Google Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
SPIRE: Intro & In-Depth Exploration of the Upcoming Forced Rotation and Revocation Feature - Agustín Martínez Fayó & Marcos Yacob, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
What's New with Kubectl and Kustomize … and How You Can Help! - Eddie Zaneski, Defense Unicorns & Arda Guclu, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
11:55am MST
0.1 to 1.16: How Has Knative Fulfilled Its Vision? - Dave Protasowski, Broadcom & Evan Anderson, Stacklok Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Cilium: Connecting, Observing, and Securing Kubernetes and Beyond with eBPF - Ahmed Bebars, The New York Times; Liz Rice, Isovalent @ Cisco; Joe Stevens, Ascend.io Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Cluster API Deep Dive - Roadmap to API Graduation - Fabrizio Pandini, Broadcom & Vince Prignano, Apple, Inc. Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
CNCF TAG Network: Intro & Deep Dive - Lee Calcote, Layer5 Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
SIG Autoscaling Projects Update - Jack Francis, Microsoft Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
2:30pm MST
Applications, Platforms, and Infrastructure Oh My! What Is the TAG App Delivery Doing to Support You - Daniel Oh, Red Hat; Roberth Strand, Sopra Steria; Ryan Nowak, Microsoft; Abby Bangser, Syntasso Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Bare Metal Kubernetes with KOps: Gathering Community Wisdom - Justin Santa Barbara, Google & Ciprian Hacman, Microsoft Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Celebrating Prometheus 3.0: A Deep Dive with the Maintainers - Kemal Akkoyun, fal.ai & Josh Abreu, Grafana Labs Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Cortex Intro: Multi-Tenant Scalable Prometheus - Charlie Le, Apple & Daniel Blando, Amazon Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Kubernetes SIG Storage: Intro & Deep Dive - Saad Ali & Michelle Au, Google; Xing Yang, VMware by Broadcom; Hemant Kumar, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
3:25pm MST
Cloud Native Storage: The CNCF Storage TAG Projects, Technology & Landscape - Alex Chircop, Akamai & Raffaele Spazzoli, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Elevate Your Kubernetes Policy Game with Kyverno! - Charles-Edouard Breteche, Nirmata; Lanting Chiang & Karen Tu, Robinhood Markets, Inc. Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Intro & Deep Dive - Kubernetes Infrastructure - Arnaud Meukam, Independent & Mahamed Ali, Cisco Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Kubernetes SIG Architecture Intro and Updates - John Belamaric, Google & David Eads, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
Peak Innovation and Cloud Tweaks: Falco’s Ongoing Runtime Security Development - Jason Dellaluce, Leonardo Grasso & Luca Guerra, Sysdig; Carlos Tadeu Panato Junior, Chainguard; Melissa Kilby, Apple Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
4:30pm MST
Fluent Bit: Better Pipelines for Observability - Eduardo Silva, Chronosphere Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Gateway API: What's New, What's Next? - Christine Kim & Nick Young, Isovalent at Cisco; Mattia Lavacca, Kong; Guilherme Cassolato, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Navigate Cross SIG Collaborations with SIG Docs - Rey Lejano & Savitha Raghunathan, Red Hat; Divya Mohan, SUSE; Xander Grzywinski, Microsoft Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Intro, Deep Dive & V1.0 Update - Charlie Egan, Styra Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Secure Release Processes with in-Toto Policy Verification - John Kjell, TestifySec & Aditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli, New York University Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
5:25pm MST
Longhorn: Intro, Deep Dive and Q+A - Phan Le, SUSE Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Scaling and Safeguarding the Heart of Kubernetes: Deep Dive Into etcd - Wenjia Zhang & Marek Siarkowicz, Google; James Blair, Red Hat; Ivan Valdes Castillo, Aki Technologies; Wei Fu, Microsoft Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Securing the Future of Ingress-Nginx - James Strong, Isovalent & Marco Ebert, Giant Swarm Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
The Path to Helm 4 - Matt Farina, SUSE & Andrew Block, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
What's New in SIG-Windows - Mark Rossetti, Microsoft & Aravindh Puthiyaparambil, Softdrive Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
11:00am MST
Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy CI with Zero Test Flakes - Antonio Ojea, Michelle Shepardson & Benjamin Elder, Google Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
Bloomberg's Journey to Manage Multi-Cluster Training Application with Karmada - Yifan Zhang & Wei-Cheng Lai, Bloomberg Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
CRI-O Features for Fun and Profit - Peter Hunt & Sohan Kunkerkar, Red Hat Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Discover CNCF TAG Runtime: From AI, WASM, OS, Edge to Workloads in the Heart of Salt Lake City - Stephen Rust, Akamai; Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Danielle Tal, Microsoft; Ricardo Aravena, TruEra Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Thanos: Intro and Updates - Ben Ye, Amazon Web Services Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
11:55am MST
2:00pm MST
Are Your Microservices Truly Scaling? A Framework for Unlocking the Stateful Backend - Matthew Penaroza, PingCAP Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
Contributing to Kubernetes in Its Second Decade - SIG ContribEx Style! - Kaslin Fields, Google; Priyanka Saggu, SUSE; Madhav Jivrajani, UIUC; Nabarun Pal, Independent Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
Exploring KubeEdge: Architecture, Use Cases, and Project Graduation Updates - Yin Ding, Google & Hongbing Zhang, Daocloud Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
KubeVirt: Enhancements and the Road Ahead - Vladik Romanovsky & David Vossel, Red Hat Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
Vitess: Introduction, New Features and Running in Production - Deepthi Sigireddi, PlanetScale; Derek Perkins, Nozzle; Sudhi Vijayakumar, Backblaze Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
2:55pm MST
Building a More Resilient Future with Advanced Cloud Provider Testing - Michael McCune, Red Hat & Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft Salt Palace | Level 3| 355 BC
CoreDNS Plugins: A Deep Dive - John Belamaric, Google & Yong Tang, Ivanti Hyatt Regency | Level 2 | Salt Lake Ballroom CDE
Nothing but NATS - Going Beyond Cloud Native - Byron Ruth & Kevin Hoffman, Synadia Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom BCD
Strimzi: Data Streaming on Kubernetes with Apache Kafka - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat & Yaodong Yang, Apple Salt Palace | Level 3 | 355 EF
What’s Going on in the Containerd Neighborhood? - Phil Estes, AWS; Samuel Karp, Google; Akihiro Suda, NTT; Michael Brown, IBM; Kirtana Ashok, Microsoft Hyatt Regency | Level 4 | Regency Ballroom A
4:00pm MST
4:55pm MST